View Full Version : PM 45 range report

05-09-2011, 03:23 PM
made to the range today with my new pm45. 210rds. fired and very happy to report zero malfunctions of any kind. prep work i did consisted of cleaning pistol. then i extended the bevel on the stripper rail, not the lead edge just a few thousands back toward the back of the slide. the previuos 2 pm45's i've had didn't have a bevel on stripper rail. then lubed the pistol and hand racked the slide probably about 1000 times fri thru yesterday evening. now i am very glad i stuck it out with all the problems i've had with previous 2 pistols, i guess 3rd. time is the charm, actually i believe the design changes kahr has made to the pm45 was the difference.

Bill K
05-09-2011, 03:39 PM
Glad to read your positive range report. That's good news.

Do you still have the first two PM45s? I'm wondering how you decided on a third PM45 if you had serious issues with your first two.

Bill K.

05-09-2011, 04:10 PM
i only have one pm45 it has been replaced twice. i have had many many problems with the first 2 pistols. all the problems i had are in other threads in the pm forum.

05-09-2011, 04:20 PM
I'm glad your gun works.

The part about it being replaced twice is a little misleading to the casual reader though. You had a special replacement deal with the guns distributor, who replaced it. From what I remember - Kahr didn't have a say in the matter, or have a chance to correct it.

If that's the case, what may have been an easily correctable item, was bypassed via the distributors arrangements.

All of that is GOOD for the consumer, but I'd hate for someone reading this to think that there were two irreparably defective pistols - along with the brand tarnish that it implies - when we don't really know if that was the case. Kahr has been known to cut the bevel on older slides as a corrective upgrade when the pistols were returned to the mother ship.

I dunno... correct me if I'm wrong with the facts on that, but I just hate to make it seem like Kahr's getting the black eye over replacement, when it might not have been needed.

05-09-2011, 04:27 PM
+10. we will never know. I am not convinced that the bevel is needed on the 45 where as all the other kahrs do not have this bevel and many 45 kahrs that are working fine do not have it. Very strange, for thoise who have odne the bevel when they had issues claim success. To bevel before u have any issues is not an indication of whether the bevel was needed or not IMO, I scratch my head over why some 45 kahrs do come with the bevel and some do not..

05-09-2011, 04:34 PM
my second pm45 made a trip back to kahr for repairs. kahr sent it back said they test fired everything was okay. when i got it back i went to the range and had same problems for which it went back to kahr. that's when the distributor left the decision up to me to either replace the pistol or send it back to kahr again for same problem.

05-09-2011, 04:53 PM
Horse of a different color then!


On that bevel... knowing just enough to be dangerous, I know that the slide barely moves back enough to engage a new round when firing, let alone let that round rise up to be pushed into the chamber by the slide. The bevel gives just a tiny bit more "effective" slide travel, and the virtue its shape helps when a slide is inserted into the frame when the slide is locked to the rear.

If someone said to me that the bevel was discovered to correct a quirk in the design that was poor arrangement for some shooters, I'd believe it.

-- Ya gotta remember... not all gun and shooter combinations are going to work, even though you might say its the gun, or the shooter. The classic example of lady shooters, with smaller hands, smaller muscles, weaker hands, shorter fingers... they have trouble with a lot of automatics. I know this, since I've trained well over 2500 students and got to see their problems first hand.

NOBODY likes someone to tell them "hey you shoot like a girl!". And I'm not saying that. What I am saying, not only for the sake of the OP, but for everyone... is that sometimes you get a model of gun that just does not suit some shooters, even though the majority of shooters have no difficulty. The 1911 is no exception - remember it had to have frame bevels and shorter triggers after its first outing. When you get a pistol that is essentially a thoroughbred, like the PM45, little things become bigger problems. No manufacturer wants to say "our gun may not be for everyone", but it also is a plus when they find ways to include more shooters into the pool of likely candidates to have no problems with their products. I think the bevel was exactly one of those fixes.

05-09-2011, 05:00 PM
evidently it was for all those who did it reported success. ur comments are so true. if a gun doesn't fit a person peddle it and find one that does, no reflection on the gun or shooter, Just one of those things..

I just have a hard ti thinkinhg kahr would send a gun back and saying nothingwas wrong, if indeed something was wrong and fixabloe while kthere. Makes no sense to me. Ihave said this before, whenI was a frequent poster on the kt fanboil club, I reember a kt techincian tell me and the forum that over 50% of all kt's send back have zero issues. i. e. shooter error. TRY TO TELL A SHOOTER THAT!!!!

05-09-2011, 05:15 PM
there were many problems with first 2 pistols,as i reported in other threads. as for kahr they didn't say that nothing was wrong with pistols. they made repairs then test fired and said everything was okay. as for bevel that was not the only change in design, i listed those in another thread. the reason for taking another .003" off bevel before going to range
when i inserted a loaded mag. into pistol the rim of cartridge still hit stripper rail. i know the problems pertaining to that from past expierence. last as i said i finally have a reliable pm45 and could not be happier. aparently i know nothing you guys are the know it all experts so goodbye as this is my final post.

05-09-2011, 05:25 PM
WOW!! u seem to wear your feeling on the end of ur sleeves. No one, at least I was not pointing fingers at you. U might try wearing short sleeve shirts to see if that helps any. IMO not worth getring worked up over and leaving the forum and we certainly don't want that but if you must go, enjoy ur trip where ever u go., and may your PM45 stay with u.

Bill K
05-09-2011, 05:32 PM

Please, in no way were my questions to you meant to in anyway disrespect you or offend you. Please accept my sincere apology if they in anyway did feel that way to you.

Bill K.

05-09-2011, 05:32 PM
I know how Oso feels and hope he reconsiders leaving and sticks around. I've resorted to wearing nothing but wife beater tank tops. They go so well with my spare tire and no sleeves to get my feelings hung up on.

05-09-2011, 09:41 PM
evidently it was for all those who did it reported success. ur comments are so true. if a gun doesn't fit a person peddle it and find one that does, no reflection on the gun or shooter, Just one of those things..

I just have a hard ti thinkinhg kahr would send a gun back and saying nothingwas wrong, if indeed something was wrong and fixabloe while kthere. Makes no sense to me. Ihave said this before, whenI was a frequent poster on the kt fanboil club, I reember a kt techincian tell me and the forum that over 50% of all kt's send back have zero issues. i. e. shooter error. TRY TO TELL A SHOOTER THAT!!!!

I knew a guy named Paul once, who did some light duty as rangekeeper for our range - and his claim to fame it seemed was he could get just about any autoloader to work. If we needed to er... show someone.... that the gun was ok, it went to Paul to demonstrate!

Hey meant no disrespect to the OP here... he's ok, sad he had problems. but its also evident that Kahr put that bevel there for a reason. I think there is also some credibility that the Kahr tech shot the gun, and it worked, so no further mods were done. That does not mean it would work for the owner! Somehow, someway, they got into putting that little bevel there, and I bet that came from the bottom up - techs doing it, and finally having that mod reach production.

Now if they'd only do something about that sharp slide edge at the port... jeeze.

05-09-2011, 09:43 PM
I know how Oso feels and hope he reconsiders leaving and sticks around. I've resorted to wearing nothing but wife beater tank tops. They go so well with my spare tire and no sleeves to get my feelings hung up on.

also good when you ride the Harley thru the local brushless carwash. Just lift yer arms as you go thru, and get the monthly bath "for free"!!

05-09-2011, 09:45 PM
are u referrig to Harley riders as dirt bags. I resemble that. I wash weekly whether I need it or not!!!

05-12-2011, 03:04 PM
To the OP, it seems as if the majority of posts on most forums are about problems and grumbling...

I truly enjoy posts about 'things working right', had a great range session, my dog does NOT have fleas, my cat is knocked up, etc!

Please, please reconsider your decision... This is coming from one new member to another! While not new to guns, I am new on this forum. I may lurk more than I post, but that is slowly changing.

In other words, we all have something to add here, and I would bet that you have some stuff that others may learn about.

Thanks for listening / reading.


ps: I do not own a Harley, so I can not comment in good faith about driving it thru a car wash with my arms up... Hope there was no hot wax! Yeow!

05-12-2011, 03:07 PM
Very well said billpocz. Absolute truth too.

05-12-2011, 07:19 PM
I resemble that.

yer not alone then!