View Full Version : New PM9 was great! 210 flawless rounds.

05-10-2011, 06:28 PM
I'm a long time Glock fan but was looking for a small pocketable single stack 9. I didn't look at the Kimber solo due to bad reports and price. The sig p290 seemed nice but just too fat for my taste. The Ruger LC9 seemed great but it was just a tad to big for my pockets to carry. Finally, I decided on the most glock-like of the bunch the PM9.

Having read all there is to read about the PM9, I expected some problems during the "breakin" period, but still was hoping things would go smoothly. After cleaning my new PM9 and giving it my standard glock-style lubing, I took it to the range to break in. I put 210 rounds of mixed FMJ and Hollowpoint ammo through it in the course of about 45 min. I made sure to lock the slide back, then insert the mag and then release the slide via the slide release rather than my standard slingshot method. The little Kahr fired all 210 rounds without a single hiccup!

The recoil was very mild for such a small pistol and quite honestly was more pleasant to shoot than my G27! The only thing I need to experiment now is some malfunction drills... I'm just worried that my usual tap-rack and bang drill may lead to problems since I won't be locking the slide back and using the slide release. I'll post more once I've tried.

Anyway, I'm a very happy camper so far!

05-10-2011, 06:39 PM
Your a happy camper, we're all happy campers.

After a few rounds your kahr will handle the customary tap, rack, bang thing just fine. If you do it correctly it won't give you any issues. They are tight and a bit unforgiving in that area but rack it like you mean it and don't ride the slide and you'll do just fine.

Some are hard at first but get better with time. My PM45 slingshotted fine right out of the box.


05-10-2011, 07:02 PM
hamster, u won't have any issues. kahrs are tight but they are hand rackable, especially to someone who has been around guns. My PM9 was tight as hell at firsat and I could not hand rack it reliabliy but after many rounds down range the gun smoothed out alot and I also got to know it better to. U and the gun just need to get to know each other and nothing better than what you did today ROUNDS DOWN RANGE.

super nice report

05-10-2011, 07:40 PM
Welcome to the forum hamster. Glad your new PM9 performed so well for you.

Joe L
05-10-2011, 10:35 PM
I love reading all the good reports on the PM9 and CM9 pistols! And I'm a SIG guy.

05-11-2011, 05:37 AM
I just got one myself for pretty much the exact same reasons you listed. Mine has been flawless thus far as well.

As for slingshotting - my guess is that it'll be fine if you slingshot properly and don't ride the slide at all when it's going forward. SO many people do that (it's been a rampant problem in many classes I've taken) - I bet Kahr is just reducing warranty calls by stating that you should use the slide release.

05-11-2011, 07:20 AM
I love reading all the good reports on the PM9 and CM9 pistols! And I'm a SIG guy.

u don't want to shoot one of those cm9 or PM9== x-sig guy:blah:

05-11-2011, 09:40 AM
Hey..... I am a Sig lover, and also own a smooth running Ed Brown Massad Ayoob 1911 ..... but due the their small size, carry ease and new found reliability, I have been lured to the Kahr side of town.
For years, I have passed on the Glock pistols ..... but the new Kahr firearms seem very inviting. Looking into the PM45 .... :w00t:

I am also very impressed by the Kahr Talk Forum. :cool:

05-11-2011, 10:06 AM
I'm a long time Glock fan but was looking for a small pocketable single stack 9.

Welcome to the club! I love my PM9.

05-11-2011, 11:42 AM
Hey..... I am a Sig lover, and also own a smooth running Ed Brown Massad Ayoob 1911 ..... but due the their small size, carry ease and new found reliability, I have been lured to the Kahr side of town.
For years, I have passed on the Glock pistols ..... but the new Kahr firearms seem very inviting. Looking into the PM45 .... :w00t:

I am also very impressed by the Kahr Talk Forum. :cool:

ur a 45 fan, no sense in me telling u to buy buy the cm9 (if u can find one) or the PM9, both pocketable, alot of firepower and u don't know your carrying it.

It's a great kahr talk forum, if we can keep Bawanna straight:third: He is oour kahr talk hordog!!!!:32::32:

05-11-2011, 01:44 PM
Thanks for the info jocko. I'm not set on any particular caliber, just like pistols that are easy to carry, conceal, and are reliable..... :) If the PM45 is small and light enough, I was considering it over the PM9. Either model is being considered ........ that's why I'm here ..... to learn from Kahr owners ......... :biggrin1:

05-11-2011, 02:20 PM
Congrats on your new PM9..............

05-11-2011, 03:29 PM
Congrats, Hamster.

Love to hear about successful first range outings.

Come to think of it, I never posted mine. I'll have to do that soon... 850+ flawless rounds and counting.