View Full Version : Hog hunting

05-11-2011, 03:05 PM
Saw this on another gun forum. Awesome hog hunting from a helicopter: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/81491467/

(Actually it is more pest control than hunting.)

05-11-2011, 05:13 PM
I understand the need for pest eradication because the feral hog is a destructive creature indeed.I`ve hunted wild boar in the marshland outside of Savannah but not from a helicopter.We used dogs and were on the ground,in the middle of the fight.Quite an adrenaline rush to say the least.I had wanted to hunt a hog that way ever since I was twelve.I finally got my wish at 41.I wouldn`t trade that memory for a pretty.His head is hanging over my fireplace and the rest of him digested beautifully.It actually makes me a little sad to see those hogs killed by a guy in a helicopter but I understand the need for it.As the trailer stated,all those kills were just from one farm.There isn`t any shortage of feral hogs and there isn`t going to be one anytime soon.

05-11-2011, 05:18 PM
Kind of the way I felt to Dietrich. A little sad. I'd probably be a little less sad if I was the guy in the helicopter pulling the trigger I guess. I'm not real nuts about flying machines with wings that go faster than the fuselage but I guess they work.
As you say, I doubt any kind of fair chase hunt would eliminate them fast enough. Be fun to have a high tower (wheelchair accessible of course) and do like long range varmint hunting. People would pay to play but again not nearly fast enough for the farmers.

05-11-2011, 05:24 PM
Not hunting at all, but as Dietrich said it's pest eradication. I just hope the meat was processed and turned over to food banks or homeless shelters or somewhere where it could do some good. Be a damn shame if it just went to waste.

05-11-2011, 05:37 PM
Feral hogs are indeed pests, and need to be eradicated. I was watching several shows, on Hist channel I believe, about private, and fed wildlife officers hunting these critters.
One episode was in Hawaii, where hogs had completely destroyed a fairway on a local golf course, as well as terrorizing players. The fairway looked like a farmer had turned the ground with a plow.
Another was in Texas on a start-up vineyard, where 3 yr old vines (roots),were a favorite tasty treat. Thay could wipe out a vineyard in a single night.
The last one was in Florida, on a national nature preserve. The hogs were eating sea turtle eggs as fast as they were laid, to the point of almost exterminating the species, as well as destroying native vegetation.
Maybe there needs to be a bounty on them, if there isn't already.

05-11-2011, 09:22 PM
While I hate to see any animal killed needlessly, feral hogs are like rats, only 1,000 times larger.

05-11-2011, 09:35 PM
Anytime I hear of helicopters used with animals... I get this weird flashback to Jim wrestling something, in order to save it from some natural disaster, while Marlin carefully observes from the safety of the helicopter....

05-11-2011, 09:37 PM
Aaah yes, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. With Marlin Perkins. Happy memories.

05-12-2011, 07:32 AM
Aaah yes, Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom. With Marlin Perkins. Happy memories.
I remember one episode when Marlin`s buddy [Jim?] jumped on a giant anaconda.Marlin,of course,was doing the voiceover and as the snake was wrapping itself around Jim and squeezing the life out of him,Marlin said,"Oh,looks like Jim is in a little trouble."My buddies and I were rolling on the floor,screaming with laughter because Ol` Jim was in a LOT of trouble.Finally,they got enough natives to free Jim and the episode went on but I`ll never forget that dry narrative by Marlin.Priceless!!

05-12-2011, 07:36 AM
"Hang in there Jim, be a man!! Right now is a good time to mention that Jim has life insurance from Mutual of Omaha...."


Watch out guys, we are dating ourselves. ;) Keeping this on the subject of Kahr, what Jim really needed was a Desert Eagle for those situations....

05-12-2011, 09:14 AM
We still use that saying at work when something crappy comes up." I will say in the Jeep ,while you go wrestle that alligator"

05-12-2011, 09:37 AM
Hog killing is the most fun I've had with a handgun yet.
What's shown on TV is true, you can grab a pigs back legs (not me:o), as long as the dogs are on 'em, as a pig cannot turn his head much.

I hunted with dogs and dog handlers, on horse back, with the only person on the ground was me.
Before you hunt the do's and don't's are explained and you are video'd stating you do not hold anyone liable.

The dogs bayed the pig, and I got as close as I wanted, the handler (on a horse) cracked a bull whip, the dogs signal to back off.
The pig starts looking around for something to bite and will hone in on any sound you make.

Luckily, wetting your pants is silent, and you better shoot before he charges.
And shoot again if you miss...takes double tap to a new meaning.

05-12-2011, 11:18 AM
On my hunt,it was in tall marsh grass with practically zero visability.You had to wait for the dogs and the hog to beat the grass down enough so you could see what was what.When the handler called off the dogs the hog was within 10 feet of me.He turned to charge but the .30.30 slug I fired into his heart and lungs changed his mind.If I ever go again I plan to carry a .357 handgun instead of a rifle.It would be much easier to handle.

05-12-2011, 12:48 PM
Yep, my friend brought his deer rifle and was so close could not see the pig in his scope.
After the whip crack, I watched, from the swamp buggy, as he raised and lowered that rifle until that pig charged him.
Just before it got to him, he shot it in the flank, "from the hip", with the rifle, and it turned.
I saw a pig charge a horse and the horse turned and ran.

Lots of fun there, a cooler full of meat, and I later sold the mount to a local bar, which paid for the hunt and mount!

05-12-2011, 12:58 PM
Having spent more than a few mornings trapped in the corn crib cornered by a mean ole domestic hog until grandpa came to rescue me (at his leisure) I can imagine how awnry a wild hog could be. More than a few farmers get knocked down and killed by domestics. Not to be taken lightly.
Good time to have that Mutual of Omaha insurance.

Course it's the best fun to hunt something that can hunt you right back. Always wanted to hunt Cape Buffalo. Sort of a hog hunt on steroids. Col Cooper was quite enamored by it and lived for it.

I suspect a good Grizzly hunt would be the same.

05-12-2011, 04:28 PM
I truly believe with all my heart that the most dangerous creature you can hunt is the female of the human species.:eek::eek:

05-12-2011, 04:30 PM
Quick! Everyone to the root cellar. Dietrich just pushed the button.

05-12-2011, 05:32 PM
In the speel before the hunt the guide told us not to turn our back and run, but instead stand still when charged...and step to the side when he's within 3 feet because pigs can't turn quick.
Sure I'll do that, after my guns empty maybe.

headin' for the cellar now,

05-12-2011, 05:40 PM
In the speel before the hunt the guide told us not to turn our back and run, but instead stand still when charged...and step to the side when he's within 3 feet because pigs can't turn quick.
Sure I'll do that, after my guns empty maybe.

headin' for the cellar now,

Always sounds good in the prehunt. Take a brave man to stand there with a pig charging ya. I expect it's sound advice if you can stand there till they get close.

We've no doubt all seen the african lion hunter that stood his ground and continued to shoot right till the lion knocked him over and then ran off. Now that ole boy had some guts he did. I'll be waiting in the truck you go track that lion, hog, Buffalo..........

See ya in the cellar

05-14-2011, 09:41 AM
I remember a time when I was getting bounties on them (even years ago, and yes they still have them depending on where you go around here) I had a 308 enfield that had about 8 rounds left, and my ole man and I were clearing this farm. When I go out to the field, I always have a pistol as well as reloads for everything I'm carrying. After lunch that day we were slowing down a bit, and I came across a hog that saw me. I pop him with the 308 from about 60 yards (west Tx gotta love it), he got mad at that. I pop him 7 more times, throw that rifle down and switch to my old Springfield 1911 that I used to have, and dump 9 rounds of black talon into him as he charges. He finally keels over as I'm reaching for a reload, and he slides and knocks me leg out from under me. Messed up part was that I could see that I was getting good hits every time I pulled the trigger (pink mist coming from where it was supposed to). After I changed my huggies, we did a field autopsy, and found that I hit him with good solid hits (the insides were just about liquidy), he just didn't know he was supposed to be dead. I like that helicopter idea a little, pest control just took on a new meaning.