View Full Version : PM9 Magazine Baseplate Help Needed

05-11-2011, 10:28 PM
I'm going to be ordering my PM9 tomorrow or Friday (I hope) and can't seem to find anything I like for a magazine baseplate. I've searched the first 15 pages of this forum and found a great modified A&G extender, but I think the work is a little out of my league. The metal factory baseplate on the 6 round mag is fine, and I'd consider adding a Pearce baseplate if it were checkered to match the grip, but is there anything you can do with the 7 round mag except the A&G piece? I'll agree with many that the 7 round mag is about the worst looking mag I've ever seen for any gun, is there a product out there that makes it look better? Thanks in advance for any help!

05-12-2011, 05:14 AM
...I'd consider adding a Pearce baseplate if it were checkered to match the grip, but is there anything you can do with the 7 round mag except the A&G piece? I'll agree with many that the 7 round mag is about the worst looking mag I've ever seen for any gun, is there a product out there that makes it look better? Thanks in advance for any help!

I use the Pearce on my PM9. I don't think there is enough surface area on this to allow it to be checkered. I have 2 of the six round magazines: one with the Pearce and one without. There are strong advantages for both configurations IMHO. In my Kangaroo Carry rig the grip extension helps you anchor your hand on the gun while drawing it. For pocket carry the flat baseplate is a little better for me.

I'm not the expert on what's available to "perfume the pig" so to speak on the seven round magazine. I only use mine when I'm on the range; when I'm carrying the gun I always use the six round magazines. Personal preference.