View Full Version : Last round ejection issue advice please
05-13-2011, 04:52 PM
new parts include:
extractor and spring
recoil spring and guide
striker block spring
striker spring
extractor pin front
3 magazines:
#1 and #2 came with the gun and have new followers and springs(6 round)
#3 is a brand new 7 round mag
on the last round of mags 1 & 2 will extract but won't eject. it gets jammed in the mag making it hard or imposible to drop the mag. has to be pulled out with pointer finger and than i can drop the mag. its like the round tries going under the ejector???
mag #3 the last round will extract and eject but the slide wont lock to the rear.
this is the only issue i seem to be having with the gun now. what is your advice? i have tried 5 brands of ammo and every one is the exact same issue.
should i try a new ejector and would that be too hard to replace for a weekend gunsmither? i replaced all the above parts myself with no issue. kahr said that i would have to pay the cost to fix the gun because i bought it used. WTF really pisses me off they said that. and i don't want to pay shipping both ways, labor and parts. some insight please
05-13-2011, 05:15 PM
go to wolffs and order tghe 5% extra strenghth magazine springs, this could solve your issue. Seem to me like in theory anyway, the round is not getting pushed up fast enough for the slide to pick it up. doesnt make sense as new magas should have great spring sin them. recheck to see if the mag springsw are in correctly. One wold think if it was an extractor issue that it would reproduce itself alot and not on just the last round.
Indeed replace the recoil spring, start fresh from there. no leave the ejector alone, not an easy take dwon and that shold not be causing the issue at all.
If I understand right, u have since ut in al lthe above parts new??? and still the same thing is happening. Only thing left woud be the 5% stronger magazine spring but IMO not sure it will help . How long have u had the gun???Haveu let someone else shoot it that is a good shooter. if they can duplicate what you are having then it is gun related. U need to eliminate all the possable and by replacing allthe abouve partsw, u have a heh of a good start towards that.
If u just bought the gun, will the dealer take it back and send it in for you, that would save u big bucks..
05-13-2011, 05:38 PM
on the last round of mags 1 & 2 will extract but won't eject. it gets jammed in the mag making it hard or imposible to drop the mag. has to be pulled out with pointer finger and than i can drop the mag. its like the round tries going under the ejector???
mag #3 the last round will extract and eject but the slide wont lock to the rear.
this is the only issue i seem to be having with the gun now. what is your advice? i have tried 5 brands of ammo and every one is the exact same issue.
...some insight please
Here's what worked for me:
05-13-2011, 06:16 PM
yes i replaced all the parts i listed. i have had the gun for about a month and it is used.
mag springs are in correctly... and i was thinking the same thing as far as only ejecting problem is the last round. seems to be a mag issue maybe.
to second post: that is the exact problem i am having and i think i will try that modification to the mag
05-13-2011, 06:19 PM
all though this doesnt solve the problem of mag #3 with the slide not locking to the rear. i wonder if the wolf spring would solve that mag issue?
05-13-2011, 06:35 PM
u might have a slide that is out of spec enouogh to be causing some of these issues. Of which if u try everything with no luck then it does need to go back to kahr.
Do u know how old the gun is. by checking the kahr serial number thing in the kahr tech section It should get u close.
I would think if the gun has to go back that kahr might share the shipping expense and pay to send it back. A polite phone call will tell you that. I will PM u with soe advice
Why am I thinking recoil spring here... the "non-last" rounds hit the round under them, keeping clear of things. I'm wondering if extraction is excessively fast. Just a thought.
Check the little metal pin on the 7rd magazine?
05-13-2011, 07:46 PM
recoil spring is brand new and the serial number indicates the gun being made in 2006.
what am i checking when looking at the pin on the 7 round mag?
05-13-2011, 07:49 PM
he is referring to the magazine follower and if it is indeed hitting that slide lock lever andraising it upward. We have seen some that actually came loose from the follower and caused things to happen.
u have replaced about everythiing BUT the slide lock lever springhy. I kcan tellyou if it matters any that about 3 weeks ago I was shooting my trusty PM9 with overf 31,000 rounds through it and never an issue and always a slide lock on last round. that day my slide refuse dto lock open on last round. After Icame back form the shooting session I checkedover that little springhy and to me it looked OK. I replaaced it asI had a new one in parts, thinking "what the hell" why not. It has not malfunctioned again. so somehow I must have managed to get that little springhy alittle out of whack in my over 300 times of taking the gun apart.
I would definitely replace that little springhy and for sure go to GB 6491 pictorial that Bawanna advised you to see look up. It shows in perfect detail how to do it with ease.
05-13-2011, 08:04 PM
he is referring to the magazine follower and if it is indeed hitting that slide lock lever andraising it upward. We have seen some that actually came loose from the follower and caused things to happen.
u have replaced about everythiing BUT the slide lock lever springhy. I kcan tellyou if it matters any that about 3 weeks ago I was shooting my trusty PM9 with overf 31,000 rounds through it and never an issue and always a slide lock on last round. that day my slide refuse dto lock open on last round. After Icame back form the shooting session I checkedover that little springhy and to me it looked OK. I replaaced it asI had a new one in parts, thinking "what the hell" why not. It has not malfunctioned again. so somehow I must have managed to get that little springhy alittle out of whack in my over 300 times of taking the gun apart.
I would definitely replace that little springhy and for sure go to GB 6491 pictorial that Bawanna advised you to see look up. It shows in perfect detail how to do it with ease.
is it this spring?
and are you talking about doing the mag modification to mags #1 and #2 that GB6491 posted a link to?
05-14-2011, 07:29 AM
does wolff make +5% mag srpings for the 45? i cant find them on the website
05-14-2011, 07:59 AM
i think ur right, nothing for the 45s yet but whatu can do is go to the colt section and buy their +5 spring for the round count of your agazine. they will work perfectly
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