View Full Version : Two Silent Thunders & Two Bangers

05-13-2011, 08:29 PM
Okay, old Willieboy has some more of his bloody holster pictures. I know what you're thinking, "The man is just weird, buying all these holsters!" However, I liked the Silent Thunder for the PM9 so much I ordered one for the G26. It arrived today after being lost in the deep, black abyss of the USPS for a few days. Both carry well in the AIWB position. Naturally the increased thickness of the G26 is noticeable, but the holster does a good job of keeping it hidden away. The Silent Thunder holsters are really nicely made guys. If you haven't tried one, you owe it to yourself.

Here are some pics.



05-14-2011, 08:39 AM
Silent Thunders are on the pricy side, but you just can't beat leather lined kydex. I have two ST Champions for my IDPA rigs. I got my ST holsters through Tucker. There was some strange Garrett-Tucker split recently so Tucker isn't making the ST holsters anymore, but will still do leather lined kydex for his Answer holsters.

Big +1 on these holsters.

05-14-2011, 11:03 AM
Willieboy, looks great!

On your PM holster, did you have them reshape the area where the slide lock release button enters the holster? Looking at your pics, it looks like you did.

I've noticed on mine, that if you reholster the gun with the grip canted down and then rock the gun forward to it's final holstered position. Then the release button doesn't tear up the leather lining at the top of the holster which seems to be the case if you reholster vertically.

05-14-2011, 11:23 AM
Silent Thunders are on the pricy side, but you just can't beat leather lined kydex. I have two ST Champions for my IDPA rigs. I got my ST holsters through Tucker. There was some strange Garrett-Tucker split recently so Tucker isn't making the ST holsters anymore, but will still do leather lined kydex for his Answer holsters.

Big +1 on these holsters.
Not really a strange split, just quiet. Garrett always has manufactured the Silent Thunder and had a marketing arrangement with Tucker. When Tucker sold his business, Garrett took back the marketing. They have been around a while, mostly marketing to the military. It was their work that finally figured out how to make leather stick to Kydex and they hold the patent for it.

They are good folks and on the up & up so don't hesitate to buy from them. Their products are first rate and they stand behind them 100%.

05-14-2011, 12:24 PM
72guy, no I didn't have them reshape anything. I read somewhere the problem to which you refer has been corrected by a design change. My holsters are absolutely stock.

Old Lincoln, regarding how nice the Garretts are to work with, my holster (G26) was lost in the mail and I'd given up hope of ever receiving it. I called Sheryl Garrett and asked if they had any recourse against the USPS. She said she would follow up with the post office on her end and if the holster could not be found, they would make another for me, even though the problem was not of their making.

05-14-2011, 05:39 PM
do you mean where the extractor rubs? they have apparently recently modified their PM9 pattern to make them a bit wider in that area. mine rubbed at first, i took a low power soldering iron and held it 1/2" under the kydex for about a minute then used a pen to pry that area out just a bit. it was pretty easy.

05-14-2011, 11:36 PM
do you mean where the extractor rubs? they have apparently recently modified their PM9 pattern to make them a bit wider in that area. mine rubbed at first, i took a low power soldering iron and held it 1/2" under the kydex for about a minute then used a pen to pry that area out just a bit. it was pretty easy.
Another easy method is to pull the gun out about 1/2" and heat the Kydex with a hair dryer on low and form the notch all the way out. Doesn't take a lot of heat. In fact, I don't recommend leaving any Kydex holster on your dash in the summer.