View Full Version : New MK9 -- Purchase and First Impressions

05-14-2011, 12:23 AM
Bought an MK9 a short while ago on gunbroker from the best vendor I've dealt with on the internet (and I buy everything online, from guns to electronics, etc). His name is Jason Pruett, of J&J Guns in Arkansas (http://www.jandjguns.com/). Paid $656 shipped and paid with credit card without any fee/price increase. Communication, shipping speed, and service were the best, bar none. To give you some context, I have purchased firearms from Buds as well (and have been very satisfied with my transactions with them). But Jason's personal service and excellent communication (along with his excellent prices and payment policies) put him in a class of his own. Bottom line: highly recommended.

Finally completed the firearm registration process (I live in DC where politicians--until the SCOTUS forced their hand--liked us completely defenseless and unprotected) and picked up my MK9 today. Wow! At first blush, I am quite impressed by its (apparent) finish and build quality. And it's just great looking! Disassembled, cleaned, and lubed it per the Kahrtalk lube chart, and am looking forward to a range session tomorrow morning. Might even complete the 200rd FMJ break-in tomorrow...Will come back for follow-up post.

As a sidenote, this is the second firearm I register successfully in our Nation's capital, so feel free to throw any questions my way if you are a DC resident and thinking of going through the process (or are just curious).


05-14-2011, 06:02 AM
last week I traded a PM9 for an MK9. What I gave up in ease of carry I made up for in ease of shooting. IMO, it's still a piece of cake to pocket carry, even with the additional 8oz. It's a MUCH softer shooter than the PM9, though and has been more accurate. Good luck with your MK.....I'm liking mine.

05-14-2011, 08:54 AM
Hey dss07!

Welcome to the forum! We look forward to hearing more about your adventures in Foggy Bottom! :D

05-14-2011, 02:50 PM
Welcome DSS and enjoy your new MK. They are beautiful pistols to be sure.

05-14-2011, 04:21 PM
Great gun I love mine.

I am glad you are no long complete unarmed in DC.

Tough town.

05-14-2011, 08:15 PM
Congrats, you are going to love it. Let us know after your range time how you did.

05-14-2011, 08:21 PM
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Combination of Winchester and Federal FMJ
FTF: 2
FTE: 4 (all stovepipes)
No failures to return to battery

Fantastic weapon so far. A few points for context: this is my first sub-compact handgun, so I am still getting used to grip dynamics, etc. It is also my first Kahr (my other firearm is an M&P), so there is also a trigger and sight picture learning curve. Having said this, I am very please so far (have not completed the manufacturer suggested break-in period).

FAILURES: While I am not used to failures of any kind (my M&P has never had any malfunctions in thousands of rounds), I am still well within Kahr's break-in period and cannot honestly rule out shooter error (see context points above re: grip, trigger, etc). Also, the failures were random and infrequent enough to not suggest part problems (at least at this point).

ACCURACY: I'm struggling here, especially at distances beyond 15 feet. Again, however, I cannot in good conscience attribute it to the gun. I think more trigger time will help me get used to the trigger pull (long, smooth no break) and sight alignment/picture. On a related note, I think that, once mastered, I will be a Kahr trigger and sight convert. I find that I like the long, smooth trigger pull, and that the dot-the-i sight configuration allows for quicker acquisition. On this last point, I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on proper sight picture/alignment in Kahrs.

I will supplement this report after completing the break-in, which might very well happen tomorrow...


05-14-2011, 08:44 PM
I'm a Kahr newb too, but I can tell you that after almost 500 rounds through my MK9, I'm getting much better in the accuracy department. The trigger was very new to me, and awkward even though smooth. But I'm learning to like it. Keep shooting!

I have 3 dot sights so I cannot help you there.

05-14-2011, 08:45 PM
Thanks, xaman.

05-14-2011, 08:48 PM
last week I traded a PM9 for an MK9. What I gave up in ease of carry I made up for in ease of shooting. IMO, it's still a piece of cake to pocket carry, even with the additional 8oz. It's a MUCH softer shooter than the PM9, though and has been more accurate. Good luck with your MK.....I'm liking mine.

Could not agree more. I find this gun very shootable and recoil is on par with it's caliber. I even find it less snappy than the larger P9.

And I think I am an all-steel convert now. Love the look and feel of it over polymer.

05-16-2011, 11:22 AM
Completed second range session and break-in yesterday. 140 rounds fired (270 total rounds after two sessions). 3 FTE (7 total after two sessions).

The first two malfunctions happened within the 200 round break-in period. They also happened in +1 mags where the first round (chambered) would fire but the second (added after chambering first) created malfunction. Not sure, then, if malfunctions were shooter induced by improperly loading the top round into mag. Has anyone else encountered this issue?

The third malfunction happened well after completing the break-in, but I cannot rule out shooter error, as I was pretty tired by that time and could have limp-wristed.

Finally, I have noticed that, in attempting to clear the malfunctions, racking slide too forcefully would eject the casing but would also eject the next round. If I racked the slide with less force would yield one of two results: it would not clear the failed casing at all, or it would barely clear but cause a feeding malfunction with next round. Any thoughts or experience with this?

On a more positive note, I absolutely LOVE this gun. While still cautiously optimistic about the malfunctions, I love its fit, finish and feel, and my accuracy improved greatly as I continue to get used to the sight picture and trigger.


05-16-2011, 11:56 AM
To answer that area, dump the +1 mags, and go with the standard 6 rounders. What seems to happen (more in the PM series) is that somehow or other the shooter is putting some kind of odd pressure on that magazine extension (this per Kahr, search the archives to find it, or wait a minute until some one else finds it for you). Then for the oddities with chambering, I would check the magazine follower for any cracks, and replace the spring with a +5-10% from Wolf's. If that doesn't cure it, then move to the extractor spring, and extractor.

06-13-2011, 12:49 PM
I recently purchased a p380 from J&J Firearms(Gunbroker). I agree with the OP. Great service, fast shipping, good price, no CC fee!
P.S. I also love my p380!

06-13-2011, 04:20 PM
Just recently got a MK40 Elite.
My 200 round break in was flawless with Winchester LE HP Bonded Rangers.
Fired a variety of Winchester and Speer 135/155/165/180, including
"Big Mouth Bass HP" Speer Short Barrel 180s, with no troubles.
MKs should eat anything you feed them after break in.
Have heard rumors of "hit and miss" mags causing reliability problems.

I also have Night Sights.
Did have combat sights on my Sig P239 and shot badly until
I upgraded to three dot night sights. Just what I normally use.

Good Luck!

07-08-2011, 07:02 PM
Just recently got a MK40 Elite.
My 200 round break in was flawless with Winchester LE HP Bonded Rangers.
Fired a variety of Winchester and Speer 135/155/165/180, including
"Big Mouth Bass HP" Speer Short Barrel 180s, with no troubles.
MKs should eat anything you feed them after break in.
Have heard rumors of "hit and miss" mags causing reliability problems.

I also have Night Sights.
Did have combat sights on my Sig P239 and shot badly until
I upgraded to three dot night sights. Just what I normally use.

Good Luck!

Pics of the Elite, please :)

07-30-2011, 11:06 AM
I got a MK9 Elite in May of this year, intending to use it with my new carry permit.

It's a beautiful piece mechanically and in appearance, so that part I like a lot. Being all stainless it is a bit heavier than I would like for everyday carry, but that is a trade-off that I am still contemplating (maybe for another post).

I've shot it twice now and have put 300-400 rounds through it, and while it has been perfect mechanically, I was dismayed that I can't seem to hit anything with it, or even achieve a good degree of consistency. I'm not an expert, but I've shot quite a few handguns of various types and calibers, and this is the only one that makes me doubt my ability.

One other person pointed out that the trigger takes some getting used to and practice, so I'm going to work on that.

But I also discovered that the sights are off, as received new in the box. Not sure why I didn't notice this right away, but now that I have examined it carefully, I can see that the front sight is not absolutely centered on the frame or the barrel, which might account for some of my issues especially on a piece like this with such a short sight radius.

I know that Kahr sights can be adjusted in their dovetail grooves, but are really tight, so others have recommended getting a special tool to do this (or use a gunsmith or send back to Kahr).

07-30-2011, 11:46 AM
Pics of the Elite, please :)

07-30-2011, 12:02 PM
Being all stainless it is a bit heavier than I would like for everyday carry, but that is a trade-off that I am still contemplating

The trick for me with concealed carry of a 25 oz pistol is a good reinforced belt.
There are lots of belts out there.
And I've tried a few.
For me the perfect belt is a Galco SB1.
It's flexible, comfortable and good looking.
A little bit expensive. But you get what you pay for.

BTW, and I don't know why, lot's of products are cheaper third party than from the manufacturer.

07-30-2011, 12:09 PM
I know that Kahr sights can be adjusted in their dovetail grooves, but are really tight, so others have recommended getting a special tool to do this (or use a gunsmith or send back to Kahr).

I recommend letting Kahr fix it.

07-30-2011, 12:22 PM
I recommend letting Kahr fix it.

+1 on that.
My Elite shot perfect from the factory.
So should yours.

The DOA trigger took a little getting use to just because of the travel.
But in 20/30 rounds I was loving the glassy clean break.

07-31-2011, 01:36 PM
I agree - one should expect it to come perfect from the factory. Every other item in my little collection (which includes Berettas, Brownings and Kimbers) did.

Getting the sights aligned correctly should be just as much of the manufacturing process as making sure all of the other parts fit correctly.

I'm mulling over the prospect of sending it back. Kahr says it takes "2 to 3 weeks" which isn't a problem for me, but somehow I don't like the idea of sending it in. But I also don't like the inaccuracy, which won't fix itself. I think I'll contact Kahr and see what they have to say.

07-31-2011, 03:36 PM
I agree - one should expect it to come perfect from the factory. Every other item in my little collection (which includes Berettas, Brownings and Kimbers) did.

Getting the sights aligned correctly should be just as much of the manufacturing process as making sure all of the other parts fit correctly.

I'm mulling over the prospect of sending it back. Kahr says it takes "2 to 3 weeks" which isn't a problem for me, but somehow I don't like the idea of sending it in. But I also don't like the inaccuracy, which won't fix itself. I think I'll contact Kahr and see what they have to say.

Sending guns in the mail makes me uncomfortable too.
Still, I sent slide only to Sig Sauer for night sights and everything went well.
Only problem I had was that regular UPS stores won't ship handguns.
Not even parts. You have to go to a UPS hub (distribution center) for that.
And they don't have the same packaging options as the regular stores.
So it's a good idea to package it before you go to ship.
The strangeness is the regular UPS stores can receive, but not ship!?!

Moral to this story is it's a good idea to check with Kahr, and the shipper, before you attempt shipping.

07-31-2011, 04:33 PM
An alternative is to schedule pickup. I got an online account and printed up the label after filling out the forms and paying with a CC online. Box it yourself and let them pick it up for a fee... UPS or FedEx.
For me, shipping ammo, I had to drive 20 miles across town to the outskirts, taking about an hour each way and a good three gallons of gas... no savings there and a PITA. The next time, I paid for and scheduled home pickup for $7 something more, saving gas and my TIME. You have to be home for the pickup, though.
For guns, specifically Kahrs, all but one have been pickups at my home by FedEx, with labels emailed from Kahr. I once scheduled a Kahr return and FedEx didn't show. An hour after the appointed time, I called and found that I HADN"T scheduled pickup, so I had to drive about 19 miles each way to the airport to drop it off before 8:30 PM that FRIDAY evening... the latest that I could find in town. That was MY screw up, though.
Guns can only be shipped certain ways, though. I haven't paid for shipping one and haven't used UPS for that. When I used FedEx and was filling out the label myself, using Kahr's account number, as authorized, I chose the 2nd most expensive way for next day delivery. The corporate rate is half or less what YOU will have to pay, though... under $30(Kahr) and you'll probably have to pay over $60. So get them to pay! It would be nice if they used their rate and charged you a flat $30, using their label.

Oh, both UPS and FedEx require you to put the package in the hands of the driver, or a real employee at one of THEIR centers. Those "UPS Stores" and such franchises can't handle hazardous stuff or weapons. They aren't company employees.


08-12-2011, 07:09 PM
Still uncomfortable with the prospect of shipping my MK9 Elite back to Kahr to deal with the apparent misplacement of the front sight, I found that a friend of mine had a sight adjustment tool: a B&J Machine model 500 universal sight adjustment tool (http://www.midwayusa.com/viewProduct/?productNumber=163458) that he got from Midway USA.

What a nicely made little tool! It is designed especially for adjusting the sights of guns that have dovetail sights, including most Kahrs and Kimbers (as I have) and probably others.

I put the slide of my MK9 into this little device, clamped everything in place, and then carefully turned the screw that pushes the sight sideways in the dovetail groove. My goodness, but that thing was tight! I can't imagine how you could move it without a tool like this. But I did nudge it just slightly sideways so at least now it appears to be aligned with the front of the barrel.

So now the next step will be to load it up and test it out. I haven't shot the little Kahr for a couple of months now so it will be interesting to see.

08-12-2011, 07:27 PM
Good news, QuercusMax! I have been lusting after one of those machines myself. So far, I have resisted. :D

Best of luck at the range. Were I you, I would take your friend's tool along for minor tweaks at the range . . . after firing from a rest of course.

08-13-2011, 11:05 AM
If the sight tool doesn't work for you one more option is to upgrade.
I put a XS Systems Big Dot front sight on my S&W 342. It's truly amazing.
Even if the rear aren't NS it would be an upgrade for sure.
Gunsmith charged me $10 bucks to install.

08-21-2011, 02:53 PM
I put the slide of my MK9 into this little device, clamped everything in place, and then carefully turned the screw that pushes the sight sideways in the dovetail groove. My goodness, but that thing was tight! I can't imagine how you could move it without a tool like this. But I did nudge it just slightly sideways so at least now it appears to be aligned with the front of the barrel.

So now the next step will be to load it up and test it out. I haven't shot the little Kahr for a couple of months now so it will be interesting to see.

Finally got out today to test out my front sight adjustment. I'm happy to say that it worked! Even with just a very tiny adjustment, I had much better results today than in my earlier (pre- sight adjustment) sessions. My shots were now all on centerline, though tending low. I suspect this might be the result of over-gripping - I'm still getting used to the small grip on the Kahr and thus might be over-compensating, because it doesn't happen when I shoot guns with larger grips.

Oh well, that means I'll just have to go out for another practice session with the little Kahr sometime soon - what a hardship.

08-21-2011, 02:56 PM
Great to hear! I think you're most likely right about tending low. What a chore it will be, 200 more WWB.

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