View Full Version : Sunday Morning Gun Crush

05-15-2011, 08:14 AM
So this morning I woke up opened my safe and there I find my beautiful Kahr CM9.... I'm in love with this gun!:blushing: It's, of course, the cornerstone of my EDC system and after a couple of bucks well spent I finally got the configuration that I want (see pic). That got me thinking...what are you other gun nuts carrying in your EDC? Post pics please...

05-15-2011, 08:18 AM
just my pm9 and HK p2000 9mm LEM. i don't like to mix up too many trigger systems, so i stick with smooth DAO. i have ryan grizzle city slicker holsters for both with matching dual mag IWB pouches. usually i only carry reloads if i have the kahr by itself though. i use the HK reload pouches for IDPA or if i'm hunting zombies.

05-15-2011, 10:25 AM
One of these

05-15-2011, 10:33 AM
Here are the "twins" the CW45 with CTL will become my new EDC once it gets a few more rounds down range. It's currently carried in an Uncle Mikes IWB Holster (more of a pouch really). My current EDC is the CW40, in a DeSantis Sof-Tuck holster with extra mag in a Blackhawk mag holster.

05-15-2011, 10:51 AM
Here are the "twins" the CW45 with CTL will become my new EDC once it gets a few more rounds down range. It's currently carried in an Uncle Mikes IWB Holster (more of a pouch really). My current EDC is the CW40, in a DeSantis Sof-Tuck holster with extra mag in a Blackhawk mag holster.

How do you get the large photo? Mine are postage stamp size as above.

05-15-2011, 11:45 AM
One of these

Nice collection;)

05-15-2011, 11:59 AM
"How do you get the large photo? Mine are postage stamp size as above. "

I sent mine to Old Lincoln forever until with his and others help I finally figured out how to do it myself. If you send you picture to me I'll try to make it big. Not sure I'm that good but I think I can.

05-15-2011, 12:12 PM
upload them to photobucket, then post the "IMG" code and wha-la big pictures!

05-15-2011, 12:47 PM
O'Dell, I have my own web space, so I upload the pictures there, and they come out the same size I sent them. That way I don't have to mess with photobucket or anything. I could set up a spot for members to upload to, I have gobs of space.
I run some websites for some companies and I have plenty of room left over from those. First I use a photo editor to shrink the KB used down by reducing the quality a bit. It's not noticible, but it makes the pics load a lot faster, then I use WS_FTP to upload them to my space. I could make a subdomain, like kahrtalk.pccomps.com and let members use it. I can set WS_FTP up so that's the only place in my web space you can get too, so it won't affect the security of the web sites I host and set up a download for the program. pccomps.com was for my old computer business I used to run before I got sick. If there is any interest let me know. I've been involved in PC's and internet stuff since the dark ages as part of my job I used to have, so that's how I got familiar with all this stuff.

05-15-2011, 12:52 PM
O'Dell, thetmanski is the other hero I told you about and I gotta believe he's wicked smart. Old Lincoln gave me the primer but I just wasn't making the connection, thetmanski tutored me a little more and finally it clicked in an extremely weak sort of way.
As for his last post here, I have no idea what he said, theres 41 words that I don't have a clue. I'm putting him, and Old Lincoln right up there with GB Greg in the smartest men alive category.
Don't mean to brag but I'm gonna reboot just cause thats all I really know how to do on this crystal ball.

05-15-2011, 01:18 PM
thetmanski has the answer right there! I propose to make him the photo czar of Kahrtalk. Do I hear a second?

05-15-2011, 01:38 PM
Anybody got any comments about their EDC firearm?

05-15-2011, 01:43 PM
I've mulled using my own domain for hosting pictures. I suppose I could do that as well. The primary reason I've been using Photobucket is that it allows me to easily see picture thumbnails and meshes nicely with certain forums for easy image insertion. I use The Gimp freeware for photo editing; it is sufficiently sophisticated for me needs such that I don't need to put down some cash for Photoshop. I used to use WS_FTP but now use Filezilla, or else FireFTP from with Firefox.

Here's my K40 that gets carried in a Crossbreed Supertuck Deluxe:
http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad2/breley/Kahr/k40_1-1.jpg (http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad2/breley/Kahr/k40_1-1.jpg)

This has a nice combination of perfect fit for my hand, good stopping power potential (does kick a bit), and is very good for concealment.

05-15-2011, 01:57 PM
Well, I tried the Photo Bucket thing but when I tried to upload from the URL, this forum said it was an invalid file.

05-15-2011, 02:29 PM
Well, the forum didn't like me trying to post up some older pics, so I'll have to take some newer and betterer later.

05-15-2011, 02:41 PM
Ok heres my current EDC package.

The probably tired of being looked at by all Cbob in a Mernickle High Ride holster that I absolutely love. Note very little below the belt, very secure. My full size 1911 fits perfectly without sticking out and is comfy all day long.

The PM45 rides in a Galco ankle rig. Semi polished but not mirror like Copper and Black although he instigated it. I like it.






05-15-2011, 02:50 PM
Well, I tried the Photo Bucket thing but when I tried to upload from the URL, this forum said it was an invalid file.
Have you tried viewing the picture in Photo Bucket at the size you want to show it and then right clicking on the picture to capture the file information?

The resulting URL will probably look something like "http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad2/breley/Kahr/k40_1-1.jpg" (stolen from Mr. Toad's picture, thank you sir.)

05-15-2011, 02:52 PM
Patience, Grasshopper. We will get back on subject soon enough. :D


In the meantime, here's mine. Notice that it is .40 S&W in the same size package as your 9mm. A little harder to hold onto, but fun to shoot.

Did I mention I like things that go "Boom" rather than "Bang"?!

....And one less round! Bang!

05-15-2011, 02:55 PM
Have you tried viewing the picture in Photo Bucket at the size you want to show it and then right clicking on the picture to capture the file information?

The resulting URL will probably look something like "http://i916.photobucket.com/albums/ad2/breley/Kahr/k40_1-1.jpg" (stolen from Mr. Toad's picture, thank you sir.)

Exactly what I did. Just tried again - invalid file.

05-15-2011, 03:09 PM
Ok heres my current EDC package.

The probably tired of being looked at by all Cbob in a Mernickle High Ride holster that I absolutely love. Note very little below the belt, very secure. My full size 1911 fits perfectly without sticking out and is comfy all day long.

The PM45 rides in a Galco ankle rig. Semi polished but not mirror like Copper and Black although he instigated it. I like it.






A .45 caliber back up gun!? You're going into battle..lol

05-15-2011, 03:55 PM
I'm not a warrior but if I'm called into battle, I'm ready. It's actually quite a good combination. The Wilson mags in the Cbob work perfectly in the PM45 so just like the G21/G30 compatibility I have mags for both if need be.
The PM45 is always there so sometimes it becomes primary when the Cbob isn't present.
Wider bullets give me a better chance of a hit too.

05-15-2011, 04:02 PM
Either my PM40 or xd9sc





05-15-2011, 04:58 PM
Either a PM9, Glock G26



Kahr K9


05-15-2011, 05:23 PM
I've seen some beautiful line ups in this thread!

05-16-2011, 10:01 AM
My girls catching some rays for the picture. From left to right in order of how often they get carried. Had to pull the PM9 out of my pocket for the picture. PM9 CT, P380 NS, and CW45. Working on a P45 NS at the moment that will take the place of the CW. Nothing wrong with the CW other than it's not BLACK.

Little known fact. The first time I shot a Kahr, I hated it. This was back in 2001? or so. I think it was an MK9 and I thought it kicked like crazy. Oh my, how times have changed.


05-16-2011, 11:35 AM

I have no idea if this is working or not. I just wanted to post a reasonably sized photo of my rebuilt collection. Notice that the CW40 and PM9 are top center.

05-16-2011, 11:41 AM
It works O'Dell. You posted a link to your picture. If you point at that picture in photobucket down below is a drop down box and the very bottom one is something like share image. If you click that it will switch to copied. Then just come here and do the reply thing and paste. Then the picture itself will show up. The link works fine too.

You did a fine job of rebuilding too!

05-16-2011, 11:50 AM
It works O'Dell. You posted a link to your picture. If you point at that picture in photobucket down below is a drop down box and the very bottom one is something like share image. If you click that it will switch to copied. Then just come here and do the reply thing and paste. Then the picture itself will show up. The link works fine too.

You did a fine job of rebuilding too!

The link was a last resort when everything else I tried gave me an invalid file.

05-16-2011, 12:04 PM
The link was a last resort when everything else I tried gave me an invalid file.

Your exactly where I was for a very long time while Old Lincoln and thetmanski tried to teach me stuff.

The link comes from the same place as what I talked about. When you click on that image, I think its under like a share this photo like heading that pops up when you point at your picture the picture transfers rather than a link.
Pretty simple, only took me about 6 months to figure it out.

05-16-2011, 12:45 PM

It might be browser dependent. In FireFox I clicked on picture icon http://kahrtalk.com/images/editor/insertimage.gifto get a little pop-up dialog box from KahrTalk. You may have to enable scripting.

Anyway, into that simple dialog box, I pasted the link captured by "right clicking" on your image in Photobucket and selecting "Copy Image Location" from the resulting pop-up: "http://i955.photobucket.com/albums/ae39/Viper2856/PICT0077-1.jpg?t=1305566868". The results appear above.

You can also test to see if what you have captured will work by pasting the image location into your browser command line thingee . . . or whatever it is properly called. You should get a page with nothing on it except the image.

Nice looking 1911's and the Kahr's ain't bad either. :D

05-16-2011, 01:39 PM
This is getting weird. I was doing exactly as you said Tucson and Bawanna. I tried both the icon you suggested and the paperclip which gives the same box, and it always gave me an invalid file when I copied it into the URL box and clicked 'Upload'. I even copied the URL from your message, Tucson, and got the same invalid file notice, even though it obviously worked for you. I also use Firefox.

Thanks, the 1911's are a SIG, STI and Springfield. I really like the HK45c above the STI too. It fits my hand better the the older USP [upper right] and is even more accurate. It must be the O-Ring they're putting on the barrel on the new model. I'm getting into 'light' for carry so every pistol there has a polymer or alloy frame. Other than the minor lockback glitch with the PM9 early on, none of the guns has had a failure yet, even with defensive ammo.

05-16-2011, 01:44 PM
I don't copy to the URL box or anything, I copy directly to the message field here.

Copy the image, past here. Done deal. I'll try to do one so I can see exactly what I'm doing.

05-16-2011, 01:48 PM

I just hover over the picture I want to send, the little box will pop up with Click to add title at the top, then share/edit/delete/move. Then a list of about 4 below that. The bottom is IMG Code, I just left click and it will change to copied.
Open a response and paste and there it is.
Thetmanski to me to resize to like 650 by 480 or something or it might have been Old Lincoln so the picture shows up completely without scrolling side to side.

Give it another shot, your very close.

Dang, my lights are even blinking, this warrants more research. I sometimes amaze the heck out of myself.

05-16-2011, 02:01 PM
PM9 in the pocket, Silent Thunder IWB or most often, in a SmartCarry.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5225/5625225367_575579d47c.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/5625225367/)
Untitled (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/5625225367/) by Chris Nauman (http://www.flickr.com/people/cwnauman/), on Flickr

Along with either a Kershaw Skyline or CRKT M16 13-Z.

05-16-2011, 02:14 PM
I even copied the URL from your message, Tucson, and got the same invalid file notice, even though it obviously worked for you. I also use Firefox.
So, if you copy that link into the address line of FireFox and hit enter, do you see the image? If so, capture that URL from the successful window and try one more time with feeling.

If you don't see the image, try using Internet Explorer. There may be an odd setting in your FireFox configuration. If that works, try the whole process using Internet Explorer. One of those two browser should work. :rolleyes:

Thanks, the 1911's are a SIG, STI and Springfield. I really like the HK45c above the STI too. It fits my hand better the the older USP [upper right] and is even more accurate. It must be the O-Ring they're putting on the barrel on the new model. I'm getting into 'light' for carry so every pistol there has a polymer or alloy frame. Other than the minor lockback glitch with the PM9 early on, none of the guns has had a failure yet, even with defensive ammo.
Well, your computer may not be too well behaved, but your arsenal seems to be working better than most. This is a good thing! :D

05-16-2011, 03:42 PM

Not nearly as impressive as the above photo (dang thats sweet) but these are my primary carry guns. The only one thats on me at all times (excluding in the shower) is the PM9. Even sits in a Pistol Wear holster when im out for a jog. I love that gun.

05-16-2011, 04:01 PM
Bawanna, those are some beautiful grips on the .45. What kind of wood is that? VERY VERY nice workmanship on those. I can't help it though, I love those Houge rubber grips on my Springfield, they sure make that gun a pleasure to shoot. Sure not very pretty but not too many people see it anyway. They sure feel good in my hand.
If I had grips like Bawanna's I'd have to put it in a glass display case and show them off to everyone, and probably never get to shoot it.
As far as photo programs go, Gimp is a great and free, the poor man's Photoshop. I use the photo editors that came with Microsoft Office a lot, they are very simple to use. The older Photo Editor has nice little bar that pops up when you save a .jpg file, that lets you determine the quality. I usually go around 66 percent, and it the pic is still nice and clear, but it knocks the KB used from say 300, down to around 75kb, so the pic loads faster. A nice touch for those that still have to use dial up/phone line access. Not sure if anyone here still uses dial up or not. Dial up is sure going the way of the dinosaur.

05-16-2011, 04:06 PM
The grips are stabilized Box Elder Burl with a dual color injection from an outfit in Iowa. Good stuff.

That's the sad thing about nice grips, guns and holsters, all that pretty and if anyone sees it your in trouble. Damn shame it is.

Rubber grips do feel good and function well. I'm allowed to say that if I wear a sack over my head and a gillie suit so no one knows it's me.
The old rubber grips on MK's and K's are tough to beat for comfort.

05-16-2011, 04:40 PM

Try this. I am trying it in Chrome.

05-16-2011, 04:44 PM
That worked! You are the first person I know of with good luck using Chrome compared to FireFox. :D

05-16-2011, 04:52 PM
OK, I did the exact same thing in Chrome as I have been doing in FF for 3 days and it worked. I didn't try IE9 because it's not set up. I haven't used IE in years. I installed FF 4.01 a week or so ago, and I can only conclude that it's the problem. I have done this before in older versions of FF.

"Well, your computer may not be too well behaved, but your arsenal seems to be working better than most. This is a good thing!
Today 04:01 PM"

My system is fine - it's FF4 that's quirky. I've other things in 4 that I don't like either.

05-16-2011, 04:58 PM
That worked! You are the first person I know of with good luck using Chrome compared to FireFox. :D

I normally only use Chrome when I'm in a hurry - it is faster because it has no extras. Two of my FF add-ons, Flashgot and Download helper aren't working well in FF4 either. I used both quite a lot, so I may go back to 3.??

05-16-2011, 05:06 PM
I normally only use Chrome when I'm in a hurry - it is faster because it has no extras. Two of my FF add-ons, Flashgot and Download helper aren't working well in FF4 either. I used both quite a lot, so I may go back to 3.??
Yeah, most of the trade rags have reported "mixed" results with FF4. Several things may be broken and there are some missing features. Just for fun, try to export your bookmarks. I understand that option is "missing" in version 4.

FWIW there will be no movement off of Firefox 3.6.16 by any of the machines in my stable for a while. Can you spell "unpaid beta tester"?! ;)

Neither can I. :D

05-16-2011, 07:14 PM
FF 4 isn't bad as long as you can figure out how to configure the menu bars to be most like FF3. My only issue was that they moved the reload button. I've adjusted.

05-16-2011, 08:17 PM
FF 4 isn't bad as long as you can figure out how to configure the menu bars to be most like FF3. My only issue was that they moved the reload button. I've adjusted.The other item I miss the the go back dropdown, though I now only need to hold down on the back button to get a popup menu.

05-16-2011, 10:54 PM
The other item I miss the the go back dropdown, though I now only need to hold down on the back button to get a popup menu.

Well spank my bottom and call me flabby. Learn something new every day. Thanks very much for this as it was one more thing I missed when making the bold move to FF4. I had forgotten about that change. I guess I could have read the release notes, but that would be a first. :D

05-17-2011, 06:42 AM
Yeah, I'm not entirely sold on FF4 yet myself. I miss my ad blocker.

05-17-2011, 08:10 AM
IE9 has some quirks that mess with the forum. Particularly when you are typing a post and scroll up and down, it will mess up the printing until you start typing again then it straightens itself out. Other than that IE9 has been ok, go for it if you want.
Not much different from going from Firefox 3 to FF 4. I too like Chrome though, it seems the be the speed demon on the bunch. I even tried Safari from Apple, it's ok, nothing great, nothing real bad, just another browswer.

05-17-2011, 09:21 AM
Mine updated without me having a say. None of my three would let me open the old stuff. I thought that was kind of messed up.

05-17-2011, 09:54 AM
My computer does that all the time to me. Does all sorts of stuff without me having a say. It's almost like we're married. Course I wouldn't know what to tell it if it asked.
I always look for the little box (this is a good thing) or (recommended for dummies).

05-17-2011, 12:06 PM
Mine updated without me having a say. None of my three would let me open the old stuff. I thought that was kind of messed up.

Mine too. So much for automatic updates.

05-17-2011, 12:24 PM
I recognize the guns but what is an EDC? Perhaps a regional thing.

05-17-2011, 12:36 PM
You mean EDC= Every Day Carry? Is that the question?

05-18-2011, 10:25 AM
Hey Mr. 100%, that's a cool looking picture. It looks like it would be at home in a black and white, crime fighting film documentary. I like it! :DIs he in Kansas?:rolleyes: Just kidding 100percent. Reminds me of the old "gun rags" with the newspaperish print.