View Full Version : What would you suggest?

05-15-2011, 12:57 PM
About three weeks ago I bought a NIB Ruger LCP .380 and it's purpose is to be my summer pocket carry gun. I'm very pleased with all aspects of this gun, it goes bang every time, it looks good, it does fit in my pocket and it's very accurate with the C.T. laser guard.
However, something in the back of my mind is telling me I should have bought a 9MM for this purpose so I've done a bit more investigating of compact 9MM's and have decided on two candidatesm here they are as compared to my LCP in weight and length.
1. Ruger LCP .380, weight 10 ounces, length 5.16" Retail $299
2. Ruger LC9 9MM, weight 17 ounces, length 6" Retail $443
3. Kahr PM9 9MM, weight 14 ounces, length 5.42" Retail $786

Based on your experiences with these guns would you replace the LCP and which one would you buy as it's replacement? I know the retail price of the Kahr seems high in comparison but I have seen used ones, on line, for $500.

05-15-2011, 01:01 PM
I'd try to find the relatively new CM9. It's the basic version of the PM9 for a couple hundred less dollars. A little hard to find right now it seems but they'll bome along. It's every bit as good as the PM which is a real shooter and we've heard nothing but positive good reports from guys that got them.

05-15-2011, 01:05 PM
I'd try to find the relatively new CM9. It's the basic version of the PM9 for a couple hundred less dollars. A little hard to find right now it seems but they'll bome along. It's every bit as good as the PM which is a real shooter and we've heard nothing but positive good reports from guys that got them.

I second these comments...

However, don't feel underpowered because you have the .380 ("9mm short"). A muzzle staring at you with a red dot on you definitely sales the idea that your life could be just as over with a .380!!

05-15-2011, 01:11 PM
About three weeks ago I bought a NIB Ruger LCP .380 and it's purpose is to be my summer pocket carry gun. I'm very pleased with all aspects of this gun, it goes bang every time, it looks good, it does fit in my pocket and it's very accurate with the C.T. laser guard.
However, something in the back of my mind is telling me I should have bought a 9MM for this purpose so I've done a bit more investigating of compact 9MM's and have decided on two candidatesm here they are as compared to my LCP in weight and length.
1. Ruger LCP .380, weight 10 ounces, length 5.16" Retail $299
2. Ruger LC9 9MM, weight 17 ounces, length 6" Retail $443
3. Kahr PM9 9MM, weight 14 ounces, length 5.42" Retail $786

Based on your experiences with these guns would you replace the LCP and which one would you buy as it's replacement? I know the retail price of the Kahr seems high in comparison but I have seen used ones, on line, for $500.

05-15-2011, 01:30 PM
A .380 would probably be ok for a summer gun where it didn't have to penetrate layers of clothing, but like you, I'm just not comfortable with anything less than a 9mm (+P preferably). CM9 or PM9 would be my choice. A .380 sure beats throwing rocks though. I don't have room to talk, I bought a .32 Beretta Tomcat years ago, for something to hide in my pocket and investigate the bathrooms on the interstate at night before I sent my girls in. I still toss it in my pocket occasionaly if I'm going someplace I'm 99% certain I won't need it. Back then they didn't have much in that size except .25 auto's so I was pretty happy to get a compact .32.

05-15-2011, 01:59 PM
yes but years ago, there really wasn't alot of great 380 pocket guns out there so the 32';s prevailed alot. Barely beats a rock IMO but BG probably doesnt know whats coming out the barrel either. They really want no part of any person with a gun.. I have owned alof ot 380 and the later versions to,all nice guns but when my PM9 came to me years ago, I could not justify the 380's anymore. but again years back and not that long ago, compact lighweightr 9's were scarce as hen's teeth, today so many choices that I think the 380's are getting lost in the shuffle.

I love my P380 but in all honesty what I know now I would not buy one today. Mine is reliable but I am not trusting it like I want either. My lcp at least went bang every time, although I simnply couldnot hit jack sh-t with it like I could the P380.

05-15-2011, 02:19 PM
Get a CM9. Under $500.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=kahr+cm9&cp=0&qe=a2FociBjbQ&qesig=_bH56T8_tsfPhUxh690RmA&pkc=AFgZ2tl1whMGW-4JCJRid-6HTBRy7_6DUp5f2RI2exj5oE1Kz5d5c4nnnhDzR_v90HWyT2pB wgha1otkAK3kZlTsdU64c2V3ZQ&nord=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1602373617409282213&sa=X&ei=FifQTemSMubb0QGXrcn6DQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQ8wIwBQ#

05-17-2011, 01:22 PM
Get a CM9. Under $500.

http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&sugexp=ldymls&xhr=t&q=kahr+cm9&cp=0&qe=a2FociBjbQ&qesig=_bH56T8_tsfPhUxh690RmA&pkc=AFgZ2tl1whMGW-4JCJRid-6HTBRy7_6DUp5f2RI2exj5oE1Kz5d5c4nnnhDzR_v90HWyT2pB wgha1otkAK3kZlTsdU64c2V3ZQ&nord=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&ion=1&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1602373617409282213&sa=X&ei=FifQTemSMubb0QGXrcn6DQ&sqi=2&ved=0CEEQ8wIwBQ#

WOW, that CM9 looks very appealing and close to what I think I want to spend for this type gun, thanks.

05-17-2011, 02:43 PM
Is anyone familiar with the "CW9"?

05-17-2011, 04:47 PM
There are quite a few CW owners on here. It's also a very good pistol, although a little larger. I think it's more suited to holster carry than pocket, though. You can find lots of info in the P & CW section.

Chief Joseph
05-17-2011, 05:18 PM
Is anyone familiar with the "CW9"?

I have both a CW9 and a CM9, and I just sold a PM9 that I pocketed for 2 years. If you want a pocket pistol, the CM9 is my choice. I carry it in my pocket daily. The CW9 is easier to shoot and I shoot it very accurate, but it's a little tight in the pocket. For an IWB gun it's awesome.

05-17-2011, 07:21 PM
I have a CW9 and a CM9 and a LCP, all great guns, and each one has it's purpose. I agree completely with what Chief Joseph said above. If you want to pocket carry a 9mm then go with the CM9.
I would (and did :)) keep my LCP. It's hard to beat for easy pocket carry no matter what you are wearing.

Since you have a LCP, here are some comparison pics to the CM9 for you.

LCP vs. CM9

05-17-2011, 07:23 PM
a friend of mine just bought a cm9 for 399.00 plus tax last Friday I was with him and I picked up another pm9 for 560.00 ( new ), so they are out there.

05-17-2011, 08:06 PM
wow what a super pirce, that is the best p;rice so far that I haveheard of.. u bought the PM9 at a steal also IMO.

05-17-2011, 08:26 PM
I did just that, sold my LCP and got a PM9 (CM9 wasn't out yet). Kind of kick myself, but how was I to know the CM9 was on the horizon? :)

That said, my PM9 I have 0 regrets about - it's never once had an issue with 4 kinds of ammo run through it so far and over 500 rounds eaten up and spit out. It's my daily carry weapon and I bought it to protect my family and myself so I wanted something I could rely on if I ever needed it - it's been a true pleasure owning this gun.

I'd recommend a SmartCarry and/or Silent Thunder holster for it, both great choices!

Old Salt
05-19-2011, 03:46 AM
Is anyone familiar with the "CW9"?

VietVet68, I have the CW45,CW9 and PM9. If your looking to replace your LCP as your pocket carry then I would go with the CM9. I replaced my LCP with the PM9, it makes for a great pocket carry.

05-19-2011, 06:24 AM
I stillhavemy lcp but it is so so loney sitting there allthe time that I just recently threw my P380 in the same drawser with it so they can both play together and both can be lonely. I just really have no use for my 380's anymore thanks to my PM9.

Old Salt hit that nail on the head..

05-19-2011, 02:01 PM
VietVet68, I have the CW45,CW9 and PM9. If your looking to replace your LCP as your pocket carry then I would go with the CM9. I replaced my LCP with the PM9, it makes for a great pocket carry.

Thank you very much, I was looking for someone who owned both the LCP and the PM9 to respond with their comparison and you just did. The PM9 seems to be the answer but last week I read about their latest offering, the CM9.



It appears that the CM9 is bare bones version of the PM9 with at least one MIM part. I've seen a few on GB and some are priced around $450.

05-19-2011, 02:04 PM
I have a CW9 and a CM9 and a LCP, all great guns, and each one has it's purpose. I agree completely with what Chief Joseph said above. If you want to pocket carry a 9mm then go with the CM9.
I would (and did :)) keep my LCP. It's hard to beat for easy pocket carry no matter what you are wearing.

Since you have a LCP, here are some comparison pics to the CM9 for you.
LCP vs. CM9

Your pics are very helpful as I didn't realize how much thicker the frame on the CM9 is when compared to the LCP. Does the mag in the CM9 really hang down that far? It looks like it could get snagged on clothing pretty easily.

05-19-2011, 02:09 PM
I did just that, sold my LCP and got a PM9 (CM9 wasn't out yet). Kind of kick myself, but how was I to know the CM9 was on the horizon? :)

That said, my PM9 I have 0 regrets about - it's never once had an issue with 4 kinds of ammo run through it so far and over 500 rounds eaten up and spit out. It's my daily carry weapon and I bought it to protect my family and myself so I wanted something I could rely on if I ever needed it - it's been a true pleasure owning this gun.

I'd recommend a SmartCarry and/or Silent Thunder holster for it, both great choices!

Now that you know about the CM9 would you buy it instaed of the PM9?

05-19-2011, 02:42 PM
I honestly don't know... since my PM9 has been trouble free it's hard to say I would have done things any differently, but it doesn't mean that had I bought a CM9 that it wouldn't be trouble free as well.

The reason I got the PM9 was to protect my family with a small pocket-able handgun in 9mm (because my XDM is also a 9mm).

I don't miss the LCP at all and can pocket carry the PM9 all day, or use the SmartCarry and regain all my pockets.

CM9 / PM9 I don't think you can go wrong.