View Full Version : Krazy Kalifornia
05-17-2011, 12:40 PM
A new bone headed rule for Kalifornia CCW in one county. The Sheriff decided CCW holders could only carry a gun if they had been a crime victim or were business owners carrying large sums of cash. All other CCW may carry their gun concealed, but it must be unloaded. The sheriff's decision has been supported by a federal judge. Gun owners are appealing the decision to the 9th circuit court of appeals. Good luck with that appeal folks.
So, you can carry your unloaded gun until you've been the victime of a crime. Then, you can load your gun. God help us.
05-17-2011, 01:01 PM
I`ve always felt so sorry for the decent people of that state who cannot legally carry a handgun for self defense.I pray that one day they will have the votes to make sensible changes in their elected officials.
05-17-2011, 01:04 PM
I wish they would stop this nonsense. We're getting over run by folks fleeing the San Andreas fault area, IE Kalifornia. While some of them are real fine nice folks with good sense, obviously they were smart enough to flee, there's a lot of weird ducks migrating to the north.
I say get out while you still can. Old Lincoln I'll save a spot for you and the missus when it's time to leave.
Maybe some could head south, that border sneak can work two ways and I'm sure there's gotta be a near vacant country down there nobody is using.
05-17-2011, 05:47 PM
Ah, Kalifornia the land of fruits & nuts! Ain't it supposed to fall off in the ocean sometime soon?:D
05-17-2011, 06:16 PM
Or the land of governors that knock up their maids
05-17-2011, 06:56 PM
I still have to talk my son & family into moving. My wife will go anywhere they go to be close to them (me too). Problem is, son & I talk about it a lot but can't come up with where we want to move to. A storm moved in again yeaterday and I'm all achy today. We don't do cold well and some heat is good if the a/c works, but not much for snakes and such. If we move he needs work, we need medical facilities. The only place so far we think we agree on if Las Vegas.
We aren't gamblers or drinkers but LV is much more than that. Guns seem to be good in Nevada, and I think medical is also. Don't know much about the weather but it can't be so very different than here. Air is cleaner as they don't have all the smog from Sacramento & San francisco blowing into our valley basin.
Does anybody know what it's like in LV?
05-17-2011, 07:55 PM
My son's girlfriend wants to be an actress and move out there. I told her there are a lot more "actresses" waiting tables than there are on the screen. Hope she comes to her senses before she drags his butt out there. Nice place to visit, kind of, if you don't mind breaking the law and carrying anyway. No way I'd go unarmed in that place, particularly anywhere around LA.
05-17-2011, 08:22 PM
I still have to talk my son & family into moving. My wife will go anywhere they go to be close to them (me too). Problem is, son & I talk about it a lot but can't come up with where we want to move to. A storm moved in again yeaterday and I'm all achy today. We don't do cold well and some heat is good if the a/c works, but not much for snakes and such. If we move he needs work, we need medical facilities. The only place so far we think we agree on if Las Vegas.
We aren't gamblers or drinkers but LV is much more than that. Guns seem to be good in Nevada, and I think medical is also. Don't know much about the weather but it can't be so very different than here. Air is cleaner as they don't have all the smog from Sacramento & San francisco blowing into our valley basin.
Does anybody know what it's like in LV?
Ain`t never been west of Tennessee which is a fine state with wonderful people.Lots of good folks in the Carolinas too.You will be an asset wherever you decide to go but if you head this way, let me know and I`ll leave the light on for ya.
05-18-2011, 12:06 PM
A new bone headed rule for Kalifornia CCW in one county. The Sheriff decided CCW holders could only carry a gun if they had been a crime victim or were business owners carrying large sums of cash.
So, you can carry your unloaded gun until you've been the victime of a crime. Then, you can load your gun. God help us.The (il)logic escapes me, as I'm sure it does most of pro-2Adom. Isn't the entire point of having concealed carry to prevent becoming a crime victim in the first place? :confused: Good thing life insurance policies don't use similar logic...
But what is meant by "crime victim"? For example, do people who are being stalked not qualified because no crime may have yet been perpetrated against them? The whole "must prove need" is heiny-backwards. Guess those locks on my doors aren't needed...haven't been robbed. Don't need airbags, haven't had a collision...
Yes, I'm preaching to the choir here, but it's immensely irritating to see such ill-conceived thinking on the part of those who are supposed to serve us.
05-18-2011, 12:16 PM
I agree with you Mr. Toad. It's also troubling that a county sherrif can have such power. If the state has a concealed carry law, where does he get off adding his own restrictions, unless the law allows for County sherrifs passing their own laws.
05-18-2011, 12:31 PM
Compounding the problem is that by having such inconsistency between counties that can change every sheriff election and such erratic laws likely makes it difficult for law enforcement and civilians to know what the "law du jour" is regarding carrying. One year carrying mode A is legal, the next it isn't... Far better for long-term consistency in carrying requirements than such capricious and abrupt changes that throw everyone for a loop.
Was the change retroactive, meaning that all formerly legal CCWers must now provide justification?
05-18-2011, 03:45 PM
A new bone headed rule for Kalifornia CCW in one county. The Sheriff decided CCW holders could only carry a gun if they had been a crime victim or were business owners carrying large sums of cash. All other CCW may carry their gun concealed, but it must be unloaded. The sheriff's decision has been supported by a federal judge. Gun owners are appealing the decision to the 9th circuit court of appeals. Good luck with that appeal folks.
So, you can carry your unloaded gun until you've been the victime of a crime. Then, you can load your gun. God help us.
Does anyone have a link to info about this? I couldn't find anything that specifically referenced what Willieboy posted, but my search-foo may be weak at the moment. California has permitted open carry (now in danger of being struck down, ) with a major proviso that the firearm be unloaded (it's legal to carry ammo separately, ( )
05-18-2011, 04:25 PM
Try this ( link.
05-18-2011, 04:46 PM
damn, u just gotta love komifornia. what a wonderful state. Ihear they are even widening the highways leaving komifornia for all the people trying to leave that WONDERFUL STATE.
05-18-2011, 05:04 PM
Try this ( link.
I did see that info. I apologize for not being more specific; what I was trying to find reference to was this:
"The Sheriff decided CCW holders could only carry a gun if they had been a crime victim or were business owners carrying large sums of cash. All other CCW may carry their gun concealed, but it must be unloaded."It's not uncommon for other county sheriffs (Orange county for sure) in California to require proof of need before granting a CCW permit.
05-18-2011, 05:13 PM
Greg, I heard this on the Fox News Channel. I have not read anything about it.
05-18-2011, 05:42 PM
In Washington years ago they used to ask why you wanted a CCW permit. Most of the people I knew were getting them because they hunted and if you put a coat or raincoat over your pistol it was then concealed. So they just said sporting purposes. Legal beagles then suggested that whatever else you said you had to include personal protection in case you had to use your gun for defense and were not hunting at the time.
One friend when applying told the clerk he wanted one because the guy in front of him was getting one. She was ok with that.
Now slight but weak wisdom has prevailed and they no longer ask.
05-18-2011, 06:21 PM
NY is similar, all permits are issued with a restriction to only allow for hunting or target practice. It requires a letter to the judge to remove the restriction. Thankfully with proof of proper training and obviously a being a law abiding citizen many judges are willing to remove the restrictions. You still need to express some sort of need to the judge in your letter. This has been the case for the 20 or so years I've had my CCW. I recently had the restriction removed.
In Washington years ago they used to ask why you wanted a CCW permit. Most of the people I knew were getting them because they hunted and if you put a coat or raincoat over your pistol it was then concealed. So they just said sporting purposes. Legal beagles then suggested that whatever else you said you had to include personal protection in case you had to use your gun for defense and were not hunting at the time.
One friend when applying told the clerk he wanted one because the guy in front of him was getting one. She was ok with that.
Now slight but weak wisdom has prevailed and they no longer ask.
More than one state does or did make that distinction. Both my NH and MA permits back in the mid-70's had that question. Neither state's issuing official cared what you put down. But if you wrote anything other than "self-defense" on the application, the permit was default restricted to hunting, target, or range use depending on the jurisdiction.
05-19-2011, 07:29 AM
I did see that info. I apologize for not being more specific; what I was trying to find reference to was this:
All other CCW may carry their gun concealed, but it must be unloaded.
It's not uncommon for other county sheriffs (Orange county for sure) in California to require proof of need before granting a CCW permit.
GregI see what you are saying, Greg. My bad. I agree as I've only seen references to open carrying of unloaded pistols, not concealed.
05-23-2011, 07:37 PM
Would the claim that someone stole some fruits and nuts from my pocket (bring on the jokes, I can just see them now) make me enough of a crime victim to be allowed to use my 2A rights?
05-24-2011, 11:35 AM
Me thinks Barney Fife must not have been a crime victim since he had to carry his bullet in his shirt pocket.
Good to see you back Mikey.
05-24-2011, 12:02 PM
Well, add another log to the fire. Now the Supreme Court says CA has to release something like 50,000 from state prisons due to overcrowding. Uh, where are they going to go? There is no infrastructure to hold them so do they just turn them lose?
You can bet the next thing will be to outlaw all guns so the newly release criminals can't get their hands on them. I figure if the state is to become a big prison, all legal non-criminal residents should become guards armed to the teeth and none of the "poor mis-understood" stuff when one is put down in the commission of a crime.
We talked about it again last night and we are finally ready to move. We would love to move up near Bawanna except we don't do well in the cold. We don't much care for desert but Nevada is looking pretty good, and Las Vegas itself isn't much different than where we live except the air is better and winters not so cold, and... wait a minute, sounds pretty good!
05-24-2011, 12:05 PM
have two brothers in komifornia, , One is in his 70" and said to old to move, the other is nearing 70's and comes back here to Indiana every summer for 4moths and then back to komifornia. If it was not for his kids living kand woriking in komiforjniaq, he would have been back here years ago.
05-24-2011, 12:09 PM
Over on the peninsula near Sequim is some pretty nice weather and beautiful country. They call it the sunny side of the strait. A lot less rain than we get. We don't stay too cold for any length of time up here. Chilly and damp for long winters but not bone numbing cold at least for long.
I've been pondering Wyoming for a few years but it does get bone numbing cold back there in the winter time, sure nice in the summer though.
I'm adjusting my sights, might want to be GB Gregs neighbor. Gila Mountains has a nice ring to it. I can watch for flash floods, spiders, snakes, and Gila Monsters I reckon.
05-24-2011, 12:39 PM
In 1970 following a vacation trip that included Washington, I found Sequim (pronounced Sk'wim) and the weather maps looked good. Prices were pretty good then, but now just aren't to be. Seems other escapees found their retirement city before we got serious.
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