View Full Version : CM9 - From Great to Awful to Great!

05-18-2011, 12:32 PM
I am new here so I am sorry my first post is a plea for help. How did my Kahr CM9 experience go from great to awful?

First Range Trip

I took the CM9 to the range with only one goal. Put 200 rounds FMJ down range and break the pistol in. Using one six round magazine I put 200 rounds down range in two hours.

I must report one failure to feed at approximately round 180 loading the second round of a fresh magazine. Honestly after you have loaded 170+ rounds I could have just gotten careless and didn’t seat the round properly.
I honestly don’t know.

I cleared the jam and finished the 200 FMJ without issue.

I also ran a box of 9mm Winchester PDX1 +P without issue.

Never shot a PM9 so I can’t make the comparison. I can only say that I like this gun.

That’s my experience. No BS to make it sounds better than it really is.

Every visit since then..

All outings since I can’t run the six round magazine without a nose dive jam (round is wedged just below the feed ramp at a downward angle).

The nose dive jam always occurs on the second or third round.

Before I go on let me tell you the first round is chambered per Kahr specification. I also followed the prep instructions on this site.

I called Kahr to discuss the problem. I described it the same way as above. The Kahr representative asked if I was the first owner and my name and address (no serial number). He said they would send me a new recoil spring.
I had the opportunity to shoot the CM9 using a friends PM9 magazine. You see I initially thought the problem might be the magazine, but the CM9 jammed the same way with the PM9 magazine.

Is a recoil spring really going to address the problem?

05-18-2011, 12:47 PM
I think this might be the magazine spring weakening. With the 9mm's, there's a tendency for the next cartridge to be dragged forward a bit as the first round is stripped off the mag and pushed forward. When you chamber a round, drop the magazine and see where the next round is situated. It's usually forward a bit, causing several possible problems. It can impact the slide lock actuator and cause premature slide lock, or the round can take a dive instead of going up the ramp.

I put stronger Wolff springs in my mags, but I still have those problems sometimes. I always drop the mag and top it off after loading the pistols for CCW, making sure that the top rounds are fully to the rear in the magazine. This should give you at least two shots before possible malfunctions.

I would get the largest capacity springs for Kahr from Wolff and use those.


05-18-2011, 01:09 PM

You swapped magazines and the problem did not follow the magazine but rather stayed with the firearm. The PM9 and CM9 barrels are interchangeable. Swap barrels and see if the problem follows the barrel with the suspected issue with the feed ramp. If you get a jam on the PM9 that's your issue!

05-18-2011, 01:33 PM
I find myself wondering what changed? Different ammo? Not cleaned. Not lubed or not lubed enough.

I'd make sure the feed ramp is clean and nice, the recoil spring certainly can't hurt but I doubt its gone bad unless it was weak to begin with and it worked fine for 200 so that theory is falling apart.

Something has changed and that's what we need to look for here.

05-18-2011, 01:51 PM
devo, u gotta start somewhere, give the recoil springs a chance to prove yea or nay. Just very hard to tell what is causng this. Have you let ayone else shoot the gun to see if they can duplicate the same thing? Again u just need to eliminate all possable questions as to "why" I seriously doubt if it is magazine related, asyou tried different mags with the same results. Kinda odd that the gun can know when to act up on the xecond or thrid rou78nd and not any other rounds.. doucument all your efforts incase it has to go back so that the kahr tech people can start. wait or the spirngs and give it a try.

05-18-2011, 02:10 PM
@jocko -
Agreed. Thanks for the advise on documentation.

@Bawanna -
The first time this occured was in the hands of my friend. He is now a PM9 owner and is the one who let me borrow his PM9 magazine for the CM9. The ammo on the succcessful range visit was Federal Champion found at any Walmat. Every range trip since has been a box of WWB and some 9mm reloads. Yeah I know reloads, but WWB behaved the same. I think it's a good idea to try the Federal again. I hope I don't find the Federal to be working. That would suggest I have a CM9 that is batting .333 on ammo. Good for the major leagure, but not what I am hoping for here.

@ATF -
I did not consider swapping the barrels. I am going to do that.

@wyntrout -
The problem didn't follow the mazagine, but round two in the CM9 magazine does "seem to me" like it lurches forward. Its not what I am used to when looking at my XD magazine.

05-18-2011, 02:21 PM
I would definitely try the Federal again and see if it works. Then you can compare the two rounds the Federal and the WWB and see whats different. maybe the WWB is a little longer or the bullets shaped different.

This would also help the tech at Kahr if it gets to that point help pinpoint the problem. Handloads can be tweaked and fixed. At this point in your guns life I don't even take those into the equation.

Make it run on all factory ammo, then you can tweak reloads to work.

Usually WWB works well, never heard of guys having problems with it.

I agree with Jocko too, (his heads swelling as we speak) give the spring a try. I wouldn't waste any time switching barrels. I'd wager up to a quarter that ain't the issue. I'm going with different ammo.

05-18-2011, 02:23 PM
The rounds definitely tend to move forward in the magazine, especially if you do a chamber check with a full magazine in there.

05-18-2011, 02:26 PM
The rounds definitely tend to move forward in the magazine, especially if you do a chamber check with a full magazine in there.

Most all my auto's do that. Usually it doesn't hurt a thing. The slide dragging a bit on the top round is bound to move it some.

05-18-2011, 02:44 PM
Oh for sure. But I noticed if I do a chamber check on the PM9 with a full mag, and then eject the mag, it's really quite a tug to get the mag out. More so than my other semi-autos.

05-18-2011, 02:49 PM
I agree with Jocko too, (his heads swelling as we speak) give the spring a try. I wouldn't waste any time switching barrels. I'd wager up to a quarter that ain't the issue. I'm going with different ammo.

If he suspect the feed ramp is causing the issue then that's a feature that could indeed be different between both firearms. There probably isn't one smoking gun; most likely an interaction between two features that's causing his issue. In the interim while he's waiting on a part from Kahr he should definitely try swapping barrels; this idea can be ruled out in 10 shots at a local range.

05-18-2011, 02:56 PM
If he suspect the feed ramp is causing the issue then that's a feature that could indeed be different between both firearms. There probably isn't one smoking gun; most likely an interaction between two features that's causing his issue. In the interim while he's waiting on a part from Kahr he should definitely try swapping barrels; this idea can be ruled out in 10 shots at a local range.

True. I would concede that it would certainly provide more information. His barrel might have a slightly tight chamber or something that would show up with the other barrel being ok. Something that could be fixed.
He would still need to stick with the same ammo that balked for a fair comparison.
I'm really curious what happens when he goes back to the Federal. If something has changed or strictly an ammo issue.

05-18-2011, 03:01 PM
True. I would concede that it would certainly provide more information. His barrel might have a slightly tight chamber or something that would show up with the other barrel being ok. Something that could be fixed.
He would still need to stick with the same ammo that balked for a fair comparison.
I'm really curious what happens when he goes back to the Federal. If something has changed or strictly an ammo issue.

Agreed, definitely needs to fire ammo of the same type in both guns and preferably from the same box so that he can ensure that the ammo came from the same lot. This will help to eliminate any special cause variation.

05-18-2011, 03:18 PM
I am new here so I am sorry my first post is a plea for help. How did my Kahr CM9 experience go from great to awful?

First Range Trip

I took the CM9 to the range with only one goal. Put 200 rounds FMJ down range and break the pistol in. Using one six round magazine I put 200 rounds down range in two hours.

I must report one failure to feed at approximately round 180 loading the second round of a fresh magazine. Honestly after you have loaded 170+ rounds I could have just gotten careless and didn’t seat the round properly.
I honestly don’t know.

I cleared the jam and finished the 200 FMJ without issue.

I also ran a box of 9mm Winchester PDX1 +P without issue.

Never shot a PM9 so I can’t make the comparison. I can only say that I like this gun.

That’s my experience. No BS to make it sounds better than it really is.

Every visit since then..

All outings since I can’t run the six round magazine without a nose dive jam (round is wedged just below the feed ramp at a downward angle).

The nose dive jam always occurs on the second or third round.

Before I go on let me tell you the first round is chambered per Kahr specification. I also followed the prep instructions on this site.

I called Kahr to discuss the problem. I described it the same way as above. The Kahr representative asked if I was the first owner and my name and address (no serial number). He said they would send me a new recoil spring.
I had the opportunity to shoot the CM9 using a friends PM9 magazine. You see I initially thought the problem might be the magazine, but the CM9 jammed the same way with the PM9 magazine.

Is a recoil spring really going to address the problem?

looking at this suggestion. It coold be just a SWAG (scientific wild ass guess). but empty the magazine, take the floor plate off and pull out the spring and follower. Reinsert the magazine. Now slowly with the spring in place on the bottom of the follower slide it upward in the magazine. See/feel if there is a glitch/stoppage in the follower when it gets to where the magazine release button comes into that slot in the magazine. If so take the follower out and lightly sand the right side where it comes into that slot opening of the magfazine and retest again until it goes all the way up smoothly. We had a fellow poster awhile back with the exact same issue and this suggestion was presented to him and sure enough it was catching at around 2/3 as that is where that follower at that time is in direct contact with the magazine release button in that magazine slot opeining. He sanded his down until it slide by easily. I must admitr, that it did not solve his problem though but it is something to at least check out. Being you tried it with another magazine off of a PM9 which is the same magazine and it did the same thing on round 2/3 kinda tells me to look in this area. Your gun cannot count, it doesn't know round 2 from round 6. You as a shooter cannot produce shooter error all the time on round 2/3 either, so I am inclined to say it is not shooter error. This may not be even an isuse but it is something that you can check out in house with no shooting required.. You need to try to eliminate all possables. Every gun has its own personality and what didn't fix this other fellas gun mightt indeed be more severe in yours. It is worth a try.

another thing to try . take 2 rounds out of your 6 round magazine now load the gun leaving 3 rounds still in the magazine. See if it function perfectly.(by shooting it) By leaving 3 rounds in the magazine with one in the piple you have now let that follower slide past that slot opening in the magazine. . For if the gun screws up on rounds 2/3, it still should screw up then to.

05-18-2011, 03:44 PM
I am with Bawanna, What changed?

Things I would check or try first...
Since the ammo has been changed, definitely try the Federal again.
Did you tear down and clean and lube it in between? Is it reassembled correctly?
Are the recoil and magazine springs in correctly?
Is it lubed good? A high quality grease really slicks them up.
I always "pack" my mags by smacking the back into my palm, The Kahr single stack mags are a little touchy and really benefit from that IMO.
Is the feed ramp polished well? Try polishing it with a dremel and polishing compound, can't hurt to try to improve it.
Try the new recoil spring when it comes.

Just some things to try.
Good luck!

05-18-2011, 05:56 PM
I did what jocko suggested and took the magazine apart. I may have found something interesting, but it also maybe just how it works. I am hoping you can tell me if this is a significant find.

So I removed all the internals for the magazine held it upside down and the follower fell smoothly through to the top the magazine.

I inserted the shell of the magazine into the CM9 and turned the CM9 upside. I inserted the follower and thought the follower would behave the same. It got hung on the metal portion of the mazagine release that fits into the right side of the mag. Maybe this is normal or maybe it is not?

05-18-2011, 06:16 PM
now would you think it should be normal?? The worst u can do is ruin a follower, the best u can do is possable file/sand that right side in that one area where it slides freely inside the magazine when in the gun itself. Even if that does not solve your issue, u have now made that magazine totally smooth from round 1 to 6. It might indeed hit on some and still pass by easily, where as with some it might just get hung up there enough before it passes through to actually prevent the round from presenting itself to the slide interface bar that picks up that round and feeds it into the chamber. Like I told you, I am not sure it is a cure or not but my PM9 does not do that and I have never had to modfy the followers or magazne release. I would think that follower should glide by with ease. No doubt with a compressed spring it does have some power behind it to move it past that magazine release button if it is causing it to stick, but we don't know if there is slight catch before it moves on by either. so if it was mine I would flle the right side just in that one area slowly, then fine sand it smooth and retest like u did.

05-18-2011, 10:41 PM
At the risk of annoying Jocko by agreeing with him . . . please let me add that with my PM40, sanding down the followers in the area Jocko indicated where there is already a relief molded in, plus a little of the area toward the front of the follower including the skirt, eliminated my PM40's issues feeding 180 grain Winchester Ranger JHP ammo. Like Devo's pistol, it would nose dive after the second round. Yes, even before the mod, it was trouble free with 135 grain Winchester Ranger JHP's. The 135's have a more slender profile, more like 9mm's, and appear to be a tiny bit shorter.

Speaking of Mr. Devo . . . thanks, your empty magazine tube follower test works great. I had one magazine that was still occasionally a little picky. It failed your follower slide test when I tested it this evening. After a few minutes with a file and some 800 grit wet-or-dry production paper, it now passes that test. I'm willing to bet it will join the ranks of the other mags that work perfectly all of the time. By the way, my other 100% reliable magazines also passed your empty magazine tube follower drop test. Life is good!

Ya' know it's really easy to learn things on this forum. Thanks to both of you! :D

05-19-2011, 12:42 AM
i think this is the 1st CM9 that encountered a problem in this forum. i hope OP figures out the problem.

05-19-2011, 05:03 AM
I think ur right, hoefully we can get this solved here and not back at kahr HOPEFULLY as I stated earlier, this magazine fix might not be a cure all BUT we know it should not be hanging up the followers either, so doing alittle TLC to the mag followers if needed surely will or shoud you peace of mind that the magazines are now perfect and any issue coming after that should eliminate the magazines being a potential problem. I sur ehope it helps him get his littlle gungoing right..

05-19-2011, 05:27 AM
Just for grins, check the overall length of the cartridges that didn't work, if any are left over. Compared them to the ones that did work. Short rounds nosedive, and they don't have to be all that short either.

05-19-2011, 08:17 AM
I called Kahr and explained the follower is catching on the magazine catch. Kahr is mailing a new magazine catch body for me to install. If the follower slides correctly it should be good for all mags purchased in the future. I will update this thread with the results of the magazine catch body replacement.

05-19-2011, 09:24 AM
, ow instead of installing the mag cartch, whyn ot just proceed to file a tad off the follower.

05-19-2011, 09:50 AM
, ow instead of installing the mag cartch, whyn ot just proceed to file a tad off the follower.

I decided since the PM9 magazine jammed as well, but works in the PM9 the issue is most likely with the gun and not the CM9 magazine. I thought it would be dealing with the symptom and I might be dealing with the symptom for every magazine I purchase.

I would like the CM9 magazine run through the PM9 to prove out my assumption.

If the new mag catch has the same result, it's time to file.

05-19-2011, 10:14 AM
Sound logic in that plan. They should all work. You can always fall back on the file and sandpaper if the need is still there.

05-19-2011, 11:11 AM
I decided since the PM9 magazine jammed as well, but works in the PM9 the issue is most likely with the gun and not the CM9 magazine. I thought it would be dealing with the symptom and I might be dealing with the symptom for every magazine I purchase.

I would like the CM9 magazine run through the PM9 to prove out my assumption.

If the new mag catch has the same result, it's time to file.
Inescapable logic, but installing a magazine catch with a little less reach to clear the plastic follower will mean a little less material holding the mag in place. One could easily just grind back the existing catch a little. But, it's embarrassing when a magazine drops out unexpectedly. I decided not to risk it.

Yes, I had to spend 15 minutes with each of my small collection of magazines to disassemble, sand (Dremel first, followed by file and sandpaper) and then test and reassemble each. But, it might have taken more total time to replace the magazine catch and then test the pistol and the magazines, all the while wondering about the increased chances of dropping a magazine unexpectedly.

However, it is your pistol, so you should do whatever you like. Last time I checked you did not buy your CM9 to make me happy. :)

05-19-2011, 08:13 PM
The rounds definitely tend to move forward in the magazine, especially if you do a chamber check with a full magazine in there.

Make sure the mag and the ammo has absolutely no lube/oil on them. If there is a trace, the rounds can move forward.


05-27-2011, 02:52 PM
Kahr really doesn't seem to want me to send this pistol to the factory so they sent me a magazine catch in the mail. I asked the day they mailed it does it come with installation instructions. They said they would talk me through it. The problem is their work hours are my work hours. Anyone know how to remove and install a magazine catch for a CM/PM 9?

05-27-2011, 03:58 PM
Kahr really doesn't seem to want me to send this pistol to the factory so they sent me a magazine catch in the mail. I asked the day they mailed it does it come with installation instructions. They said they would talk me through it. The problem is their work hours are my work hours. Anyone know how to remove and install a magazine catch for a CM/PM 9?
Towards the bottom here:

05-28-2011, 03:13 AM
Towards the bottom here:

Exactly what I needed. Thank you.

05-28-2011, 06:32 AM
that IMO is such a great photo tutorial that my 8 year old yorkie just installed a mag release in his "play kahr.

ur da man GB, no b. s. either. as the great Bawanna would say, "if the shoe fits" then it must be your shoe .

06-10-2011, 11:12 AM
I wife signed for an unexpected FedEx package today. It was the CM9 comming back from Kahr. The letter that accompanied the CM9 stated they lubed and polished the feed ramp. They indciated after the polish no issues were encountered. They did not indicate they test fired prior to the polish and lube. I assume they did and hope to report a successful outcome after this weekends range visit.

06-14-2011, 11:27 AM
Kahr returned the CM9 with a freshly polished feed ramp. The range report was mixed. I continue to have the nose dive jam, but with lower frequency. Since I am well past the break-in round count I am a disappointed.

Next up: Sand the follower and buy multiple brands of ammo for testing.

06-14-2011, 02:09 PM
what round in the magazine is causing the nose dive, round 2 and 3 could be the follower being jammed up bythge magazine release button. If u have not already looked att hese two threads, please do so.


06-14-2011, 02:15 PM
what round in the magazine is causing the nose dive, round 2 and 3 could be the follower being jammed up by the magazine release button. If u have not already looked at these two threads, please do so.

PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR will tell u hows to look for the magazine follower being held up by the magazine release button.

CW45 Fixes by gb6491 also shows a nice photo tutorial on the magazine follower and the fix also.

You might also let another shooter shoot your gun to verify that it is ndeed gun related and not possably shooter error. I hate to mention that as some take offense but it is a reality that does happen--alot. U just need to eliminate all the possables in order to trouble shoot ur issues that u are having. I would continue to test out with fmj ammo unti lit is reliable kahrs are not ammo sensitive, so about any american brand of ammo should be OK, but until the gun is running right stick with fmj ammo. If it won't shoot fmj ammo, it won't shoot defense stuff, save ur money.

08-30-2011, 06:24 PM
Good News... The CM9 returned from Kahr 14 days ago. I have had two opportunities to run 100 rounds each. I pronounce the CM9 healed.

Two visits to Kahr to correct.

The first visit consisted of a polished feed ramp.
The second visit consisted of a polished slide stop and the slide stop spring was replaced.

Kahr was very patient and helpful during this process.

08-30-2011, 07:32 PM
glad to hear it. I haven't seen it asked before but did you have any modifications done by yourself before you sent it to them?

I polished and rounded my slide release and don't want them to void my warranty if I send it to them to fix.

08-30-2011, 07:38 PM
glad to hear it. I haven't seen it asked before but did you have any modifications done by yourself before you sent it to them?

I polished and rounded my slide release and don't want them to void my warranty if I send it to them to fix.
Pardon me for jumping in here, but if in the unlikely event that Kahr was not happy about your minor cosmetic mods to the slide stop, you could simply replace the slide stop with a new one and not have any possible warranty issues. Not to worry . . . :D

08-30-2011, 08:10 PM
I had not modified the firearm. For those who are having issues with the CM9, the polished feed ramp helped. It was the second trip that was the major corrective action. I told Kahr I felt the slide was locking open because the nose dive jam round was not under pressure from the slide.

08-30-2011, 09:23 PM
I am also just experiencing this very same problem. I called Kahr today and as I was on the phone noticed my 6 rd mag had cracked along the top back corners. They are sending me a new mag, but I am now concerned about the slide stop.

The CM9 is my first Kahr. I have 250 flawless rounds and then nosedives on the last 50 rounds. I have to say that I am amazed in reading the lengths people go to to file, sand and polish their magazine and its parts. I mean really - time for Kahr to improve the mags!!

08-30-2011, 10:01 PM
Herecy I say. :eek:

I agree but you didn't hear it from me.

08-31-2011, 02:38 PM
Sometimes getting the Kahr's to run right takes some work. Well worth it though. They are great little guns.

10-10-2011, 07:45 AM
I think this might be the magazine spring weakening. With the 9mm's, there's a tendency for the next cartridge to be dragged forward a bit as the first round is stripped off the mag and pushed forward. When you chamber a round, drop the magazine and see where the next round is situated. It's usually forward a bit, causing several possible problems. It can impact the slide lock actuator and cause premature slide lock, or the round can take a dive instead of going up the ramp.

I put stronger Wolff springs in my mags, but I still have those problems sometimes. I always drop the mag and top it off after loading the pistols for CCW, making sure that the top rounds are fully to the rear in the magazine. This should give you at least two shots before possible malfunctions.

I would get the largest capacity springs for Kahr from Wolff and use those.


I just 'stumbled' upon this thread, and specific response, and I was about to post the same exact report of what I considered to be an oddity with the Kahr CM9 mag...having the successive round pulled forward. Although I have not had any problems chambering a round YET, I haven't shot many rounds through it to feel confident I might not. Good to know that there is a probably fix with new stronger springs, just in case a similar issue with my gun does occur.

10-29-2011, 02:03 PM
Already two trips to the mothership. The nose dive problem was gone for the first one hundred rounds after the second trip. Its no longer working at that level. I ask you what is an acceptable failure rate for a self defense handgun. How many out of 50 is acceptable?

10-29-2011, 02:35 PM
what have u done to try to eliminate the issue??? Have u checked tosee if the magazine followersw are running up and down freely, past that magazine release lever?? How about the lubing thing. How many rounds since back have u put through it??? there should be no nose dives in a properly working kahr, so one is not acceptable, if we can pin the issue on the gun.

Have u let other shooters try your gun tos ee if they can duplicat the issue. Is the nosedive occuring at a certain roundin the magazine, i. e like round 2 or 3 etc?? Have u tried to maybe evne put a better poliosh on the feed ramp to enhance feeding. Is the outter recoil spring running up and down that recoil tube freely and not grabbing the tube with the open end of the recoil spring, as some have found to cause nose dives. an easy thing to check to.. U need to eliminate all the possables if u can... To work in j100 rounds and now to be acting up, can u see if there wa sany changes visabilly ... Do you feel the recoil spring is to stout? and maybe cauysing these nose dives?

Lots of \questions. jsut to get ur mind thinking also.. like OK I done that, njope I never thought of checking that etc,

10-30-2011, 05:51 PM
I'm beginning to think that Kahr received a lot of defective recoil spring assemblies from their supplier and rather than issue a recall is replacing them on an as needed basis. My CM9 was experiencing failures to extract and failures to return to battery. I was sent a replacement recoil spring assembly that was one coil longer and quite a bit stiffer than the original. I installed the new recoil spring assembly and the gun now functions flawlessly.

12-13-2011, 11:54 AM
My CM9 is at Kahr being worked on as I type. I am very optimistic this visit will be the last.

12-13-2011, 12:47 PM
I'm beginning to think that Kahr received a lot of defective recoil spring assemblies from their supplier and rather than issue a recall is replacing them on an as needed basis. My CM9 was experiencing failures to extract and failures to return to battery. I was sent a replacement recoil spring assembly that was one coil longer and quite a bit stiffer than the original. I installed the new recoil spring assembly and the gun now functions flawlessly.

tell us how many coils on ur recoil outter springt that gave issues, over the amount of coils oin the one tha tnow does work right.

Ur cm9 shouldhave 15 coils

12-13-2011, 05:53 PM
My CM9 is at Kahr being worked on as I type. I am very optimistic this visit will be the last.

How many times have you sent it back to Kahr? If it is not perfect after this visit, I would ask for a new gun. We all know guns have to go back to the shop now and then, but it is looking more and more that you might just have a lemon. I would think that after sending it back 3 or 4 times Kahr will make things right.

12-13-2011, 06:33 PM
This was its third trip.

12-17-2011, 09:07 AM
The CM9 came back yesterday.

Action Taken:
Replaced Slide and Barrel.
Lubed and Test Fired.

Kahr even sent me a six round magazine for all my troubles.
No one can say Kahr is not doing everything humanly possible to make this gun right.
I will get it to the range ASAP.

12-17-2011, 09:10 AM
Oh no! I just realized I have to prep it again. :eek:

12-17-2011, 09:43 AM
Oh no! I just realized I have to prep it again. :eek:

at least make sure it is lubed up right and the striker channel is clean, use that little clean out hole and just take it out and shoot it like u stole it.:53:

12-17-2011, 11:06 AM
wow from box to 500rds so far my kahr has ran like a keith black hemi. had the little guy for two weeks now. what was your born on date of your gun. :53:

12-17-2011, 12:07 PM
wow from box to 500rds so far my kahr has ran like a keith black hemi. had the little guy for two weeks now. what was your born on date of your gun. :53:

Is there a way to get the born on date without calling them?
What I can tell you is that it was puchased on the CM9 release date.

12-17-2011, 12:52 PM
well that outta be close enough, gun has not been out that long, why worry about a few months + or -. They have made NO changes..

12-18-2011, 09:55 AM
Is there a way to get the born on date without calling them?
What I can tell you is that it was puchased on the CM9 release date.i don't know never tryed to find the date on mine because mine runs good. just thought maybe theres a difference in time lines of mfg.

01-07-2012, 05:56 PM
I have been waiting since March 2011 to say this. "MY CM9 IS FLAWLESS!!!" 200 rounds of FMJ and 20 PDX1 JHP. It was a long frustrating road, but given the chance Kahr makes it right.

01-08-2012, 12:07 AM
Glad to hear it all worked out, and you now have a great working cm9