05-18-2011, 11:03 PM
I started a thread abut a week ago about my first impressions and break-in of my new Kahr MK9. I have now had 3 range sessions and am continuing to experience FTE problems. While I was willing to overlook these issue during (and immediately after) break-in, I am now (after 410 rounds) starting to worry about the gun's reliability. Below is the range session break down. I would greatly appreciate all advice!
First Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 4
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
None of the failures were ammo or mag (six rund vs. seven round) specific
Second Session:
Rounds Fired: 140
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 3
The first two malfunctions happened within the 200 round break-in period. They also happened in instances where I chambered a round, removed the magazine and topped it off so as to recreate +1 scenarios (6+1 and 7+1 depending on the magazine). After that session, I was not sure if malfunctions were shooter induced by improperly loading the top round after chambering one. The third malfunction happened well after completing the break-in, but I cannot rule out shooter error, as I was pretty tired by that time and could have limp-wristed it.
Third Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Federal Champion (124 rds) and Federal Hydrashock JHP (11 rds)
FTE: 5
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
First 70 rounds went off without malfunctions, at which point I tried to test my +1 theory (mags topped of with one in pipe are prone to failures). Sure enough, the second round (the one that I added to the mag after chambering one) failed to eject. This happened with both the 6 and 7 round mags. Theory confirmed, right? Well, perhaps not. While the next mag (6 rounder) had no malfunctions, the one immediately after (7 rounder) had 2 FTEs and 1 FTFeed, which happened after trying to clear the first FTE. Had 1 additional FTE with the next mag (a six rounder). The next 31 rounds (24 loaded in 6 rounder and 7 in the seven round mag) went off without failures of any kind. None of the failures were with the (few) JHP rounds shot. I should note that, in an attempt to eliminate shooter error in loading the mags, I used a Maglula to load all rounds fired.
I really love this gun, but am starting to worry about its reliability (or lack thereof). What do you think might be the issue? Or am I making much ado about nothing? Should I contact Kahr, or would I be jumping the proverbial gun?
As a reminder, I bought the gun new, so the 410 rounds detailed above are the only ones that have been fired through it.
Thanks in advance for your time,
First Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 4
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
None of the failures were ammo or mag (six rund vs. seven round) specific
Second Session:
Rounds Fired: 140
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 3
The first two malfunctions happened within the 200 round break-in period. They also happened in instances where I chambered a round, removed the magazine and topped it off so as to recreate +1 scenarios (6+1 and 7+1 depending on the magazine). After that session, I was not sure if malfunctions were shooter induced by improperly loading the top round after chambering one. The third malfunction happened well after completing the break-in, but I cannot rule out shooter error, as I was pretty tired by that time and could have limp-wristed it.
Third Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Federal Champion (124 rds) and Federal Hydrashock JHP (11 rds)
FTE: 5
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
First 70 rounds went off without malfunctions, at which point I tried to test my +1 theory (mags topped of with one in pipe are prone to failures). Sure enough, the second round (the one that I added to the mag after chambering one) failed to eject. This happened with both the 6 and 7 round mags. Theory confirmed, right? Well, perhaps not. While the next mag (6 rounder) had no malfunctions, the one immediately after (7 rounder) had 2 FTEs and 1 FTFeed, which happened after trying to clear the first FTE. Had 1 additional FTE with the next mag (a six rounder). The next 31 rounds (24 loaded in 6 rounder and 7 in the seven round mag) went off without failures of any kind. None of the failures were with the (few) JHP rounds shot. I should note that, in an attempt to eliminate shooter error in loading the mags, I used a Maglula to load all rounds fired.
I really love this gun, but am starting to worry about its reliability (or lack thereof). What do you think might be the issue? Or am I making much ado about nothing? Should I contact Kahr, or would I be jumping the proverbial gun?
As a reminder, I bought the gun new, so the 410 rounds detailed above are the only ones that have been fired through it.
Thanks in advance for your time,