View Full Version : Advice Please: New MK9 with FTE Problems

05-18-2011, 11:03 PM
I started a thread abut a week ago about my first impressions and break-in of my new Kahr MK9. I have now had 3 range sessions and am continuing to experience FTE problems. While I was willing to overlook these issue during (and immediately after) break-in, I am now (after 410 rounds) starting to worry about the gun's reliability. Below is the range session break down. I would greatly appreciate all advice!

First Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 4
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
None of the failures were ammo or mag (six rund vs. seven round) specific

Second Session:
Rounds Fired: 140
Ammunition: Combination of WWB and Federal Champion (both from Walmart)
FTE: 3
The first two malfunctions happened within the 200 round break-in period. They also happened in instances where I chambered a round, removed the magazine and topped it off so as to recreate +1 scenarios (6+1 and 7+1 depending on the magazine). After that session, I was not sure if malfunctions were shooter induced by improperly loading the top round after chambering one. The third malfunction happened well after completing the break-in, but I cannot rule out shooter error, as I was pretty tired by that time and could have limp-wristed it.

Third Session:
Rounds Fired: 135
Ammunition: Federal Champion (124 rds) and Federal Hydrashock JHP (11 rds)
FTE: 5
FTF: 2 (all after FTEs)
First 70 rounds went off without malfunctions, at which point I tried to test my +1 theory (mags topped of with one in pipe are prone to failures). Sure enough, the second round (the one that I added to the mag after chambering one) failed to eject. This happened with both the 6 and 7 round mags. Theory confirmed, right? Well, perhaps not. While the next mag (6 rounder) had no malfunctions, the one immediately after (7 rounder) had 2 FTEs and 1 FTFeed, which happened after trying to clear the first FTE. Had 1 additional FTE with the next mag (a six rounder). The next 31 rounds (24 loaded in 6 rounder and 7 in the seven round mag) went off without failures of any kind. None of the failures were with the (few) JHP rounds shot. I should note that, in an attempt to eliminate shooter error in loading the mags, I used a Maglula to load all rounds fired.

I really love this gun, but am starting to worry about its reliability (or lack thereof). What do you think might be the issue? Or am I making much ado about nothing? Should I contact Kahr, or would I be jumping the proverbial gun?

As a reminder, I bought the gun new, so the 410 rounds detailed above are the only ones that have been fired through it.

Thanks in advance for your time,

05-19-2011, 01:17 AM
The 7 round mags are not unknown to have problems. I personally think they need stronger springs. After round 7 is in there, how much more can you depress the round? I'm wondering if a small spacer on the bottom would help increase tension. You hear about those 7 round mags in the PM/CM guns sometimes not really doing as well as they oughta.

For the FTE's I'd have someone else, used to firing small guns, shoot it, see what goes with them.

You really have to hold the small guns tight for them to function - hate to say the LW word, so I wont.

Also, spend some quality time hand racking the slide to loosen up that spring a bit more. Couple hundred times watchin' TV (no ammo present please!) Bet it shoots better after that.

05-19-2011, 06:08 AM
for the time being put the 7 round magazine aside and work with the 6 round magazine and then if possable let another good shooter shoot your gun to see if he can duplicate. What CJB said is right. Also shootingt 100+ rounds in one session can induce shooter fatigue and u not knowing it and then things happen. Let the new shooter shoot 25 rounds to see what happens.

05-19-2011, 08:48 AM
Thanks for your thoughts and recommendations, CJB and jocko.

06-17-2011, 10:01 PM
Received my MK9 back from the mother-ship today. Service invoice states that they replaced the recoil spring and ejector, test fired with positive results (no mention of round count), and lubed the firearm. Not sure when I will have a chance to take her to the range, but will report back as soon as I do.

06-18-2011, 09:43 PM
This might be a stupid question, but here it goes anyway: does the break-in clock start over again when the recoil spring is changed (as the factory did here)? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

06-19-2011, 02:46 PM
dss07... your problem FEDERAL CHAMPION 9MM 115 FMJ from Walmart, period. You will have zero problems with 124gr or use a good 115 fmj. American Eagle, Blazer Brass, Sellier & Bellot, Speer Lawman, Fiocchi, WWB and UMC should be ok but may have an ocassional failure. You can use Federal Champion but expect some failure. I would bet that there was nothing wrong with your MK9 in the first place. Now go and enjoy your excellent pistol.