View Full Version : Obama backs Palestinians

05-19-2011, 12:33 PM
No surprise there since I think he's a Muslim.


I wonder how close we are to the 7-year peace in the Middle East?

05-19-2011, 01:05 PM
Yeah, big surprise.

05-19-2011, 03:02 PM
As long as Obama is in the White House none of our allies can trust the U.S. to be there for them.

05-19-2011, 03:17 PM
Oh geezus, what a brainiac he is. No way should Israel vacate the Golan Heights from which an enemy can launch artillery shells all over Israel. He sure must like the taste of his feet, they are in his mouth so often.

05-19-2011, 03:47 PM
I could never understand in 2008 when I went to vote I was surrounded by lots of old jewish women and they had their Obama shirts on. I kept thinking to myself "you do know he is ANTI-ISRAEL RIGHT!"

05-19-2011, 03:52 PM
If you just ordered the assassination of OBL, and had every radical Mohammedan kook gunning for you, and your extended family, you'd start making huge lip service inroads to their poster children too!

05-19-2011, 04:16 PM
I could never understand in 2008 when I went to vote I was surrounded by lots of old jewish women and they had their Obama shirts on. I kept thinking to myself "you do know he is ANTI-ISRAEL RIGHT!"

Some people are liberals first and religious second. Certainly true of many Jews. True also of Ted Kennedy-type Catholics. And others.

Oh geezus, what a brainiac he is. No way should Israel vacate the Golan Heights from which an enemy can launch artillery shells all over Israel. He sure must like the taste of his feet, they are in his mouth so often.

Anyone who has been up to the top of the Golan Heights and looked back down at Israel will understand this in a way that few others can (unless you have a background in the military - which fewer & fewer people in our country do since the end of the draft). There are some places along the northeast side that it felt like I could seemingly take a rock and throw it five miles.

Don't think, however, that he's sticking his feet in his mouth. This isn't an accident. These are preplanned speeches. He knows what he's doing.

05-19-2011, 04:23 PM
No he is not just a Muslem, he is an A--hole ! I did I say that...??? I wreckon so. I truley beleive he is the Anti-Christ.
He dumps all over our Constitution that he sworn to uphold and defend against all enemies both forgeign and domestic. Well he well on his sorry ass way as far as us domestic types.
Personally I think he should go and more over and live in with Kadafi and take his princapassa wife with him.

05-19-2011, 05:08 PM
Though not perfect (who is?) Israel is the only true democracy and our best friend in the Middle East. People don't really realize just how small the country is. At its narrowest point Israel is only 9 miles wide. At full afterburners for an F-15 that's only 15.8 seconds to traverse the country. It's crazy to ask that tiny outpost to give up even more land ... and to do so to enemies who have sworn their lives to the complete destruction of their nation and their people.

I'm not Jewish but count me among those who support the country and who also believe that it is in our own national security interests as well. :israel:

05-19-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm not Jewish but count me among those who support the country and who also believe that it is in our own national security interests as well. :israel:

The Bible makes it clear that we are to be a friend to the Jews.

Honoring God's Promises. God says He will bless those who bless Abraham and curse those who curse him (Gen. 12:3 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=%20Genesis%2012:3)). This same statement is made concerning Abraham's descendants (see Gen. 26:3-4; 27:29; 28:13-15 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=Genesis%2026:3-4;%2027:29;%2028:13-15)). This is a mysterious fact of Scripture that must be accepted by faith. Blessing Abraham and his descendants honors the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the very LORD whom Christians claim as their God and the Father of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua (Exod. 3:15). Moreover, we are commanded to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=Psalm%20122:6)) and are told that we shall prosper if we do so.

Chief Joseph
05-19-2011, 05:47 PM
Who would have thought the SAME people who exterminated Jews 70 years ago would one day control a whole political party and the entire main stream media in the USA in just that short of time.

05-19-2011, 05:58 PM
It's no surprise that the sorry bass turd would throw Israel under the bus.

05-19-2011, 08:14 PM
He makes me sick.

I was incredulous and had to actually go and hear the speech.(That was painful, watching him read, instead of actually speak!)

What a piece of work.

I hope now that BHO has revealed his true colors concerning Israel and Democracy in the Mid East, that the rest the US population sees him for the POS that he is.

Not likely, but I can hope.

05-20-2011, 03:16 AM
Well, the next presidental election maybe the jewish people will vote Republican uncontrare to previous elections and we can get our country back. One can only hope

05-20-2011, 07:55 AM
Though not perfect (who is?) Israel is the only true democracy and our best friend in the Middle East. People don't really realize just how small the country is. At its narrowest point Israel is only 9 miles wide. At full afterburners for an F-15 that's only 15.8 seconds to traverse the country. It's crazy to ask that tiny outpost to give up even more land ... and to do so to enemies who have sworn their lives to the complete destruction of their nation and their people.

I'm not Jewish but count me among those who support the country and who also believe that it is in our own national security interests as well. :israel:

I`m not Jewish either but I feel a certain kinship with the Israelis.Their leaders and the people themselves live in constant fear of attack from the Palestinians as well as other Arab countries.Now comes what amounts to an attack from the United States.I pray to God we get that worthless piece of dung voted out of office in 2012.

05-20-2011, 09:23 AM
Dietrich said:

"I`m not Jewish either but I feel a certain kinship with the Israelis.Their leaders and the people themselves live in constant fear of attack from the Palestinians as well as other Arab countries.Now comes what amounts to an attack from the United States.I pray to God we get that worthless piece of dung voted out of office in 2012. "

You are not alone in that sentiment Dietrich. The man (and his Czar's) need to go. We need our country back. Our priorities need to start here in the good ole US of A.

In addition to his statements about Palestine, he wants to give Egypt more of our tax dollars. For what? I am very tired of paying for everyone else. No one has ever paid for me! (aarrggghh - don't get me started!)

05-20-2011, 11:37 AM
I'm glad the great Obama said whathe4 said, for he has now LOST EVERY FOKKING JEWISH VOTE he ever dreamed of getting in the country. What a di-kiweed!! Hell they might as well just give the Palestians all of Irasre3l and move to Chicao and let Rob emmaul take care3 of them, Hell maybe theycan buy the sears tower and make a fortress out of it even. Obama has no alegiance anyt thing our past presidents ever mad eto Israel. Hejust wants to get relelected and he doesn't care whe has to throw under the bus But I think his statment is going to come back and bite him square in the ass... Hell no wonderhe doesn't want to e4nforcde our borders either, those illegals are potgential voters...

UPDATE. I was just informed by the two illegals that I keep around to take care of my property and keep my Harley's clean. that the GREAT ONE (that is what they cal lhim) is going to announce next week that california is going to be divided also into two parts. The Norther part to AMERICANS Citizens and the southern part of california will now be paret of Mexico, as it is occupied anyhow by over 70% illegals and california needs to recognize these illegals and give them safe santuary.

No kiddin, that what Juan and Juan11 Sr. both told me!! Oh and I did ask to see their green card and they showed me their green teeth and I said "good enough for Pelosie, good enough for me"

05-20-2011, 12:48 PM
where in the hell is THE RACE ISSUES?/ certainly nothing in my comments was raciest, unless u want to calling illegals a raciest remark and in that case maybe undocumented aliens who are illegal. I didn't bring it up but just added my comments to it. I will post no more about this either. A shame when someone sneaks across our borders and we can't call them ILLEGALS. or speak in a derogatory viewpoint about our president and it be deemed as a racist remark. Butyet when a congressman or senator brings up a gun bill that we hate, we callthem traitors and everything else..

05-20-2011, 05:06 PM
I got to agree with Jocko on this one... :D

05-20-2011, 06:22 PM
+1 I agree with this !!! God Bless :)

The Bible makes it clear that we are to be a friend to the Jews.

Honoring God's Promises. God says He will bless those who bless Abraham and curse those who curse him (Gen. 12:3 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=%20Genesis%2012:3)). This same statement is made concerning Abraham's descendants (see Gen. 26:3-4; 27:29; 28:13-15 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=Genesis%2026:3-4;%2027:29;%2028:13-15)). This is a mysterious fact of Scripture that must be accepted by faith. Blessing Abraham and his descendants honors the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob - the very LORD whom Christians claim as their God and the Father of the Jewish Messiah Yeshua (Exod. 3:15). Moreover, we are commanded to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6 (http://bible.gospelcom.net/cgi-bin/bible?&version=ESV&passage=Psalm%20122:6)) and are told that we shall prosper if we do so.

05-21-2011, 09:20 AM
But wait, our Pres is so smart?

Netanyahu is only a graduate of MIT and Harvard, served in the IDF as a commando and took over a highjacked airliner Sabena flight 571 , served in the Yom Kippur war, ambassador to the UN, Forign Minister, Finance minister, prime minister twice, etc...

Our beloved president has experience as a .......................... Oh never mind. I cant think of anthing but a community organizer.

But at least Netanyahu set him straight and told him to put down the pipe. This is good http://www.hindustantimes.com/Netanyahu-lectures-Obama/Article1-700310.aspx

05-21-2011, 09:45 AM
I beleive it was BiBi's brother Yonatan who led the commando raid on the hijacked airliner at Entebbe and was killed as a result.
I have always respected and admired Benjamin Netanyahu and have wished we could be as blessed with as strong a leader as he is.

It is asinine and ridiculous, arrogant and foolish that Obama would suggest that Israel return to the 1967 borders. It was a welcome sight to see Netanyahu rebuke him on the public stage in such a strong fashion.
I have been ashamed of some of our presidents in the past by their sexual escapades and personal indulgences.
But this guy embarrases me with his ignorance and arrogance.
Real problem is it's not so much ignorance he displays as it is his focus on following his agenda despite appearing ignorant.
He is scary and dangerous at the same time.

05-23-2011, 12:52 PM
Netanyahu gave Obama a real whompin'


05-23-2011, 08:40 PM
Our president (as much as it hurts to say "our" and "President" together in reference to Obama) is no idiot. He knows that there are more Muslim votes than Jewish votes in today's USA. One must pander to the masses if one wants to be elected by them. True, he may lose some Christian votes over this too. It will be a very interesting election cycle this time around.

05-23-2011, 09:53 PM
I'm hoping there was some larger Obama scheme here that's just not accessible by us mere mortals because this is a huge blunder and it scares me a little that someone this nieve occupies the presidency.

He's really put Israel in a bad spot by giving away the farm before any real negotiations could get started. Even if the borders were going to be readjusted to some pre-1967 configuration and a "right of return" recognized, these never should have been given away for free in a dumb speech. Those are key negotiating points and should be treated as such. Anybody with half a brain should know this.

In the meantime, Dear Leader didn't require the Palestinians to concede anything. Why hasn't Obama asked them to recognize Israel, renounce violence, and agree to remove destruction of the Israeli state from PLO dogma?

Fact is, for a lasting peace to take hold, both sides have to want it. I don't see any indications from the PLO that they want to be a partner in that peace. Yet Obama has placed the onus for peace on only one party. That's completely unworkable and I'm glad Israel told him where to shove it.

05-24-2011, 04:50 PM
Those of you living in Kalifornia, and my home state of Texas better keep close watch, "Obammer The Most High and Enlightend", will be telling us we need to return these states to Mexico, the rightful owners,to show Israel how it should be done, since we obviously stole the land from Mexico. We are such an evil empire, don't cha know !

05-25-2011, 07:56 AM
Netanyahu gave Obama a real whompin'


A picture says a thousand words. Thats Bibi on the left.


05-25-2011, 11:55 AM
Those of you living in Kalifornia, and my home state of Texas better keep close watch, "Obammer The Most High and Enlightend", will be telling us we need to return these states to Mexico, the rightful owners,to show Israel how it should be done, since we obviously stole the land from Mexico. We are such an evil empire, don't cha know !

Ah, the "right of return" is a bear:

Guess we could follow the same logic Obama wants Israel to follow, and un-ratify the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hadalgo. (Hey: 1848 us, 1948 Israel.) Of course that means giving up all or parts of the following states: California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Texas, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, Oklahoma, New Mexico.

OK, but the problem is then that very same logic dictates that Mexico would have to return the land to the indigenous nations/tribes that it stole the land from when it annexed that area 25 years prior to that, after their own Mexican War of Independence from Spain.

Well of course we then have to go back and try to resolve the disputes between the native American Indian tribes who in turn warred and conquered the territories from each other, and who in turn ...

Gets messy does it not?

05-25-2011, 12:09 PM
I'm sure there some kind of indigents here prior to the "Native Americans" who came here from somewhere else, but they would probably like to see the pre-1492 conditions, but where do you stop??
