View Full Version : cw9 factory 8 round magazine!

05-20-2011, 03:10 AM
Well heres the news! Iwas reading about flush fit magazines and how to get the first round to chamber easily, And while reading many comments i read a few about people wanting to cut the springs!
Well tonight i got out the ol dremel and went at it a half coil at a time and got to where the magazine would hold 8 rounds! HOWEVER you have to go to battery the way kahr suggests(open slide and use the slide release) because if you do not the first round will hit the slide and prevent it from opening! I cut the coils in the same place everytime and bent then with pliers to make them fit the follower nice and flush and i made sure i put the spring onto the follower at the same angle.
I got to 6 and a half coils cut off (yup i said it lol) and the 8th round fit great but when it got to the point to where it had to hold the slide open it had trouble doing so. so i took the spring out and stretched it enough to make up for half a coil so the total number would be 6. the 8th round is a bit tight and snaps in but goes to battery fine if you use the slide release.
I went through several magazines by hand and it worked fine but the second round would load like the first(difficult unless you racked it hard) but after that it was very easy to chamber a round! I have not gone to the range yet since it is 3 am but i will tomorrow and i will make a video of the results. so for now all i can say is that i have an 8+1 cw9 now.

05-20-2011, 11:19 AM
All I can say is test that modification well, and let us know how it works. I can't imagine any good coming from weakening Kahr magazine springs. My experience has been that stronger springs are better... and stretching one like that won't last for long. Just racking the slide is no substitute for what goes on in that tight space aft of the chamber during actual firing. What works in slow action won't begin to work in the busy environment of that tiny space during actual firing.

A lot of magazines use weaker springs, but Kahrs need strength and a lot of lift at the front to work properly, especially to enable slide lock back after the last round.

Good luck!


05-20-2011, 11:39 AM
I would not trust it, one those mag springs take their pre-designed set, it's a whole new ball game. If I wanted an 8 shot I would have bought the T series and been done with it.

05-20-2011, 11:43 AM
Your first round nose dive issue might respond to gb6491's excellent magazine follower modification.

Here's a link: http://kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?p=72987#post72987

It would be awesome if your mod works out. But, don't be too disappointed if your pistol is like my PM40 and is more reliable with stronger mag springs. Like some of my 1911 magazines that have replacement Wolff springs, thus losing a round, a reliable 7 round magazine beats an iffy 8 round magazine any day in any of my pistols. YMMV :D

05-20-2011, 12:03 PM
If you want 8 rounds, here's something that works: K920G. I use these in my PM9 and my K9 is loaded with these and spares for home defense. I've had no failures to feed of any kind with the K920G in the PM9 or the K9... no malfunctions of any kind.


I use Google to find the best price and shipping... with no tax.

Here's an example, but I don't know what they charge for shipping. Some charge too much for shipping to add profit:



05-20-2011, 02:33 PM
i just did it because the springs are cheap and lots of people questioned it. i dont care if its easy to chamber the first round or not i just enjoy the guns, but i will go see how it works. oh i also beveled the edges of the follower which i think is why the first round hits whit 8 in it. the follower sits alot higher in the magazine now.
ill go shoot in a bit and let you know

05-20-2011, 09:50 PM
well the gun shot fine! all 8 rounds slow and rapid fire shot fine. it had intermittent slide staying open after the last round problems but oh well. im going to order a new spring and all will be well again.
you can see a video of me shooting it at a bbq grill lid around 45 yards away here. the laser is there to see how much you are shaking really lol. and the way it is sighted i cant even see the laser this far away!

05-21-2011, 01:08 AM
Try Wolff directly for a better deal on springs:


"79291 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 1 7.49 79293 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 3 17.29 79294 KAHR 7RND 9mm, 5% XP MAGAZINE SPRING Pak of 10 47.99 "

There are 6, 7, and 8 round 9mm springs with +5% strength available for the same prices.


Mr. Zero
05-25-2011, 06:44 PM
just think; if you took the time you spent cutting springs and testing mags and spent it practicing your reloads, that one extra round would really seem inconsequential.

05-25-2011, 06:50 PM
The amount of time - the rise time - for cartridges in a Kahr PM magazine is very very small, as compared to other handgun designs. Shorter springs, less force, rise time maybe longer... maybe not in time window the design provides. Just sayin.

05-25-2011, 06:54 PM
the only problem i have is that the 8th round is so tight the slide wont go across it to go to bettery. it shoots fine otherwise and other than not locking the slide back it doesnt bug me. i dont reallly care about that either.