View Full Version : Airsoft

05-21-2011, 10:57 AM
Can anyone recommend a 1911 style/sized Airsoft gun? I know NOTHING about them. Will be used strictly for practice/training... oh, and fun too. :D

05-21-2011, 08:03 PM
I just returned from a birthday trip to the HUGE Bass Pro Shop. I looked at all the Airsoft and CO2 BB guns. The airsoft felt like toys and most were spring guns. The BB guns felt solid and heavy as real gun but were $60- $100.

Another customer was in the isle as I mulled them over with my son. We were talking about training and he joined in to say them aren't the same and not so useful for training. He bought one and discovered the round BB's curve when shot as do the airsoft shot, making them inaccurate. Further the trigger pull is very different and no recoil. He gave up on the training thing and now just harasses the cats.

Needless to say I passed on them. I have my laser pen to play with and am fine with that.

05-21-2011, 08:34 PM
He bought one and discovered the round BB's curve when shot as do the airsoft shot, making them inaccurate. Further the trigger pull is very different and no recoil. He gave up on the training thing and now just harasses the cats.

That has been my experience with the airsoft AR-15 that I bought. It doesn't have enough power to work a steel spinner target and the accuracy suffers. All I harass in the back yard is a Coke can and a two liter bottle.

05-22-2011, 11:09 AM
Go to www.airsoftpost.com, and look at the gas blowback 1911s by WE-Tech. Sometimes just called WE brand. Also KJW. They hover around $100-140 and work pretty well. My first one is starting to wear out the slide stop, but parts are cheap and that is after many thousands of BBs down range. You also want a couple extra mags, and a propane tank adapter to let you fill them from those cheap camp stove propane tanks they sell at Wal-Mart. Remember to squirt some 100% silicone spray in the magazine fill port and gas nozzle area every few mags to make sure the o-rings stay lubed up. Other than that, you will be good to go for some very cheap and fun backyard practice. :D

05-22-2011, 11:46 AM
John, how is accuracy? That is my only concern about getting one. Also, I recall reading another post somewhere that they used propane. Does the propane cause any issues (risks) in the house or closed garage? I'd hate to set myself on fire (I only smoke when on fire!).

05-23-2011, 07:44 AM
You get good accuracy out to about 15m. Not enough to be practice precision shooting at 25m, but enough for defensive practice. I use it more to work on transitions between targets, sight picture, etc. The controls are all in the right place as well. Propane tanks are very safe. Around my part of the country everyone has them, either for grills or camping. I have never seen one leak, and unless your house catches fire they are unlikely to pop. The gas has to aerosolize with a lot of oxygen before it combusts violently. At least that is how the Mythbusters explained it. ;)

05-23-2011, 09:11 AM
You get good accuracy out to about 15m. Not enough to be practice precision shooting at 25m, but enough for defensive practice. ;)

Well, maybe that's what my problem is since I've been shooting at 25 yards.

If you don't want gas, you can look at electric airsoft guns. That's what I've got.

Bill K
05-23-2011, 05:05 PM
I like your thinking. get that Airsoft 1911.

Most of my shooting and practice is actually done with my Airsoft Glock 26 gas blow-back pistol. IMHO an effective, inexpensive and safe way to practice/train quick draws, close quarter drills and such.

Bill K.

05-23-2011, 05:18 PM
We use AR 15 and glock airsoft guns to train with at the dept. The officers that is. They seem to work quite well for all the above stated reasons. Getting hit with the little plastic balls drives home the idea of someone shooting back.

I asked to play with one for a better response to this thread but the chief said I might shoot myself in the eye!:eek:

I think he watches too much television.

05-24-2011, 02:02 AM
In some force on force stuff i have been doing we use airsoft as well. it really does help simulate live fire practice against others like Bawanna said. I believe the ones that we use are 'tokyo marui' as well as some m9 replicas (company unknown to me) and are accurate out 15 yards, give or take conditions (in/outdoor, gas level) and push about 400 fps, enough to buzz through carboard and draw blisters
they can run on 'green gas' or propane
you may want face protection if training with others

05-24-2011, 08:19 AM
I have been participating in local pistol-only events for a while. It is a good way to check your movement skills, work on point shooting, work with other shooters, etc. I would say my shooting ability under stress and when moving has improved greatly due to this. Pain of getting hit does serve as a motivator, although some health issues cause my pain sensitivity to be rather dulled. I still try to take getting hit seriously and try to do everything right. I have found that real shooting skills translate quite well, as do real shooting mistakes or bad habits. ;)