05-21-2011, 10:12 PM
Received my CM9 on Thursday and prepped it with a good cleaning and lube. I installed a Dawson Precision front night sight (swage-on type), it was simple to do. Went to the range today and fired 250 rounds of GECO 124gr FMJ. I shot with two hands, strong handed only and weak handed only. I had 4 failure-to-feeds, all when shooting one-handed. Two of the FTF's were using the 7 round extended mag. I didn't think I was limp-wristing it, but there were no failures with two-handed shooting.
I fired an additional 50 rounds of Federal HST 124gr HP, which ran perfectly.
The sights were right on and making head shots at 7 yards was easy. This pistol is GREAT!!! It is riding in my pocket holster now... :D
One question. Are the Wolff +5% magazine springs worth getting? I'd like to think I can shoot one-handed without any FTF's.
I fired an additional 50 rounds of Federal HST 124gr HP, which ran perfectly.
The sights were right on and making head shots at 7 yards was easy. This pistol is GREAT!!! It is riding in my pocket holster now... :D
One question. Are the Wolff +5% magazine springs worth getting? I'd like to think I can shoot one-handed without any FTF's.