View Full Version : Vote in USA Today pole....

05-22-2011, 09:07 AM

05-22-2011, 09:30 AM
Uh, how could anyone - whether they disagree or not - vote anything but yes?

05-22-2011, 12:16 PM
Based on current results it looks like they pulled the link to it on their site. Your link works but I did a seach for it and could not find it otherwise.

05-22-2011, 01:28 PM
Over 97% voted yes for better than 8.5 million votes! I'm shocked! There were only 2% nay and 1% undecided on the 2nd Amendment: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"

This is wrong, of course. The 2A protects our right to self defense... it does not grant any "right", but the "BEST" answer is yes.


05-22-2011, 02:49 PM
Over 97% voted yes for better than 8.5 million votes! I'm shocked! There were only 2% nay and 1% undecided on the 2nd Amendment: "Does the Second Amendment give individuals the right to bear arms?"

This is wrong, of course. The 2A protects our right to self defense... it does not grant any "right", but the "BEST" answer is yes.


It says to keep and bear arms. I don't see anything ambiguous about that.

You're right if you mean that a government can't give rights. We already have those, but a government can protect those rights, and that's what the 2nd amendment was intended to do.

05-22-2011, 03:12 PM
At the risk of stepping on Wynn's toes, I think that was exactly where he was going, at least as I read it.

05-22-2011, 03:27 PM
2007 Poll?

05-24-2011, 05:13 AM
This has been discussed a lot... how the U.S. Constitution doesn't confer rights on us... at least not our "inalienable" ones... like the right to self-defense, freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and such . It does, however, protect those rights... supposedly, though there's a lot of talk about duck hunting and such when talking about the 2nd Amendment, instead of protecting ourselves from those who would do us harm... especially a tyrannical government... as ours is becoming... more and more every day.

The government doesn't give us anything... that it hasn't taken from us or someone else already.


05-24-2011, 07:55 AM
This has been discussed a lot... how the U.S. Constitution doesn't confer rights on us... at least not our "inalienable" ones... like the right to self-defense, freedom of speech, assembly, religion, and such . It does, however, protect those rights... supposedly, though there's a lot of talk about duck hunting and such when talking about the 2nd Amendment, instead of protecting ourselves from those who would do us harm... especially a tyrannical government... as ours is becoming... more and more every day.

The government doesn't give us anything... that it hasn't taken from us or someone else already.


There are so many of our lawmakers who seem hell-bent on diluting the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution that it scares the life out of me.And I`m not just talking about the second amendment either.Wynn is entirely correct when he writes the last line of his post.The government is a leech on the flesh of the people.It takes its` nourishment and grows off of our labor and the sweat of our brows.It is only concerned with growing itself and it does so by control of the people.It actually gives us very little and takes more and more as it evolves.If we fail to act,it will eventually devour us.I urge you all to raise hell with your elected officials if needed and get yourself into the voting booth when the time comes.Let me get off this stump.