View Full Version : K9 seems fixed at this point

05-22-2011, 12:40 PM
I ran another 150rd down the pipe today, ran it dirty from the last 200rds.

No issues what so ever.


I also tried shooting both the K9 and MK9 at 25m, 50m off hand and 100m from a bench rest.

Using my favorite SD round the 147g HST and el-cheap-o WWB 115gn. The ammo seemed equally accurate at all ranges.

At 25m 100% hits, slow fire, man-size target, both guns.

At 50m, 50% hits, slow fire, man-size target, both guns. The K9 was pull right, Mk9 all over. (I was able to make a few headshot also using Olympic style pistol hold, just not consistently. Practice practice!)

At 100m, from a sand bag, I had 1 hit each from the guns, center mass. All others were out in the desert hill side, scaring the wildlife.

To much fun!

05-23-2011, 10:38 AM
Glad to know your K9 is running well Jim. The K9s are beautiful guns.

05-23-2011, 12:28 PM
IMO probgably one of the most beautiful guns on the market and some of the guys here have sone some ROBAR stuff to them that is just awesome. They realy are a troble free gun to, all the bugs left the k9 years ago and traveled to the P380's.