View Full Version : Anyone heard of "Cut" shotgun shells?

05-23-2011, 01:28 PM
Front Sight's video today showed how to prepare and use "cut" shotgun shells, when you need slug type performance, but don't have one handy.
The guy in the video says they used to use these before slugs came out.
The video was pretty interesting, and it really turns a normal birdshot load into somewhat of a slug, or as they say, a 70 Caliber Glaser round. For legal reasons, I would be hesitant to use that on a criminal, but in a Stuff-hits-the-fan type deal, it might be a good trick to know.
Check it out if you want.
I like knowing little tricks like this, never know when something like that may come in handy.

05-23-2011, 01:48 PM
Here's a video from a link that was posted on Mythbusters:

05-23-2011, 05:45 PM
It's the same video. Wished I'd looked for that before I posted the top link.

05-23-2011, 05:55 PM
It's the same video. Wished I'd looked for that before I posted the top link.
It's all good, your link seems to be working now.
Thanks for bringing it up here.

BTW: I'm on board with this: "I like knowing little tricks like this, never know when something like that may come in handy."

05-24-2011, 06:11 AM
Very interesting. I will have to try that the next time I take my scatter guns out.

05-24-2011, 08:16 AM
Very entertaining! Thanks for posting.

With the compromised shell casing, it seems likely that pump and semi-automatic shotguns need not apply. Still, it looks like fun with a double barrel. Fortunately, conventional slug shells are now readily available.

05-24-2011, 09:35 AM
I don't really see how that would affect a pump gun or semi for that matter. It would be like using some of those mini shells, and those fire fine at least in a pump. Semi's may have problems with the gas regulator being set right, but really it shouldn't be a problem. The only part that would really effect a repeater is the rim on the shell casing. With semi's the powder charge and the rim come into play. I don't know that I would try to stuff a tube full of them, but once it's out of the tube, it should be not a problem. I'll try that part at least tonight and see what happens.

05-24-2011, 12:30 PM
Front Sight's tagline on this, was "what if you need your shotgun to shoot 100 yards and you have no slugs available" Without rifling, I don't see what would keep the shell from tumbling and getting off course and losing the shot at that range.
Sure looks deadly at 25 yards though. Maybe it will work longer distances. Be something to try. I would like to seen him hit that bucket at 100 yards.

05-24-2011, 08:08 PM
We were required to use shotgun slugs for deer hunting when I was stationed at Fort Sill in Oklahoma. Even with practice it was hard to hit anything at much of a distance. Saw lots of nice sunrises. Slept through a couple. Bagged no deer, but it was fun anyway. :)

05-24-2011, 08:30 PM
I was out in Commifornia in the 70's, going to Nav school in Sacramento. I had broken my Remington 788 6mm trying to force some once-fired brass into it. Danged bolt fell off after a few taps with a rubber mallet... silver-soldered on. Remington fixed it for free, but I had to take my 20-ga 870 deer hunting with slugs. Didn't get a shot at a deer, but I did "bark" a big gray squirrel off a tree with a slug... on purpose. Danged squirrel got up and took off, though.:)

The cut-shell slug has been around a long time, but I never tried it. I always kind of worried about exceeding safe pressures doing something like that, but in a pinch, it would make a heck of an anti-personnel round... inside 75 yards. You definitely need some decent sights and practice to use those. An ounce or so of densely packed shot beats the heck out of a sprinkle of bird shot... even at full velocity.

I just ordered some 1500 fps+ 1-oz slugs for my Charles Daly SA Tactical... just in case I feel the need for something more than the 2 3/4" 00 I currently have on hand. FiocchiŽ 12 - ga. 2 3/4" 1 - oz. Max Rifled Slugs 10 rds.Muzzle Velocity: 1,560 F.P.S. for $7.76(after 5% discount Sportsmans Guide member price).

I may never need them, but you never know.


05-24-2011, 09:03 PM
Its amazing the stuff we forgot.... simple stuff.... like making a radio from wire, a razor blade, a pencil lead, and a toilet paper tube, and a set of ear phones.

05-24-2011, 09:35 PM
I built a crystal radio kit when I was a pre-teen and in '78, I think, I became involved with Ham radio. I can remember changing the frequency of a crystal by marking on it with a lead pencil.

By the way, we have some prime real estate down here that we call marshland, not that negative-sounding "S" word.


05-25-2011, 06:32 AM
Ok, back to the good stuff for a minute here. I tried to get them to feed from my pump when cut like shown in the video, no joy there. I did figure out how to cut them so they would feed (more on that in a bit). A caveat though, a sharp knife (one that push cuts easily i.e. shaves hair) makes life difficult without serrations. Also, cutting the plastic shells takes a bit more effort to do than you think from watching that video. Now, to make them feed from a tube magazine, you have to cut them so that there is at least two points of support on that shell, preferably 3 or 4. Leave a little at 90 degrees to each other and they feed fine. Remember that the goal is to weaken the shell so that shot cup, and shell fly together. I would also hesitate to use them on an intruder unless in a situation like Katrina, the DA would **** fuzzy on that, though they would be quite effective I believe. Keep in mind, I did not get to shoot them last night, much less test them, though I could get them to feed.
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