View Full Version : Joplin

05-24-2011, 08:45 AM
I didn't want to taint the other Joplin thread but I just cannot understand why Obama did not come home when this happened.
He never even mentioned Joplin the day after while he was in Ireland...looking into his ancestors.
Did he come home, no, he's hob knobbing with the royals.


Longitude Zero
05-24-2011, 08:48 AM
From a symbolic point of view I agree but what could he do in DC or Joplin that he could not do from Ireland? I am NOOOO way an Obama supporter but having worked in disaster relief and recovery, having a VIP at the scene or in the area is much more disruptive than having them far, far away.

05-24-2011, 09:47 AM
Perhaps you're right.
I don't know, maybe working the phones and directing the relief efforts from DC instead of making BS speaches and listening to pompus a-holes telling him how great he is.
And the reason he never mentioned it the 1st day is...I'll wait for it, I'm sure you'll think of something.
just sayin'

05-24-2011, 10:07 AM
He doesn't care about you, he doesn't care about me. He doesn't care about America. He only cares about himself. Kind of opposite JFK, not what he can do for the country, what the country can do for him. And Michele of course.

05-24-2011, 10:19 AM
Sorry, I try not to be political on line, but this just frosts my mini wheats.
I'm over it...for now,

I present to you, the President of the United States of America, Commander in Chief, Richard Cranium.

05-24-2011, 10:23 AM
From a symbolic point of view I agree but what could he do in DC or Joplin that he could not do from Ireland? I am NOOOO way an Obama supporter but having worked in disaster relief and recovery, having a VIP at the scene or in the area is much more disruptive than having them far, far away.
Symbolisim is half of what being a president is. Symbolic speeches and gestures. It's the symbolisim a president conveys is where the perception of that president is formed by the people.
Right now the perception the people are getting of this president is not very good. Whisking away to Ireland drinking Guiness in the pub is not what people are looking for from him while an entire midwestern city has been laid to waste.

It's all fine by me. The more he tends to do things of this nature the more people will perhaps sit up and take notice and be a bit more careful and give their vote more consideration next time around.

05-24-2011, 10:55 AM
He's busy right now.
His car got stuck in the embassy driveway.
He flew that car across the Atlantic and it won't go through a drive way without high centering.

Longitude Zero
05-24-2011, 02:23 PM
Right now the perception the people are getting of this president is not very good.

And nothing he can do will change this simple fact.

05-24-2011, 03:17 PM
I say we seize his campaign war chest and give it to the folks in Joplin. Be a darn nice start on putting the place back the way it was. They surely could use the money.

Doesn't bother me one bit that the idiots wouldn't have a candidate to vote for. I'm sure they can find another one pretty easy, they are everywhere.

05-24-2011, 03:45 PM
Tilos, I started the other Joplin thread, and don't feel like you have taken away anything from that thread, and that you've just added more awareness of the situation there.
What I feel about Obama's non reaction to the Joplin disaster, I can't say here.
Did want to say that I appreciate the new thread. Thanks.
I do wish there was someway we could contact our members in MO and check on them. If I were younger, I'd hit up the Red Cross or Salvatioin Army to see if I could help in anyway. I think I'd just be more trouble than it was worth these days.
Probably the best thing I could do is donate money or food or whatever they need.

05-24-2011, 03:51 PM
I know your feeling thetmanski and I'm not surprised. Your obviously a man of honor. If I wasn't in this confounded wheelchair I'd already be there. As you say I'd be more of a burden than help. I have alot of family in Missouri fortunately none in the areas struck. I have a terribly helpless feeling clear to my core. Feel like I'd be doing something even if I was sitting in the middle with a rifle watching for looters and you can bet they are there too. Probably less in Missouri than any other state (alot of honesty in Missouri) but bound to still be some.
I don't have the funds to help much financially and quite honestly I often wonder how much of that money gets to the people who need it most.
Under different circumstances I'd be there in person helping mano mano just like a lot of others already are.

05-24-2011, 04:06 PM
Thank you for the kind words Bawanna. I just try to live "by doing the next right thing". It's pretty easy once give it a try.
Here is a series of 88 pictures from Joplin. I know some of the places and they were nice communities full of houses, now it looks like a flight of B-52's went through and leveled the place. I just feel sick to my stomach after looking at the pictures.

The little town of Reading Kansas was hit by the same storm system, but without the tragic loss of life Joplin suffered. It's a very small town with only 250 residents.

05-24-2011, 07:42 PM
Everyone can rest easy. The Big "O" is supposed to visit Joplin this week. It seems that that is exactly what Joplin doesn't need at this point, though - a political circus. It's already chaos there and they certainly don't need the distraction.

The tornado was upgraded to an EF-5 this afternoon by the NWS. There are 1,500 people still unaccounted for with at least 123 lives lost. I live in Springfield and this has everyone I know very shook up. It seems we all know someone that was affected.

As far as help goes, I wish I was in better physical shape to go lend a hand. I did buy some supplies today and drop them off at one of the local radio stations that was "stuffing a truck" (stuffed more than one actually) with needed items to be sent that way. Prime Trucking donated the use of the trucks. Convoy of Hope is a good place to send monetary donations as they use most of the money in the relief effort. It's close to home for them, too, since they are based in Springfield.

And, here's hoping and praying that the storms that are forecast for tonight don't materialize like they say they might.

05-24-2011, 09:29 PM
thetmanski (http://kahrtalk.com/member.php?u=3694) did you guys have more severe storms today? My good friend that lives in Independance said they had some more storms

05-25-2011, 07:40 AM
Lots of thunderstorms but nothing worse here. Supposed to be potential for more twisters today. :(

05-25-2011, 07:41 AM
You guys find a good cellar and get there till the sun starts shining again.

05-25-2011, 07:43 AM
Joe Pike:
I hope I never infered that the Richard Cranium should go to Joplin, I just wanted him to show some support and maybe focus on the relief effort.
Hell. if he just hid out in the White house we would have thought he was interested and helping in some small way.
He don't need to go there...maybe a fly-over, no need for the golden slippers to touch the ground.

05-25-2011, 05:57 PM
jdlott74, over here in the Wichita KS vicinity, we had nothing but some hail and strong winds and heavy rain.
I hate to report this, but another twister just hit Sedalia MO, I guess that is about 80 miles east of KC.
No deaths reported, but quite a bit of damage. KS has been relatively quiet for this time of year. Makes me wonder what's up. Are we going to get hammered later?

05-26-2011, 07:50 AM
One of our members was in Joplin this week as part of the LEO presence. Reports it is hard to put into words how utterly destroyed the town is. Lots of help coming from our little town as the school district is doing a drive for food, water, toys, etc. I think given time the folks there will get the assistance they need. The scale of it is just so enormous.