View Full Version : Comp-tac MTAC Holsters

Arizona T
12-10-2009, 10:44 PM
I see we are discussing IWB holster? I tried the Crossbread super tuck, but ended up with the Comp-tac MTAC I can't say enough about the fit , comfort , adjustablity, interchangeability, construction , finish. I also recommend the Netural Cant (Rio Linda style ) front of hip strong side.

01-11-2010, 12:16 AM
What pistol did you get the MTAC for. Mind posting a picture? I have been thinking about getting one for a PM9.

01-19-2010, 09:58 PM
I know this is an old thread, but here is a picture of my PM9 in an MTAC holster.


Here is my PM9 in the MTAC and my Glock 26 in a Crossbreed Supertuck for comparison.



Arizona T
01-19-2010, 10:04 PM
Thanks TXKAHR for posting your photos, I thought this fourm was supported by only Crossbreaders? AZ T

01-19-2010, 10:56 PM
Yes, thank you for posting those pictures. I also have a Supertuck for my XD40 and decided to give the MTAC a try for my PM9. Probably won't have it for a couple of weeks. How do you like the MTAC? How would you compare the ST and the MTAC?

01-20-2010, 08:11 PM
Thanks TXKAHR for posting your photos, I thought this fourm was supported by only Crossbreaders? AZ T

I like the CB ST for my Glock because it is thinner and the weight of the gun is spread out over more area, but the narrower MTAC works very well for the PM9.

Yes, thank you for posting those pictures. I also have a Supertuck for my XD40 and decided to give the MTAC a try for my PM9. Probably won't have it for a couple of weeks. How do you like the MTAC? How would you compare the ST and the MTAC?

I bought both of mine at my LGS, so I did not have to wait. The quality of the MTAC is top notch, however I had a harder time getting used to it because it was difficult to reholster my PM9 at first. I now have it tilted slightly forward with the front just below the pant line and the back just above it. This allows me to see the front of the kydex while I insert the gun in a more natural position. It does not "click" when the gun is full inserted, like the ST, but I find it holds the gun very tightly with my beltman.com belt. With the back of the kydex above the pants and the combat cut of the MTAC, it is easier to get a full grip on the gun before pulling it from the holster.

Here is the back of the MTAC which shows the easy grip on the PM9. Also, you will notice the mag release is not touching the leather, so no worries about dropping the magazine while the gun is still in the holster.


Here is the new cant I have settled on which gives me better access to the grip while still keeping the gun lower on my waist. The front setting is one hole lower than the rear.


Arizona T
01-20-2010, 10:26 PM
I have been rocking my PM9 and my PM40 in the MTAC Netural cant Rio Linda style same holster.

I too agree that the leather work is sweet and it's finished. I have several interchangeable kydex bodies for different nuggs and they all work excellent.

Comp-Tac has excellent customer service, quick updates via e-mail , quick shipping and a sweet little candy with every order.

AZ T I wear shorts all year long !!:cool:

01-23-2010, 10:04 AM
Thanks, great photos. How much longer is the kydex shell than it needs to be? It looks like it might be an inch or more longer than the PM9 slide?

01-30-2010, 01:14 PM
I got my MTAC yesterday. Took only about 10-12 days from order to delivery. Initial impression was very good quality. When I stated to fit the PM9 into the MTAC I noticed that it did not snap into place like my XD40 does in the supertuck. Retention was OK but it didn't seem like the gun had a definite stooping point. If I pushed it in as far as it would go the gun wanted to twist forward which caused the kydex to be pushed away from the gun by the slide release pin which was being forced out of its detent in the kydex. I found the problem to be that kydex around the bottom of the trigger guard was pushing the gun forward and misaligning the slide release pin detent. I decided to get out the hair dryer and try to fix it. It worked! I also made a more definite depression in the trigger guard to give a little bit more mechanical retention from the kydex. Now when I push the gun into the holster firmly it snaps in and the kydex lays flat against the gun.

The next problem I had with the MTAC was that the leather backing is way taller than needed for the PM9. I know they sell other shells for it so you can use it for other guns but mine is for my PM9 and I don't think I would ever carry IWB a 4 or 5 inch barrel so the long backing was just unnecessary. I cut it off which made a huge improvement in the comfort when sitting and reduced printing in my pants when bending forward. I also shortened the rear clip since it was sticking out when I bent over or sat.

The MTAC feels much better to me now. I will let you know what if any other mods I make.


I know this is an old thread, but here is a picture of my PM9 in an MTAC holster.


Here is my PM9 in the MTAC and my Glock 26 in a Crossbreed Supertuck for comparison.



02-07-2010, 05:28 PM
I like your idea of getting a better fit with the Kydex. I noticed the same thing with my MTAC. My PM9 does not click when I push the gun all the way into the holster.

I was able to bend the part where the trigger guard touches, but I was not able to make the indent bigger to give mine a better hold. How did you make the indent bigger? Did you use some type of tool or just your fingers?

Also, what did you use to cut the leather at the bottom?



02-08-2010, 08:31 AM
I like your idea of getting a better fit with the Kydex. I noticed the same thing with my MTAC. My PM9 does not click when I push the gun all the way into the holster.

I was able to bend the part where the trigger guard touches, but I was not able to make the indent bigger to give mine a better hold. How did you make the indent bigger? Did you use some type of tool or just your fingers?

Also, what did you use to cut the leather at the bottom?



I just used my finger to make the depression in the kydex. Be careful not to get it too soft. I used a hairdryer and I was surprised how quick it get soft. Most importantly, make sure you don't indent so much that the kydex hits the trigger.

To cut the leather I used a straight edge and a utility knife. I then used a sanding sponge to round the edges a little.

02-18-2010, 07:44 PM
I made the same changes to my MTAC holster last night. I cut the leather straight off and made the rear clip one notch smaller. I still was not able to make the trigger gaurd indent any larger, but I bent the Kydex where it fits under the leather and it has a very tight hold on the gun now. I can hold the holster upside down and shake it without the gun falling out or even starting to come loose.

Thanks for the tips... :)


02-23-2010, 09:16 PM
I just took a couple of quick picture of the MTAC modifications. I cut the bottom of the leather straight and I cut the bottom of the left clip (rear clip when being worn) to reduce the printing when bending over. Notice the left clip has one less hole to provide a larger forward cant.


I heated the Kydex with my wife's hair dryer and bent the edge that fits under the leather to create a much tighter fit for the gun. Now, I can hold the holster upside down and shake it without the gun moving. It used to fall out quite easily when held upside down.


After a month of constant use, you can see how the leather has molded to the shape of the gun and curved to fit comfortably behind my right hip. I can wear the gun for 14+ hours a day without any discomfort.


02-23-2010, 09:53 PM
YouTube - Concealment (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIG4LjZgDzI)

02-24-2010, 06:17 PM
Thanks for the video. He makes the same points I considered before I bought the MTAC and he mentions the reasons I really like mine. :)


02-24-2010, 08:22 PM
Thanks for the video. He makes the same points I considered before I bought the MTAC and he mentions the reasons I really like mine. :)


You're welcome - the next video will likely be SA vs. DOA guns for carry uses ;)

02-24-2010, 09:17 PM
I missed your name the first time I listened to the video, so I did not realize it was you... :)


04-19-2010, 07:47 PM
I enjoy wearing my P9 appendix carry with my MTAC Neutral Cant. Very comfortable.

