View Full Version : PM45 Ownership Makes No Sense…

Bill K
05-26-2011, 10:59 AM
[Posted to stimulate some discussion because the only gun I might add to my carry system (currently P3AT, PM9, Glock 26) is a .45]

PM45 ownership males no sense to me unless the pistol was given to you, got at a ridiculously low price or strangely you can pocket it but not the P45 or CW45

It seems to me that getting a CW45 or P45 makes much more sense. For fractions of an inch in length and height and just an ounce or two more you get a .45 with a ½ longer barrel and a standard mag holding one more round. I’m thinking that the P45 and CW45 would also allow for a more secure IWB carry and a quicker draw.

Bill K.

05-26-2011, 11:20 AM
When you carry it on your ankle a few ounces and fractions of an inch make all the difference in the world.

It's an awesome feeling having a backup or sometimes stand alone gun strapped to your leg in a meaningful caliber. Can roll around with no shirt, (frightening for the women and children) and still not be nekkid.

05-26-2011, 11:30 AM
Hooo boy!! Let me find that eleven foot pole...

05-26-2011, 11:33 AM
You might compromise by getting a PM40. It is about the same size as your PM9. ;)

Edited to add: The admittedly small difference in size and weight is why my PM40 gets carried so much more frequently than my CW40. YMMV

05-26-2011, 11:41 AM
For what it's worth I agree with Bill K if a person is gonna carry on a belt either IWB or OWB. The P or CW would probably be a better and wiser choice for the reasons he already mentioned. If a person wants to Appendix carry or what I affectionately refer to as Mellissa carry the PM45 would have an advantage. Not getting as much barrel in the leg when you sit or bend over.

The PM45 gives me more options. I rarely carry it on the belt but can if I want. I have no use for pocket carry in any form so the fact that its slightly large for that purpose bothers me not.

05-26-2011, 11:47 AM
If a person wants to Appendix carry or what I affectionately refer to as Mellissa carry the PM45 would have an advantage. Not getting as much barrel in the leg when you sit or bend over.

You can't do that with an 11-foot pole...just saying! :p

05-26-2011, 12:02 PM
You can't do that with an 11-foot pole...just saying! :p

Thats a question for Dear Deitrich Darlin. I have no knowlege of such things much to my dismay. I would hazard a quess that it would fall into the too much of a good thing category myself, but admittedly I'm not knowlegable of such things.

Bill K
05-26-2011, 12:04 PM
You might compromise by getting a PM40. It is about the same size as your PM9. ;)

Edited to add: The admittedly small difference in size and weight is why my PM40 gets carried so much more frequently than my CW40. YMMV

I know that the ballistics of the .40 S&W makes it a very viable SD round but for some reason I've never taken a liking to the .40. Maybe because it was chosen, I've read, by the FBI over the 10mm because of some wimpy agents not being unable to handle the 10mm. Wait... What's that I hear? Some FBI agents knocking on my door? :)

Bill K.

05-26-2011, 12:08 PM
Strongly disagree. A year and a half ago I traded a CW45 for a PM45, and was quite happy about it. That extra 1/2 inch in length, 1/3 inch in height, and 2 1/2 ozs of the CW made all the difference in whether the pistol would fit in a pocket [especially a jacket pocket] or not. I don't think I ever carried the PM in a belt holster, because I have better guns for that. I carried it IWB a few times after I got the Remora holster, but never before that. It was nearly always in a pocket of some kind. My PM9 works OK when I'm wearing light clothing, but I really miss that 45 ACP. Believe me, I'll be the first in line when they announce the CM45.

Bill K
05-26-2011, 12:14 PM
Strongly disagree. A year and a half ago I traded a CW45 for a PM45, and was quite happy about it. That extra 1/2 inch in length, 1/3 inch in height, and 2 1/2 ozs of the CW made all the difference in whether the pistol would fit in a pocket [especially a jacket pocket] or not. I don't think I ever carried the PM in a belt holster, because I have better guns for that. I carried it IWB a few times after I got the Remora holster, but never before that. It was nearly always in a pocket of some kind. My PM9 works OK when I'm wearing light clothing, but I really miss that 45 ACP. Believe me, I'll be the first in line when they announce the CM45.

Thanks for your input. Actually I think we agree! Being able to pocket carry the PM45 effectively in most of my pants pockets would move the PM45 to the front of the line.

Bill K.

05-26-2011, 12:24 PM
I know that the ballistics of the .40 S&W makes it a very viable SD round but for some reason I've never taken a liking to the .40. Maybe because it was chosen, I've read, by the FBI over the 10mm because of some wimpy agents not being unable to handle the 10mm. Wait... What's that I hear? Some FBI agents knocking on my door? :)

Bill K.

Actually the information I read was at the time there were few guns that could handle the 10mm round if any. So they detuned it and called it a 40. Now with better metals and technology the 10mm is alive (not thriving but alive).

At Beretta school I inquired as to the history of the 92F blowing up and hence creation of the 92FS. It actually wasn't any fault of the gun but was determined that the military was hotrodding the 9 round in essence trying to create a 40. There was a big to do about that. Turns out no fault of the gun.

So it was actually wimpy guns, not wimpy agents.

Aw crap, now theres someone at my door, could there be more than one FBI door knocker?

05-26-2011, 12:31 PM
I know that the ballistics of the .40 S&W makes it a very viable SD round but for some reason I've never taken a liking to the .40. Maybe because it was chosen, I've read, by the FBI over the 10mm because of some wimpy agents not being unable to handle the 10mm. Wait... What's that I hear? Some FBI agents knocking on my door? :)

Bill K.
:D At least the wimpy guys are polite enough to knock, in your neighborhood, Bill.

Don't get me wrong, .45 ACP rocks! When my wife and I take several guns to the range for an extended session, we always reward ourselves by shooting 1911's before we leave. No matter how well everything went earlier, the final .45 caliber shooting is always a treat.

05-26-2011, 12:35 PM
Aw crap, now theres someone at my door, could there be more than one FBI door knocker?
I think the traffic on the scanner mentioned something about a guy hanging out with Bill. http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif

05-26-2011, 01:49 PM
It would be nice if it were part of the regular pallet of smiles like this one from ArizonaShooting.com http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif

Or, maybe this one from your source, Bill! http://www.im-smiley.com/imgs/laughing/laughing004.gif

Bill K
05-26-2011, 02:41 PM
It would be nice if it were part of the regular pallet of smiles like this one from ArizonaShooting.com http://www.arizonashooting.com/v3/images/smilies/icon_lol.gif

Or, maybe this one from your source, Bill! http://www.im-smiley.com/imgs/laughing/laughing004.gif

Gotcha! From the pallet would be the way to go.

05-26-2011, 05:16 PM
When you carry it on your ankle a few ounces and fractions of an inch make all the difference in the world.

Ditto for pocket carry. The PM45 fits fine. The OACP needs a long shirt to cover the top of the pocket, because its butt clearly sticks out. All based on regular ol' Wrangler jeans pocket. For that reason along (and the weight) I cant wait to get the PM45 back. This OACP is nice, but too heavy.

Bill K
05-26-2011, 07:16 PM
Ditto for pocket carry. The PM45 fits fine. The OACP needs a long shirt to cover the top of the pocket, because its butt clearly sticks out. All based on regular ol' Wrangler jeans pocket. For that reason along (and the weight) I cant wait to get the PM45 back. This OACP is nice, but too heavy.

@ 5'10" and 160-165 pounds I'm not a big guy. My PM9 is just about at a practical limit for me to pocket carry though I have done my G26 a few times in cargo pants slash pockets. Guess a PM45 would work in my cargo pants but that'id be about it for front pocket carry.

Bill K.

05-26-2011, 07:53 PM
Well, I suppose if you shoot 45 Super out of you PM9 it would be like the original intent of the 10mm only better. Well perhaps not just any PM45 or you're likely to shoot only a round or two before the slide flies back (hopefully) over your shoulder.

05-27-2011, 11:38 AM
@ 5'10" and 160-165 pounds I'm not a big guy. My PM9 is just about at a practical limit for me to pocket carry though I have done my G26 a few times in cargo pants slash pockets. Guess a PM45 would work in my cargo pants but that'id be about it for front pocket carry.

Bill K.

I'm about the same size @ 5'11" and 160. I wear jeans about half the time and didn't usually pocket carry the PM45 in them, but it worked OK with other pants. If I was wearing a jacket, I would carry it in the inside pocket, which is what I preferred. Occasionally if I was driving or sitting a lot, I would and still do use an ankle holster. The biggest problem there is that I bang it on the door sill of the Boxter getting in and out. Obviously the PM9 and LCP will work even better in the same circumstances, but I prefer a bigger round. The only reason I didn't get the PM40 instead, is that I have a ton of 9mm ammo and nothing else that uses it.

05-27-2011, 12:01 PM
I am 5'10 at 165#and my PM9 is in my jeans front pocket every day, sure it might print a tad, but who gives a fokk, I don't, I am legal, never been challenged, I know it is there 99% have no clue it is there or what it is. anything biggeer probably wouldnot do well, as I do feel my PM9 is at the limit of what is pocketable and what is not. I never worry about the j"printing" thing. carried a J frame for 30 years and it certainly printed more and was heavier even but ever caqused any concern to anyone. Was in a bad motorcycle wreck last year and laying on the road the para medics and cops around me then never noticed I was carrying until I actually pulled one aside before being taken to the hospital to let him know I had a 9mmin my front pocket. NO harm, no fould, he took it and then anded it right over tomy wife who was there after he unloaded the gun. I was never ever asked later if I had a permit or not,. they knew me well so I think that helped alot but I am sure had I went to the hosptial with the ugnb on my person that bells would have went off when they discovered it. Luckily I was consicrous enough to let the right people know, again no harm no foul.If swomeone made a 9mm the size and quaqliyt of my PM9 with the features my PM9 has, I would probably own one of them, but for me nothing is in the class of the PM9/PM40. The PM45 although smal lby 45 standards for med is to big for pocket jeans carry when your my size.

Never been a 45 fan anyhow so the 9mm was a no brainer for me..

05-28-2011, 08:40 AM
Aw.......10mm's.......I love my 10 :w00t: