View Full Version : Back from banned

MW surveyor
05-26-2011, 05:54 PM
IP address that is. Been in Mexico since the 8th of May and the IP address at the hotel I was in had been banned! :mad: Nearly 3 weeks without my daily KahrTalk fix. It's been rough I tell ya. Bad thing is I gotta go back on the 5th of June for another two weeks. Same damn hotel too! :31:

So been trying to see what's been going on on KahrTalk. Haven't been able to go through all of the posts as of yet. But I see that Willieboy bought another gun and Dietrich has started a personal help thread. Had to read all 10 pages of those before I posted this! I may have to "Dear Dietrich" in the next few days as SHMBO is not at home and with the grandkids over in Baton Rouge. House is nice and quiet and I can turn up the surround sound on the blue ray player if I want, go out to the shed and reload some more rounds, eat what ever the heck I like, etc.

Anyway, gotta see what else has transpired here.


05-26-2011, 05:56 PM
Welcome back

05-26-2011, 06:01 PM
damn,not sure, 3 weeks without kahr talk or 3 weeks without riding my Harley.

yea I am sure I know!!

mr surveyor
05-26-2011, 06:21 PM
don't drink the water

05-26-2011, 06:27 PM
SHMBO is not at home and with the grandkids over in Baton Rouge. House is nice and quiet and I can turn up the surround sound on the blue ray player if I want, go out to the shed and reload some more rounds, eat what ever the heck I like, etc.

Occasional batchlorhood is nice isn't it?

Welcome back Jim.

05-26-2011, 06:33 PM
Glad you made it out alive.

Bill K
05-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Welcome home!

MW surveyor
05-26-2011, 06:58 PM
Thanks people. Good to be back. Gotta post on the Dear Dietrich site next as I do not feel any remorse on not seeing the wife.

05-26-2011, 08:29 PM
Been in Mexico since the 8th of May

What did you bring home?

Sombrero, tee shirt, post card, growing itchy rash on your junk? :rolleyes:


MW surveyor
05-26-2011, 09:44 PM
What'd I bring back.....About 3 weeks of report writing that I'll have to get done in a week! And a great desire to take a siesta after every meal.

05-27-2011, 09:00 AM
... And a great desire to take a siesta after every meal.

One Mexican export I heartily endorse. :cool: