View Full Version : P380 - My First Kahr

05-26-2011, 09:41 PM
I was looking for a very small, concealable handgun that I could stick in my front pants pocket or in a wallet holster, and also enjoy taking it to the range. I thought this was too much to ask until I came in contact with the Kahr 380. It is perfect! I wear dress pants and tucked in button down dress shirts, and the 380 goes in my pocket holster. Before I bought it, I tried a rental version at my local range and loved the way it shot. Extremely accurate, even at 25 yards, pretty amazing for such a small package.

I am relatively new to semi-automatics after having shot revolvers for years, and I did have a few "stove-pipe" type failures during my first 100 rounds. I did not clean the gun beforehand, I just filled the clip with bullets and started firing. I took the gun apart, throughly cleaned it, and took it back out with no problems. I noticed the manual mentioned that I needed about 200 shots to break it in so I will give it some time. Overall, I am in love with my new pocket pistol!

05-27-2011, 01:07 AM
Me too.

05-27-2011, 06:27 AM
It really does pay to read kahrs manual, there are some things in there that are must do's. glad it worked so great out of the box. a good pre cleaning and lubing is recommended for any new gun. We have seen many kahrs come out of the box full of crapola in the striker channelj, which I am going to assume you have not even cleaned that area. I would recommend u to go to the kahr tech section and hit on two great stickys. they will make that 380 even more reliable and fun to shoot.

#1 Kahr lube cvhart

#2 propper prepping of your new kahr, it will tell u how to clean out that striker channel without dissasembly.

nice gun, mine is super accurate..

05-27-2011, 07:47 AM
I surprised they had a rental P380 at your range. I think if more ranges rented these little guys they would be much more popular.

Bill K
05-27-2011, 08:28 AM
Welcome to Kahrtalk! Best of luck with your new piece.

Pocket .380s certainly are easy to carry. However, the PM/CM9 ain't to shoddy either when it comes to pocket carry. If you hang around here very long don't be surprised ifin you find yourself lusting after another Kahr.

Bill K.

05-27-2011, 05:56 PM
Jocko, thanks for the information, very informative! Garland, I totally agree with your comments about p380's being available for rent. Shooting such a small package so accurately (and comfortably) made the difference in my decision to purchase. You just don't get that experience at the gun case.

05-27-2011, 06:04 PM
I cleaned the firearm !!! I racked the slide 100 times before I shot it. Perfect with the first hundred rounds. PERFECT !!!

05-27-2011, 07:21 PM
it is so nice to see lately a few P380's doing what they are designed to do. Maybe we are on to something here, I hope..

05-28-2011, 08:14 PM
I just put 200 rds of WWB thru my brand new P380. Prepped and lubed as per the stickys, except not sandpapering of the follower and polishing the feedramp (which was already nicely polished and shiny)

Rds 1-50 - 4 fte's
Rds 51-100 - 1 failure to lock back on last rd
Rds 101-150 - 1 fte
Rds 151-200 - no issues

WWB was extremely dirty to all parts of the gun and took a lot of soak time to get it new looking again. Used Gunscrubber. Unfortunately, the rear site fell off. Looks like the sight was filed down to much at the factory. I guess they used some locktite on a loose fitting sight. 5 min call to Karh, and I should have a new one here next week.

Another 100 or so fmj down range and then I try some XTP. When theres no more issues, on goes the CT Laser.

06-02-2011, 08:01 PM
I just took my p380 back out to the range. 150 rounds with no issues. It looks like my new gun is broken in! I am amazed how accurate I am with it at 10 yards, what a great little gun!