View Full Version : Stronger Wolff Springs in CW9

05-26-2011, 11:10 PM
I posted in another thread a little while back that I was having some issues with my CW9 having some FTE and other jamming issues, thanks to you guys I was told to try replacing my recoil spring. It worked btw thanks!

But I had been thinking about putting in stronger Wolff springs anyway... I just wanted to give a little report since I'm a tinkerer and I can't leave things well enough alone.

So I ordered the 23lb K9 springs from Wolff and it fits perfect, it makes the slide pretty hard to rack compared to the regular spring but isn't too bad. I did notice that the shell casings stay pretty much in my little lane at the indoor range (instead of flying all over the place like they usually do). I felt like recoil and muzzle flip was slightly reduced, but not too much. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the upgrade - it's a nice inexpensive way to make my CW9 a little better to shoot. Even though it was already pretty nice to begin with :D

I also have a SS guide rod from Steve Bedair and ported barrel from Kahr. See? Can't leave well enough alone.

AND I almost forgot, I ordered some of the +5% mag springs that Wolff has for my 7 and 8rd mags.

05-27-2011, 06:23 AM
nice to know that the K9 springs from wolffs fit in the cw9, that should be a nice switch.

question. was they the same length? did u have to snip any coils. or did u count the coils on your cw sprig and just stay with the same count on the K9 springs,or did you maybe add a coil or two to test out. Thee are some questions to get some feedback as to if maybe we can tell another owner to do it and how to go about it etc, or if it is a drop in replacement.

The +5 mag springs are super, u will love them, u will notice a slight loading difference until the springs take their normal designed set and then it will load like normal but I do feel it helps to get that last round up faster and also to give that follower alittle extra ump to engage the slide lock lever. I wish they made 10% more strength even like they do for the kel tek and the ruger lcp 380" which guys love...

we don't know acrtually what kahrs factory cw9 recoil spring poundage is,. mY bet around 20# like their PM9 series.

MW surveyor
05-27-2011, 08:20 AM
Thanks for the post and look forward to your answers to jocko's questions. I like the idea of the ejected casings in a nice confined area. Makes picking up the cases easier LOL.

Now if the range I frequent just makes the renovations that they say they are going to do, it will make picking up casings a whole lot easier. They "say" that they are going to be putting up some kind of netting at each lane to collect the expended cases that will catch and hold the cases! Can't wait for that to happen! Of course, they were also going to put up a shed type roof over the pistol area for the last two years and that hasn't happened.

05-27-2011, 02:21 PM
I didn't have to snip any coils, I didn't count them either though, should I have? I held it up next to the new recoil spring I had from Kahr and they appeared to be the same size, but the Wolff spring was much stiffer. I'd say its pretty much a drop-in. I have to clean my gun later and I can take a picture so you guys can see.

Now the mag springs were a different story, they were MUCH longer than the standard springs and the 8rd ones were a b!tch to get in there. Btw, if anyone else decides to get them, make sure you wear safety gogles when putting them in! Which I guess you should anyways, but especially with these mag springs! I love them now that they're installed though, makes my CW way more reliable and I don't have to slam the mag in there. I don't notice too much difference in loading the mags, but I have an UpLula speed loader which makes loading super easy and fast (and doesnt kill my fingers when using Golden Sabres).

05-27-2011, 02:46 PM
mag springs are always easy to put in. just get a nail and then push that spring with your fingers as far down inside the magazine as u can, then siip a nail through the last hole and u have very little now sticking out and under no pressure either, now just push in a tad and slide on the floor plate.

No u did not have to count coils being it worked. if u have the old one count um anyway to see how close the wolffs spring was ouot of the package . Normally I have seen on the 5% more strength magazine sprngs that about 1.5 extra coils.. The 23# wolffs recoil spring should feel stronger, as more than likely your standard power spring was no more tha n 20# so figure a 15% increase. I shoot the 22# wolffs in my K9, have since I bought, along with the 5# stgriker spring which for me is the most positive change I have made to my PM9 and K9.

05-27-2011, 05:34 PM
I did that trick with the nail and even with the small bit of spring sticking out it was a pain to get that little sucker in there. Maybe it's just me...

Anyway, here's the 23lb recoil spring with the standard CW9 recoil spring... the one on top is actually the standard one and the one on the bottom is the Wolff spring. As you can see there are actually fewer coils and if you look really close the standard one is about 1-2mm longer.


The top view, the standard spring on the left and the Wolff spring on the right. Again very very slight difference, in this case the Wolff spring is just a tiny bit bigger in diameter. No problems with fit in the slide, the Wolff snugs in very nicely in the guide rod hole in the slide.

Here's the +5% mag spring, this is for the 8rd 9mm mag and there's a pretty obvious difference.

BTW, sorry the springs are a little dirty I just wiped them off a bit, but I took the pictures before I cleaned them. I used the camera on my phone and I have a white phone, didn't want to dirty up my phone :o

05-27-2011, 05:48 PM
one would expect a little bigger coil diameter going from 20# to 23# looks to me like a very good fit though, should work great. that magtazine spring is a big difference in coils over my 5# PM9 6 round magaazine which is 1.5 coils more, I could see what that would be a challenge anyway one tries it.

nice photos.

MW surveyor
05-27-2011, 07:43 PM
Thanks for the pics.

Wish I knew about the K9 springs when I ordered the 5 pound striker spring!

The longer mag spring look exactly like the one that I got from Wolff for my 7 round mag (difference in length that is).

05-27-2011, 09:22 PM
Thanks for the pics.

Wish I knew about the K9 springs when I ordered the 5 pound striker spring!

The longer mag spring look exactly like the one that I got from Wolff for my 7 round mag (difference in length that is).

No problem! You guys are so helpful here I thought I'd try to help out anyone that was thinking about making the switch :D

Since you and jocko have both done it, can I ask what difference the 5lb striker spring makes? Does it lighten the trigger pull? The warning on the Wolff website kinda scared me off getting it since I wanna use my CW9 for CCW and I'd be worried about accidental discharge if I carry it with one in the chamber.

MW surveyor
05-28-2011, 06:26 AM

The 5 lb striker spring makes the trigger pull just a bit lighter than the stock striker spring by a couple of ounces. I bought the three pack, sent one to Bawanna as he has a trigger pull gauge. His reported trigger pull was a bit inconsistent but it was lighter. Since changing out mine, I've got nearly 300 rounds through the gun and have had no light strikes and my perception is that the pull has gotten lighter and smoother.

The warning on the Wolff site is to absolve themselves of any liability if the gun does not fire especially for LEO personnel. As before, I've sent 300 rounds down range without any light strikes using my carry ammo and my reloads. Jocko has way more than that without any problems.

Carrying with one in the chamber. The CW9 and the other Kahrs are double action and have long trigger pulls. The striker is only minimally cocked when you load one in the chamber (not like a Glock). As the trigger pull is pretty long on the CW9, you have to make a conscious effort to pull the trigger that far. Just carry in a good holster that covers the trigger and keep the booger hook off the trigger when drawing and you'll be good to go. The gun also has been drop tested and not fire when dropped. I carry mine loaded (one in the chamber) in my front pocket in a cheap uncle mikes #4 pocket holster or in a Bianchai #100 size 10A IWB holster.

05-28-2011, 07:19 AM
the 5# striker should be far more than a few ounces difference. I know we have all measured andgotten different trigger poundage stats on the factory springs, but Ihave checked with kahr numerous times with someone inside that I trusted and have read kahr reports, where they saya their factory triggers are between 7-9#. You will get no light strikes from the 5# striker kand surv is deadright, wolffs prints this on every trigger poundage spring they sell. lawyers styff. thenice thing about the kahr is that it doesn't change the trigere travel, so it is no more hairyt than original IMO.

I have a trigger guage and although not the finest,it varies to much to say much of anything, butr I havbe no doubtr that wolffs would not offer a 5# striker spring if it was only going to reduce poundage a half pound or even a pound. Being they make kahrs factory striker spring, I would think they have a ore perfect guidline to base it on to.
I dohave over 30,000 round through my PM9 with the 5# striker and never once a light striker. also sits in my K9 to with same results. For me I loke it alot.. YMMV

05-28-2011, 08:04 AM
I'm glad you went ahead and got the new mag springs. Some times with a new, stronger recoil spring, stronger mag springs are needed for proper feeding.