View Full Version : Another New CM9 Owner

05-27-2011, 04:13 PM
I picked up a CM9 yesterday from Bud's (they're local for me). I liked the size and feel of the gun and thought the trigger was good for a gun of this type. Unfortunately, they didn't have any extra mags in stock so I'll order some.

Got it to the range today and put 50 RWS 124 gr and 50 Rem Green Box 115 gr rounds through it with no problems. I know Kahr says 200 rounds break-in but I thought I would try a few 124 gr. Speer Gold Dots. Two failures to feed (first and fourth rounds). Just not quiet making it into the chamber. I'll put another hundred of FMJ and try the Gold Dots again. If they don't work out, then something else.

I shot the gun reasonably well -- much, much better than my Ruger LCP. I bought a Nemesis pocket holster and have ordered a Silent Thunder holster. I guess my timing was right for a change as the 20% discount was nice.

Bill K
05-27-2011, 04:31 PM
Yeah, get it good and broken in with that ball ammo before feeding it HP. I think lots of folks use 124 Speer GDs without issue.

Bill K.

05-27-2011, 05:27 PM
kyjim, was that first round failure to feed due to u maybe hand racking the slide to feed that first round?? If so, continue to use the slide release lever until u get the hang of proper hand racking.. It should and will feed gold dots with no issues.

05-27-2011, 07:31 PM
kyjim, was that first round failure to feed due to u maybe hand racking the slide to feed that first round?? I can't for the life of me remember. Must be getting old. I'll make sure next time only to use the slide release.

05-27-2011, 07:36 PM
were all old, some are just older. only way not to get old is to die young and personally that sucks..