View Full Version : Night sights????

05-28-2011, 12:26 AM
Does anybody have Dawson night sight's on their guns? I want to order just the front sight for my PM9 and I wonder how you'll like them. I removed the sight yesterday, I kept hearing that they were hard to get off and I was curious so I got a flat screw driver wide enough to to go through and deburr the front and also took any kind of bevel it had, then I taped the front with tape (masking) and placed:israel: the screw driver on the dovetail slide not the post and it took a couple of solid blow and away it came, now I need to make a decission as what night sights to get, If Dawson's or Meprolite, any input as always is greatly appreciated.
I have the trijicon on the CW and I don't like them during the day time, at night they're fine though. :7:

05-28-2011, 05:58 AM
I have the trijicon on the CW and I don't like them during the day time, at night they're fine though.

The larger Mepros sights are easier for me to see in daylight. The white tube is larger on Mepro than the Trijicon.

Mepro on the left... Trijicon on the right

05-28-2011, 07:45 AM
Did your PM9 have a three dot set up or a post and dot set up? If it's post and dot get an XS Big Dot for the front sight.

05-28-2011, 08:30 AM
I have gone to XS Big Dots on all of my guns, easy to see.



05-28-2011, 12:09 PM
I have Meprolights on my Glock. I've had them for about ten years and they're still going strong.

05-28-2011, 10:46 PM
Thanks guys for the input and the great pics, The reason I was asking about Dawson's is because they sell the front without the rear, which it's all I want for $45.00 +s/h. I believe I've read in here that someone knows of them and if it has a brighter white outline that would be the ticket. If I don't hear from someone that has them I will def be going for some mepros.

05-29-2011, 08:17 AM
XS will also sell you just the front or rear, as seen in my post above on my Glock, I only went with the front.