View Full Version : Ok...... how long does it take?

05-29-2011, 04:24 PM
I have became very accurate with the SIG226

I now also have a K9. Which I think is a great gun.

What my question is, is this.

How long does it take to get to become proficient with the LOOONNGGG trigger on the Kahr

I went to the range yesterday, and shot my 226 well, clobering the center at 21 feet.

My K9....not so much

My shots vary almost nil left to right.... but I do string up and down.

What size groups do some of the experts on here get at 21 feet?

05-29-2011, 04:36 PM
tow different trigger systems. I don't shoot my K9 as good as I do my G19 but at 10 yards any bad guy willbe in deep sh-t with my K9. Kahrs with the loooong but smooth triger system are IMO harder toshoot than most other semi, but IMO a totally safe gun with no levers or buttons to screw with. I have seen some super shot groups onb this forum with kahrs, so as u know some p[eople are just good shooters and then there is ol jocko, who is a shooter and thats all.

05-29-2011, 04:36 PM
Dry fire and watch that front sight. I found that I can keep the front sight much more still using the back side of my first knuckle instead of the pad. When using the pad, my front sight would snap right as the trigger broke. I'm MUCH more accurate after learning the trigger, which only took a few minutes of careful dry fire followed by a range trip.

05-29-2011, 05:59 PM
The hardest thing to learn and do consistently is just moving the trigger finger... not squeezing with the whole hand or jerking the trigger... which I do a lot of, but when I really concentrate on just pulling the trigger, I get good results DA with my Kahrs, OR with my SA 1911.
I really had a good time with my K9 after getting LaserGrips and then turning those off. I got my smallest groups ever... around 2 inches at 7 yards and on a paper plate at 15 yards.
I just went to the range Friday and had my best time ever. I put 3x7mags in my PM45 into a paper plate at 15 yards! I usually am lucky to get half on the plate. I fired 260 rounds total with my PM45 and S.A. 4" 1911, and only about 10 rounds weren't on the plate, including rapid fire.
It just takes practice and getting comfortable with your gun's shooting characteristics and capabilities... and yours!
I'm not a great shot and always in a hurry, but I'm comfortable with my shooting ability, such as it is... old eyes and all.


05-29-2011, 06:59 PM
When I go to the range I always have a plan on what I'm going to work on. I usuallt only take 1 trigger system and plan on 2 hours of shooting with around 200 rounds. I notice that if I shoot a 1911, Glock or Kahr then my groups suck. If I take a revolver and my Kahr, the groups are outstanding.

06-11-2011, 06:50 PM
I got accustomed to my K9 the first time out, when I was pleased as could be that I was more accurate with it than any other gun I've shot. Not that I've shot a lot, or am all that good at shooting. YMMV, depends on what you're used to I guess.