View Full Version : Living in the Most Dangerous City in US.

05-30-2011, 07:49 AM
I work in Flint Michigan, just made #1 in violent crime, home invasion and murder.

I am surprised at the number of people I know that don't own a gun much less carry one. I see potential danger everyday I work in Flint, and now the crime is moving to the suburbs.

I carry at work when I can, usually pocket carry a LCP, and went I can dress around it a Kahr PM9 or S&W 642. I would like to make my PM9 my EDC because the need for more fight stopping power of the 9mm.

I am looking to buy a AIWB or a Comp-Tac or Crossbreed for 3:30-4:00 carry. I have AIWB in the colder months with a High Noon Hidden Alley holster, the problem is the gun touches my skin with no t-shirt, so a holster that covers the back of the gun is important to me.

I also like the Wild Bill concealment holster where the belt clip is beside the holster making it thinner, and the clip hides behind the belt. I need the tuckable feature for the way I must dress at work.

I may even step up to the 45 ACP like a Kahr PM45 or CW45. So the same criteria for a holster would apply.

What are your though on such a dangerous place to live, and what the minimum to carry is, along with carry experience in summer months?

05-30-2011, 07:54 AM

05-30-2011, 09:06 AM
Yep cant even go to Chuck E. Cheeses in southeastern Michigan anymore without worrying about a gang fight breaking out.

05-30-2011, 09:26 AM
two people were knifed outside the Indy 500 track yesterday. both extremely serious. LIQUOR PLAYED A BIG PART. People anymore can't have a argu ment it seems without grabbing a gun, bat, knife. No such thing as a good ol fist figtht..

05-30-2011, 09:31 AM
... the problem is the gun touches my skin with no t-shirt, so a holster that covers the back of the gun is important to me... I also like the Wild Bill concealment holster where the belt clip is beside the holster making it thinner, and the clip hides behind the belt. I need the tuckable feature for the way I must dress at work.

I have the Wild Bill IWB... (pic in recent string)... I like it but it doesn't really cover the back of my CW9 against the skin (so I either wear a t-shirt or high-riding briefs behind it).

05-30-2011, 09:44 AM
For concealment, you might want to consider a GI Silent Thunder IWB. It has a lot to offer in both comfort and concealment. I bought a PM9 for pocket carry and I do that when working around the yard in a tshirt, but to really make it disappear I use my Silent Thunder. Once I discovered the comfort and concealment of the ST holster, I wished I had bought a PM45 as it would conceal almost as well and be the same caliber as my 1911.

They are offering 20% off for a short time with a check out coupon code. The info is in this post (http://kahrtalk.com/showpost.php?p=73783&postcount=1).

05-30-2011, 09:48 AM
My Remora gets the most use with my PM9, though I do have a nice leather tuckable IWB holster from RGrizzle and a very nice OWB from the Ugly Bald Guy. All three work great, and all three cover and conceal quite nicely, but I always grab that Remora first.

05-30-2011, 11:07 AM
My Remora gets the most use with my PM9, though I do have a nice leather tuckable IWB holster from RGrizzle and a very nice OWB from the Ugly Bald Guy. All three work great, and all three cover and conceal quite nicely, but I always grab that Remora first.

I just ordered a Remora for my PM9 and my LCP, look forward to trying them out.

05-30-2011, 08:58 PM
Hi Steve. I used to live on Chicago's southside, which is also pretty much a war zone. Unbelievably, one cannot legally carry concealed there. It may even be the case one cannot even own a gun. I've been gone from there since 1985. Every member of my immediate family, except my father and one brother, was a victim of violent crime when I lived in Chicago. We also enjoyed a home invasion while living there. Neighbors on both sides of me were burglarized while they were home and asleep.

If I were living in such a dangerous city, I would be looking for more firepower than can be had from a PM9 and maybe a larger caliber bullet as well. Back in the day, I always derived the warm and fuzzies from a .45acp 1911. Maybe a Glock G30 would give me the same level of comfort in today's world.

These folks who are not arming themselves in such an environment are crazy and have their heads in the sand or someplace darker. It's a shame that Flint has gone to hell. I took diving training on Corruna Road (sp?) back in 1969-70 at a place called Underwater Specialists. At that time, Flint seemed fine.

05-31-2011, 05:27 AM
I carry a PM9 in a Crossbreed Minituck and a Glock 36 in a Crossbreed Supertuck.Both holsters are made to keep the gun from touching your skin and both conceal easily and comfortably.The CW 45 would be a good choice if you want to step up your knockdown power and it`s about the same size as the G 36.Good luck and stay safe.