View Full Version : Remora #6 RFT - CW9

05-30-2011, 05:12 PM
Received my Remora Holster the other day and have been wearing it since them with my CW9 to test it out...

First here are some pics:

Gun holstered....


I went with the #6 RFT as i wanted to be able to it a crimson trace trigger guard laser to it somewhere down the line and was worried that the #4 would not accommodate it unless the attachment was taken into account when buying. I also was not comfortable with a concealed carry holster being too small, with the Remora being completely reliant upon friction and pressure to maintain its position, my theory was that the greater the surface area the better... within reason of course. So i went against the recommended #4 and opted for the #6.

Here is a pic of the gun on top of the holster to compare the relative sizes:


The angle of the photo is slightly different, but if you compare the two pictures you can see the impression of the barrel in the first one and see that the overall real estate of the holster is not that much different.

Here is a picture of the RFT top:


The opening is large enough to quickly holster the weapon (not that putting it away quickly should be of much concern!).

Having worn it for a few days i can safely say it is a very good holster. I was obviously a little skeptical given the lack of any attachments. However, having tried it in all sorts of shorts, pants, training gear i can safely say it is as good and stable as the clothes you wear. I tried it out with some thin dry-fit Nike athletic shorts and although the shorts would rise and fall, the holsters relationship with the waistband was constant, i could pull my shorts off before the holster would lose its friction with the waist band. This is not to say its functional with athletic shorts, but it is a good example of how well the material works in principle.

I popped it into my combat style cargo shorts and it was great with a belt, it concealed well and i had it around 4 O'Clock. The main thing is that it is not only functional but it is also comfortable, and although some people will tell you that carrying a gun is not supposed to be comfortable but comforting. But in my opinion being comfortable encourages the willingness to carry on those days it may perhaps not be convenient.

At the price point it is, the RFT #6 is a very good choice for a plethora of outfit choices. It will be my EDC set up for the foreseeable and i will report back as i use it more and get more of an insight.

05-30-2011, 06:51 PM
I have the #6art SS on the professional opinion of Alan. He said the #4 is for 3 1/4" barrels and the CW9 has a 3.6" barrel. I'm glad I took his advise because this holster rocks!