View Full Version : New PM9 owner

05-31-2011, 10:49 AM
I picked up a PM9 last week and got 250 rounds through it on Sunday. During the first 100 rounds the slide failed to lock back 4 or 5 times but after that it worked fine.

One issue I did have was with the mag release. This thing does not like to release the magazine at all. Instead of press and pop it was press and pry to get it out and was the same for both the 6 and 7 round factory mags.

Any suggestions?

05-31-2011, 11:00 AM
giveit some time, it will smoopth out alot more even and the magazine will release easier, not sure it is going to throw themagazine out of the gun as some doand some just rele3ase it about 3/4" and then u pull it out. Try waxing the outside of the magazine , it will help also.

did u go to the kahrt rtech section andhit on two good stickly's

#1 kahr lube chart#2 propper prepping of ur new kahr..

Bill K
05-31-2011, 11:32 AM
Welcome to Kahrtalk.

Sounds like you've got yourself a reliable PM9. Were those last 50 rounds your chosen SD rounds? If so it would appear you're good to go.

My PM9 is pretty new and the mags are just beginning to drop when loaded. Empty mag has to be pulled out but it does seem as if things are loosening up a bit.

So overall how do you like your PM9? Why the PM9 over the less expensive CM9 or other single stack nines. Will the PM9 be used for carry and be replacing a gun that you currently carry?

Take care,
Bill K.

Joe L
05-31-2011, 11:51 AM
On my CM9, the 6 round magazine would not drop when released. There was a very slight bulge where the round count holes are. I smoothed those out and squeezed the magazine very slightly and it freed right up. On my PM40, no problems at all with dropping the mags. I have two more 6 cartridge mags coming for my CM9 so I will check them as well and post a picture of what I am talking about if there are differences.


05-31-2011, 12:01 PM
I had the same early problem with my new PM9, but it cleared up after about 100 rounds. The last 200 have been perfect.

05-31-2011, 12:26 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk.

Sounds like you've got yourself a reliable PM9. Were those last 50 rounds your chosen SD rounds? If so it would appear you're good to go.

My PM9 is pretty new and the mags are just beginning to drop when loaded. Empty mag has to be pulled out but it does seem as if things are loosening up a bit.

So overall how do you like your PM9? Why the PM9 over the less expensive CM9 or other single stack nines. Will the PM9 be used for carry and be replacing a gun that you currently carry?

Take care,
Bill K.

No SD rounds yet just 250 rounds of Remington FMJ. I'm going to the gun show this weekend to pick up some JHP and will try a few out. I plan to put at least another 500 or so rounds down range before I start carrying and also need to select a good holster. I've been spending some time looking around for the right one for me.

I bought a Sig P290 on impulse and had problems right out of the box. It's a new model with the expected first year issues and very few holsters available yet.

Thanks to all for the kind welcome.

06-01-2011, 09:24 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk Skully and congratulations on your choice of the PM9. When your gun loosens up some and you get to know each other, I think you'll be very pleased with your choice.