View Full Version : Decided to go with crossbreed holster for CW 45 but questions loom lol

06-01-2011, 04:49 PM
So finally decided on holster but now I got the questions before I order, has anyone got pics of the combat cut compared to regular cut? I want to see difference, their website was not very clear on the difference. I am going to go with horsehide for obvious reasons but am wondering about optional J-Clips I will mostly wear with a pair of jeans and belt or shorts and belt are the J-Clips necessary.

Thanks for the help

Bill K
06-01-2011, 05:56 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

Why not just get the regular cut and modify to your liking? I believe it is just a question of about how much leather you want behind the grip of your pistol. Decent pair of scissors should do the trick.

Bill K.

06-01-2011, 08:20 PM
Bill K I hate to disagree with you, but a decent pair of scissors won't work.

I have two CBST holsters and I modified both for the combat cut after I bought them.

I traced the shape I wanted with a pencil and then cut it with an box cutter with a new blade, using old carpet as my backer/cutting surface, so I would not hit the floor.


On the left is a CBST with combat cut, on the right is a knock-off KHolster (Not recommended, not a safe holster, ZERO retention, poor fit) with no cut.

The ST had another two inches of leather that extended almost half way down the grip, I trimmed and rounded it to what you see here. Took maybe 5 minutes.

06-02-2011, 06:28 AM
so combat cut maybe way to go so I will not pull holster and gun out at the same time, it basically gives a little better access to gun then.

06-02-2011, 08:03 AM
@ griff,
Not having the combat cut will NOT cause you to pull the holster out with the gun, it's really more of a personal preference then anything else (I have holsters with and without).

As for the J clips being necessary...well again it's more a personal preference then anything else, but since the cost isn't outrageous, why not order them and see if you like having the option? (personally I'd go with C clips over J's)

@ JimBianchi,
I'm going to have to disagree with you on the "safety" of the Kholster, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them, so either you got a bad one (which can happen with any maker) or have simply drank too much of the crossbreed koolaid. :D

There are 2 of Jimmy's holsters in my family, admittedly mine isn't my favorite holster, but both have plenty of retention and the fit/finish is just fine.
There are also plenty of other (more then) satisfied owners out there.

If you had a problem with your's you should have contacted Jimmy to sort out the issue or simply return it.

Oh and by the way, crossbreed wasn't the first hybrid, Tucker's "The Answer" was, though the crossbreed "knock-off" does out sell it. ;)

06-02-2011, 10:02 AM
+1 to everything Rotofly said...

The combat cut is so you can get a proper firing grip on your gun while drawing.
Lay your gun on a table with the grip half covered and half hanging off, now try to grip it like you would be drawing and firing, and that is about what it will feel like without a CC. You may have a little more comfort maybe without the cut, but most of mine have them. Your call for yours

I(me) would not pay extra to get a CC. Get the normal one then try it and then if you want a CC do it yourself. I do them myself I have done 4 or 5 of them so far.
I use a pair of Henchels kitchen Scissors to cut leather and they work very well. But to do a complete CC you also need to grind the Kydex at the base of the trigger down so your finger fits right up against the guard. I use my bench grinder(a dremmel would work too) If you don't want to fool around cutting, grinding, sanding, etc. get them to do it.

And as far as Kholster goes Jimmy would have taken care of any issue that was a problem, his C.S. is excellent. That said, IMO from what I have received the last time. I would opt to buy another makers version of the hybrid holster, just because they where not molded to suit me, and there are better versions for about the same $ available now. But they still functioned fine and were just as safe as any other holster. I just remolded them and they are good now, but that is a little much to do for what he is charging for them now. Again that JMHO.

Finally, I took these pics for you.
My Kholster for my CW9 with a CC and remolded vs. a reg. Supertuck(No CC)(its been remolded too:o) I have a thing for molding holsters LOL!

06-02-2011, 10:15 AM
I don't get the huge piece of leather at all (tried it, didn't care for it).

Have you looked at the Silent Thunder?

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5146/5613393464_594f913dd8.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/5613393464/)
Kahr PM9 + Silent Thunder (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/5613393464/) by Christopher Nauman (http://www.flickr.com/people/cwnauman/), on Flickr

06-02-2011, 10:22 AM
That's where I'm at myself. Many just swear by the hybrid for comfort but to me it's a ton of leather and stuff for a tiny little gun.

I got an itch for a silent thunder myself. Probably won't happen while the special deal is in place that Old Lincoln set up for us but it will some day.

I got a nice setup that our very own RPollard made me and I still haven't given up but just having a tough time bonding with it. I'm not really an IWB buy anyhow but I want to be. It's a little hard for me to put on and take off too which I've heard from others as well. It is comfy though.

06-02-2011, 10:24 AM
That's why I went with the Silent Thunder - easy to put on and take off, it's VERY adjustable (retention and cant), and it's comfortable to wear. I love the leather lined Kydex as well (and so does my gun). Had mine in about a week too, can't beat it in my opinion, he's a great guy to work with as well and you have a nice choice of options available (belt clip style, etc).

Will be getting another for my XDM I'm sure.

06-02-2011, 10:25 AM
thats what always turned me off, was all that leather and stuff. It must be OK, they sell alot, b ut I will pass.

Bill K
06-02-2011, 11:47 AM
Bill K I hate to disagree with you, but a decent pair of scissors won't work.

Thanks, I accept the correction. In my defense though I did waffle by qualifying with the word "should" and not "would". :)

Bill K.

06-03-2011, 12:06 AM
I made western holster for years. The leather they used was limp and thin. It should never have been used for a holster.

The Kydex does not cover the trigger AND is poorly formed for the MK9.

When I emailed them, I was ignored, three times.

They sell garbage and have poor support.

No Koolaid, just truth.

@ JimBianchi,
I'm going to have to disagree with you on the "safety" of the Kholster, there's absolutely nothing wrong with them, so either you got a bad one (which can happen with any maker) or have simply drank too much of the crossbreed koolaid. :D

There are 2 of Jimmy's holsters in my family, admittedly mine isn't my favorite holster, but both have plenty of retention and the fit/finish is just fine.
There are also plenty of other (more then) satisfied owners out there.

If you had a problem with your's you should have contacted Jimmy to sort out the issue or simply return it.

Oh and by the way, crossbreed wasn't the first hybrid, Tucker's "The Answer" was, though the crossbreed "knock-off" does out sell it. ;)

06-03-2011, 04:47 PM
The leather they used was limp and thin. It should never have been used for a holster.

The Kydex does not cover the trigger AND is poorly formed for the MK9.

When I emailed them, I was ignored, three times.

They sell garbage and have poor support.

No Koolaid, just truth.

While the leather is soft, I have no concerns about it's thickness or it being a safety issue, and both the ones we have cover the trigger guard and were well formed, sounds to me like you simply got a bad one (as I said, isht happens).

E-mail isn't the best way to contact any company when it comes to a product issue (things can and do get caught in spam filters), did you try picking up a phone?

06-04-2011, 08:52 AM
I don't get the huge piece of leather at all (tried it, didn't care for it).

Have you looked at the Silent Thunder?

Kahr PM9 + Silent Thunder (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwnauman/5613393464/) by Christopher Nauman (http://www.flickr.com/people/cwnauman/), on Flickr

DO you have there actual email address when I click there link it pulls up outlook express which I dont have set up as I use gmail and have yet to figure out how to make it work with gmail.

I am now wanting to look closer at this holster.

06-06-2011, 12:12 PM
Bill K I hate to disagree with you, but a decent pair of scissors won't work.

Au contraire mon frere. I've combat cut several CrossBreeds with a pair of Cutco kitchen shears.

Now, I'll grant you that I wouldn't want to try it with a basic pair of office scissors. ;)

06-06-2011, 12:16 PM
Au contraire mon frere. I've combat cut several CrossBreeds with a pair of Cutco kitchen shears.

Now, I'll grant you that I wouldn't want to try it with a basic pair of office scissors. ;)

Congrats on senior status mon frere. Are we worldly around here or what.

Who'd a thunk a Missouri farm boy like me would be conversing in Jamaican.

les strat
06-06-2011, 01:32 PM
I made western holster for years. The leather they used was limp and thin. It should never have been used for a holster.

The Kydex does not cover the trigger AND is poorly formed for the MK9.

When I emailed them, I was ignored, three times.

They sell garbage and have poor support.

No Koolaid, just truth.

Sorry you had a bad experience. The Kholster for my SR9c is about as good as it gets, and it covers the trigger and mag release. As far as the kydex fitment, mine draws easily but will hold upside down.

The one time I emailed Jim, I had a response within 24 hours. It was a complement on the holster though :D

06-06-2011, 01:41 PM
Au contraire mon frere. I've combat cut several CrossBreeds with a pair of Cutco kitchen shears.

Now, I'll grant you that I wouldn't want to try it with a basic pair of office scissors. ;)

on senior status. mind you the only thing it will get u is the right to kiss "THE GREAT ONES" RING TWICE instead of once. Course prior to senior status, the kiss is relegated to another part of his body, so welcome to a greater life for sure:crazy:

06-06-2011, 01:49 PM
on senior status. mind you the only thing it will get u is the right to kiss "THE GREAT ONES" RING TWICE instead of once. Course prior to senior status, the kiss is relegated to another part of his body, so welcome to a greater life for sure:crazy:

Now you got it all exagerated. No ring or anatomy kissing round here, a little bow is acceptable. We're not all commander in chiefs that bow to the Burger King.
Doesn't he also get to know the secret kahrtalk handshake which I've never understood the benefit of since I've never met any of you in person to apply the secret hand shake too.

I guess I did meet spidertattoo but he was too new to know the handshake which reminds me I must have slipped thru the cracks as I don't know the secret hand shake either.

06-06-2011, 02:00 PM
well then u mean I WAS THE ONLY ONE

06-06-2011, 02:07 PM
well then u mean I WAS THE ONLY ONE

Yeah, maybe.

But it was your idea.

06-06-2011, 02:19 PM
I guess I ask for that--huh??

06-06-2011, 02:26 PM
I guess I ask for that--huh??

When it's over the plate chest high, ya just gotta take the swing ya know?

You think I have an obsession for chest?