View Full Version : Just got a new PM9 yesterday..

06-02-2011, 06:46 PM
Picked up a new stainless PM9 that ide been eyeing for awile at one of my fav gun stores. I took it home and painted the slide black. Yea I could have got an all black PM9 from somone else but I got a good deal on this one. It turned out looking good with the black paint. But before I painted it I shot about 50 rounds through it all good except 1 round was a failure to feed. I hate the way single stack mags makes the top bullet want to nosedive if not seated all the way back. But I love this pistol, I was very skeptical about getting one of these from all the things ive read but I went ahead, got it, and im glad I did. I always usually carry a Glock 26, but I want something a little lighter, thinner, and a good trigger and too me these things are which the PM9 excels. I love the trigger, much better than the Glock, but I do love the glock reliability. After I break in the PM9 and hopefully after a few hundred trouble free rounds I will carry this.

06-02-2011, 06:50 PM
what the hell did u paint it with???

was that one round that ftf the first round in the magazine, i. e. did u try to hand rack the first round or didu use the slide lock lever to load that first round. U should as the manual statesuse the slide lock lever to load that first round until at least the gun gets some more rounds through it, as it will smooth out alot more and then one can normally hand rack with ease.

Have u visited the kahr tech section and hit on two good stickys??

#1 kahr lube chart#2 propper prepping of ur new kahr.

not sure where u have been reading either but on this KAHR FORUM. we see no issues with the PM9..

welcome aboard, enjoy your PM9

06-02-2011, 07:00 PM
Congrats and welcome. If i painted my Kahr I think jocko might hunt me down and knock me off. LOL

06-02-2011, 07:36 PM
lol..I painted it with duplicolor hi temp low gloss. I just wanted something too protect the stainless, I dont really care about about making it look like a collectors piece all that much but it looks decent too me. :D

I did use the slide stop lever and I also tried slingshotting the slide back on the first round, the slide stop lever worked like a charm but the slingshotting made the first round stick, but with a little tap on the back of the slide it slammed foward... the FTF happened with 6 rounds in the mag and one in the chamber, after I shot the first round in the chamber, the first round in the full mag just kinda nosedived down a little, but what I said above with a little tap on the back of the slide it slammed shut..I was testing the gun out too see what it would do as far as using the slide stop on the first round, basically just watching too see how it all functioned.

Ive actually been reading anywhere online someone posted a review of the PM9 pistol on google and going down the many lists of reviews and everything, mine is also a newer one and not in the barrel recall serial #'s. Some people is said to have had problems with their PM9's and some dont. Even after their break in period. I realize they have tight tolerances, and probably do need a decent breaking in, so I just had to get one myself to see for my own experience. And so far im really liking this pistol I want to get the CM9 also.

I will check the stickys and thanks for your replies :)