View Full Version : how many rds intil you need to replace more then the spring?

06-04-2011, 09:22 PM
Im around 2600rds through my pm9 just wondering what needs to be addressed since this is my only carrying weapon?

All ive been through is one spring thats it and the usual cleaning maintence of course. Out of all them rounds it has only jammed up twice.

06-04-2011, 10:30 PM
Im around 2600rds through my pm9 just wondering what needs to be addressed since this is my only carrying weapon?

All I've been through is one spring thats it and the usual cleaning maintence of course. Out of all them rounds it has only jammed up twice.

Just a recoil spring and if it's running fine I'd just order one and save it. If it's the old style I'd just replace the outer spring and leave the inner retained spring as is. Everything else is good until it isn't. I've never had issues with mag springs with any of my autos, many like to change those out from time to time. The striker spring should be good for a long long time.

If it isn't broke, I'd not work on fixing it I guess is my rule of thumb.