View Full Version : Headache after first outing CW45

06-05-2011, 11:54 AM
Literally... What can I do to get brass to fly more consistently right. I got hit in the head quite a few times.

Overall, the first 120 rounds went ok though. I just don't want hot brass in the head from time to time.

06-05-2011, 12:12 PM
Eye-protection and a cap, worn properly with the bill or sunshade FORWARD and low are a must... sometimes. My last outing to test the defense ammo with my PM45, I didn't have the danged cases flying back at my face or head.

My first shooting session with the PM45, I didn't wear a hat and I got hit pretty often in the forehead and some seemed to be targeting my eyes! :eek:

That trip was kind of funny, because after cleaning up a bit at the range, I went to Walmart and shopped for half an hour or so. When I got home and looked in the mirror, I had black marks all over my forehead... a bunch! I can't imagine what other shoppers thought I had been doing!:rolleyes:

I started wearing my Kahr hat/cap with the brim pulled down to the top of my field of vision and learned to duck as well, when I saw something coming back over the top of the slide!


06-05-2011, 12:36 PM
If you aren't already go for a rock solid hold. My PM45 will get me the minute I get sloppy or go soft on the grip at all.
Make sure the extractor is really clean in that area so it has a good chance of flipping the case out.

Longitude Zero
06-05-2011, 02:29 PM
When it was brand new my CW45 potted me in the face with the empties. After about 250 full power rounds it settled in at thrwoing them to about 1-2 o'clock over my shoulder.

06-05-2011, 02:32 PM
would be nice though if one is having the head "bonk" thing to let another good shooter shoot it to see if he can duplicate. . I really think 99.995% of the time it is shooter hand position,m or maybe lack of!!

06-05-2011, 02:58 PM
When it was brand new my CW45 potted me in the face with the empties. After about 250 full power rounds it settled in at throwing them to about 1-2 o'clock over my shoulder.
I wonder if the Kahr extractor mechanism wears (polishes) in with shooting and becomes less tight. With 1911's, spend rounds to the forehead are often a sign of too tight an extractor.

I would be tempted to polish the extractor to accelerate the process. Just my two cents worth. Polishing the extractor on my PM40 seemed to improve overall reliability too.

06-05-2011, 03:17 PM
polishing neverhurts anything.. I am polishing my Harley riding boots for a a4 day trip to rockford, Illinois this coming thuyrsday with the wife riding her new 2011 streetglide.

06-05-2011, 05:01 PM
My T9 said it has a patented self cleaning extractor. Never know there was such a thing.

Longitude Zero
06-05-2011, 05:10 PM
jocko I tried that and had my son fire it and the same thing happened to him. So a mechanical issue can be just as much responsible as hand positioning. Polishing the extractor like jocko said worked wonders on my 1911's. It should also have the same effect on a Kahr.

06-05-2011, 05:23 PM
I am polishing my Harley riding boots for a 4 day trip to Rockford, Illinois this coming Thursday with the wife riding her new 2011 Streetglide.
Be careful out there! I was recently shocked to find Rockford on a NY Times list of the most dangerous US cities! That was a real surprise. Try not to have any surprises of your own. :rolleyes:

I still remember sleeping on the shoulder of the road, next to my bike, somewhere near there on my annual trip back to the University of South Dakota from my parent's home in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. I was too cheap to hotel it and the first friend I could mooch off was in Ames, Iowa. So, it was ride till you drop and then repeat. The only trouble I had was a pesky truck driver who noticed me sleeping there and decided to blow his air horn for fun. Yeah, I did sit up and take notice! :eek:

This was way before I even owned a handgun. Everyone knows college kids used to be bullet proof and mostly invisible anyway. They probably still are in their own minds. :D

06-05-2011, 05:35 PM
been through rockford, many time,s it sure looks like a clean town,course it is the secnd largest city in Illinois, so go figure, I think I will pack my PM9 for sure. thanks tucson..

06-05-2011, 06:37 PM
I read about a guy that had his problems with a pm45 doing the forehead boogie with the brass. He never really got it worked out. My own did that occasionally for the first few hundred rounds then was fine from then on out. I think it has at least partly to do with the recoil spring tension, being lower after the spring has been worked, and is a little less powerful, resulting in higher slide velocity, and better ejection

06-05-2011, 09:50 PM
I was getting popped quite a bit putting the first 100 through my new CM9 today.
My new CW45 arrives next week, hey those .45 shells are bigger, that's really gonna hurt. :eek:

06-06-2011, 05:46 AM
No worries my beloved Commander did that (I think I have it fixed, just haven't had time to verify yet). Hit me and my little brother and wife right between the eyes primer side down about tow or three time per magazine. I tuned mine a little and I think I got it, it can be fixed.

06-18-2011, 01:02 PM
Today went much better. Another 100 rounds, only one hit, right on top of my head, it too almost went past. I don't know if I just had a better grip, or if the gun is breaking in. Maybe a little of both.

I do know that my CW doesn't care for PDX-1. I'll be in the market for something else in the bonded 230gr JHP class.

06-18-2011, 01:40 PM
Good news! My money is on the extractor wearing in, so hopefully it will continue to improve. :)