View Full Version : Pretty cool

06-05-2011, 10:11 PM
I was out riding the Harley today, enjoying the second or third day this year we've had a day over 70 degrees. So I was riding on a back road in the foothills and just ahead of me about 50 yds, I saw a rather large hawk, or it could have been an immature eagle, diving across the road towards the ditch. He was in full attack mode, diving fast, legs out front, talons at the ready. He hit the ground in some bushes, and just as I got even with him,(or her), it flew up and across in front of me, clutching a small snake in those talons.
Those of you who are familiar with this part of the northwest know there are hardly any snakes on the west side of the mountains, so it was really unusual to see.
I love this place! :)

06-05-2011, 10:17 PM
You surely won't see that very often. Must have pretty darn good eyes to see a snake in the bushes on the side of the road.

One less snake, that's good, I dont care for snakes much.

06-06-2011, 12:07 AM
Several years ago I was walking out of a grocery store and had a hawk take a pigeon about 5 feet in front of me at eye level. It really startled me to say the least. I then watched the hawk take the pigeon to the back of the parking lot and have himself a little dinner.

06-06-2011, 06:02 AM
We have a bunch of Red tails around here. My boss saw one get a Sunday newspaper, I saw one get a cat (that was funny as all get out), and my uncle has a nesting pair on his place with some stories too. He was telling me about some pigeons that he had acquired and clipped the wings on so the hawks could eat. That was a good one too. I'll tell that one later.

06-06-2011, 10:32 AM
I watched my local hawk fly off with a groundhog...struggled a little with the weight but he got it off the ground and carried it away...it was amazing!

06-06-2011, 11:41 AM
And that's why I don't let my little dogs loose in the fenced back yard without watching them.

06-06-2011, 11:43 AM
Ok, I have a minute or so. That hawk that got the cat, the cat put up a fight for about a minute. The hawk took it up to about 100' and dropped it. Four times. That took the fight out of the cat.
My uncle has a little land around his place and has some nesting hawks there, and he works on pools for a living (pumps and such). One day he was out at a local country club and came across the critter remover, who just happened to have a pair of pigeons in a cage. They got to talking, and the critter puller gave the birds to my uncle, and told him how to clip their wings. He does it when he gets home, and sets them out in the yard, had to shoo them back from the road a couple of times (kept walking/running towards it). Little later, some other birds and stuff saw these pigeons in the yard, and eventually everyone comes to play. Then the hawks came home. That party got quiet quick, and everyone that could leave without attracting attention did. Those pigeons were still there, and yes they knew they had been spotted, because they quit moving and laid real low. Another few minutes and the male hawk comes and gets one of them. About an hour later, the female got the other. Truly impressive to see the attack, and what they can carry off. My boss was telling me about one that carried off a Sunday paper (and a big one of those at that), said the hawk picked it up and flew with it, thinks that it was building a nest. Sadly, we have some taller buildings around here, and with the glass, they fly into them and break their necks (of course other birds do it too). The other day I was locking up at work, and was less than 15' from a hawk, at eye level. Got his picture on my phone too.

06-06-2011, 12:43 PM
Here's a video of a hawk or eagle taking down a deer.
I never saw anything like it.

06-06-2011, 12:58 PM
Damn! I never seen nothing like that before either. Wow! Them things is powerful. I better get me a Taurus Judge just in case.

06-06-2011, 01:59 PM
We have a lot of red tailed hawks here. On two different occasions I have seen them dive & come up with a rattlesnake & fly off.

06-06-2011, 02:11 PM
Can anyone tell if that was a hawk or an golden eagle in that video. Damn big bird whatever it was. I suppose it's on youtube, so can probably go and see if I can find it and find out what kind of bird that was.

Youtube had it but didn't say what bird it was, just a bunch of comments about the poor deer and the usual insults and the like.

06-06-2011, 05:18 PM
Here's a video of a hawk or eagle taking down a deer.
I never saw anything like it.
I would not have believed this without the video. Awesome.