View Full Version : New CW9 Owner

12-13-2009, 09:02 PM
This is my first Kahr as I have been a LT Glock owner. But the Glock was too wide and heavy as an all around carry for me. So after looking at the Glock 26, Walther PPS, and Tauras Slim I decided on the CW9.

No range test yet but looking forward to breaking it in.

Feel free to make an reccs since I am totally new to Kahrs and I really like to make light mods on springs, rods, etc so cc me if you come across anything interesting to do.

Will report back!

12-18-2009, 07:25 AM
I like my new CM9....but having not fired it yet I can't talk much more than that.
I do know that as long as it runs reliable(after break-in{hopefully during ;)}) I'm not touching it, no mods. The trigger is smooth and as light as I want it, likely to get better with use and the pistol goes in to battery with authority, so "as is" it will stay.
In the future, I willl have NS professionally installed

12-18-2009, 05:22 PM
be sure to spend some time shooting 7+1. Nosediving problems sometimes show up with the mag full.

12-18-2009, 06:46 PM
No problems at all with mine even during the break-in period. I normally don't change things unless proven needed. I have a CW45, also and no problems with it either.

12-19-2009, 02:50 AM
I have had my CW9 for little over a year now.Almost 800rds downrange and zero problems even buring breakin period.You will probaly notice guide rod getting chewed up after about a 100rds but it will not affect function.You can either sand it down leave it alone or order a stainless steel guide rod like i did from Kahr.

As for as mods i have done none no need for them on the CW9 IMO other than maybe the trijicon tritium night sights Kahr now offers for it.It will take you awhile to get used to the long trigger pull (Not like glock triggers) so if you are not that accurate at first be patient it will come.And as you put more rounds downrange trigger will get smoother and smoother.

Great little pistol very accurate for its size and recoil is not bad at all.Make sure you clean and lube it well before its first outing.Don't get any lube in striker channel that is a bad thing and read the manual.Use slide stop to chamber first round don't slingshot the slide.After about 500rds i could slingshot mine but i usually use slide stop. Good luck and Congrats.

12-19-2009, 07:13 AM
FENDERMAN, well said , spoken like a true kahr owner..

12-19-2009, 11:07 AM
Don't get any lube in striker channel that is a bad thing
Okay, scare the new Kahr owner..... :eek:
I've given the striker spring and channel a squirt of Remmy Dry Lube(as I have to all striker fired pistols I've owned) Did I do something bad? I also don't recall seeing this recommendation in the manual.

of course I'm going to look for it right now....

12-19-2009, 06:54 PM
Here is my take on this, ymmv. ALL THE PARTS inside that striker channel are stainless steel and that little hole on the bottom of the slide is a clean out hole (and I guess can be an oil hole also). If one puts the cleaner spray nozzle in that hole he can blow it clean out both ends without any disasembly at all. It will clean it perfectly. ( I have 25,000+ out of my PM9 and I have never taken the slide totally down).

Now lets put some oil in that clean out hole to oil and lubricate that striker area and were now gonna holster it or carry it in ones pockets LOADED. Now ask yourself, where is that oil going to run and we all know even wiping something with oil that it will run, that is the nature of oil, grease won't, but the oil in grease will also.

The oil is gonna run right out through the breech face hole which is sitting directly behind the primer that you have loaded in the chamber, Now do you think there is a good chance of that getting behind that primer???You bet your ass it will in time.(how much time????? hours, days, weeks????) Or could some of that oil even run down into the magazine behind the loaded rounds and also do the same thing???Do you want to take that chance??? To me it is not worth the chance. You are asking for a mis fire, Many people, myself included tend to keep our defense magazines loaded far longer than we should. Those rounds in a defense magazine need to be fired periodiacally, just to get "fresh" rounds in the gun again. We don't care if we have a misfire at the range but for carry purposes, one needs to know that he did all things right and if a misfire occurs which we know it can still even, it is not becuase we oiled the striker channel. I think the reason kahr doesn't say to oil that striker channel is maybe in their mind they might mean a tad tiny drop, but everyone oils differently, some over oil as we all well know and then that is when things happen. Also oil will run somewhere and it could stain your cloths and it might look like you just wet your pants..

Glock even has a polmyer bushing inside their striker channel to keep things smooth and no rust build up either, AND they have that same up front clean out hole there to.

When I stated defense magazine, I am not talking about a special magazine, just a magazine that one keeps loaded with his good defense rounds. I have 2 6 round magazines for my PM9 and I carry one loaded all the time with my defense ammo, and I am very guilty about going to the range and just taking that loaded defense magazine out and setting it aside and then using the other magazine to shoot range fodder out of. this is OK to do mind you but not for a month at a time with that same defense magazine with the same old rounds sitting in the gun after you cleaned and re oiled the striker channel every time you went out. SAFETY FIRST.

12-19-2009, 08:48 PM
That eases my mind....and is pretty much the reason I Dry Lube on my pistols. I only use a smear of Flomula3(synthetic) on the rails and contact area of the barrel.

12-19-2009, 11:02 PM
FENDERMAN, well said , spoken like a true kahr owner..

Thanks jocko. PaiN i was not trying to scare anyone i use breakfree clp but everyone uses something different as long as it does the job.Many reasons not to oil striker channel as jocko stated in his post.Gun oil attracts dirt,powder,and so on.Not a good thing in striker channel especially!

12-20-2009, 04:02 AM
PaiN i was not trying to scare anyone i use breakfree clp but everyone uses something different as long as it does the job.Many reasons not to oil striker channel as jocko stated in his post.Gun oil attracts dirt,powder,and so on.Not a good thing in striker channel especially!
I know you weren't....I just got nervous for sec ;) because I did give that striker block/spring a squirt of Dri-lube. I see now there in no issue with that. I don't go crazy with the lube anyway and I definitely don't want oils running all over the guts of my guns.

01-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Owner of 2 cw9's great guns . The reason I got the first one is for the "light carry days" I am also a lt glock guy . You won't be dissapointed .