View Full Version : PM 40 Magazine Problem

06-06-2011, 09:10 PM
I havent been on the site lately and was suprised to see several magazine problem threads. I hate to bring up another magazine problem but I was hoping you all could help me in determing what caused my follower to break.

I was at the range this weekend and noticed one of my 5 round magazines would not accept rounds any longer. I got home and after inspection found the bottom of the follower broken.

I took pics of it but do not know how to post them. I will put them up if someone can help me with it.

Also I determined my CTC laser had been knocked off pretty significantly. My night sights were still right on the money. I have not dropped , or bumped it that I know of so I was pretty disappointed with that too. I went home and just removed it.

No failures with the actual gun, just irritating minor problems .

06-06-2011, 09:12 PM
replace the follower and spring and you should be alright... as for the ctc being off i won't be much help

06-06-2011, 10:12 PM
I am a new owner in waiting so I cannot comment on the gun or mags but I have 2 other guns with CTC grips not guards and the one on my 380 seems to move after 50 rounds. I have to resight it in. The other one on my 45 is right on target. I have noticed that as I re adjust the one that moves, the movement is less and less each time I use it. even when it is off, I still get the benefit of putting rounds on target without much thought. If I like my new Karh, I will put CTC guards on it.

06-07-2011, 06:49 PM
You don't say how new your PM40 is, but when you call Kahr, make it sound as new as possible, or shot as little as possible. They should send you a new follower, and if you talk real nice, maybe two.

By "bottom of the follower broken", do you mean the leading or front anti tilt leg?

This is a known problem with the PM40 magazines. Some say with all the 40's, but I never had it happen on my K40, and not on my much newer CW40 either.

It makes the magazine difficult to load without a little pushing in the right place, but doesn't seem to affect function while shooting.

06-07-2011, 08:23 PM
I've also got a new PM40; shot about 400 rounds through it. It's my EDC. It's broken four followers - I have two flush fit mags; it's broken them twice in each. I called Kahr, they sent replacements and a couple of extras. But, I'm with you - what up with this? When I mentioned it to Kahr, the guy said that the new ones he's sending should solve the problem.
Honestly, why isn't Kahr addressing this and re-designing the mags? Could the recoil on the slide/barrel be coming back a little too forcefully and, on the last shot when the follower is at the top of the magazine, be hitting it and causing this?
As stated by another post, the gun still fires all 6 shots (one in the pipe, five in the mag), but this shouldn't be happening in such an expensive gun!
Kahr executives, do you read these sites? Any idea as to why this is happening?

06-07-2011, 09:13 PM
My PM 40 is only a little over a year old so it is still under warranty, I shipped the magazine back to them yesterday with a request for a new mag.

The follower was broken at the leading edge on the bottom. I agree that it appears the only way for this to break is through recoil and not the follower actually hitting anything. If it were to hit something it would almost have to break it at the top not the bottom.

I also have 2 flush fit 5 round mags. the extended ones did not prove reliable in my gun. I probably have about 1000 rounds through it at this point, and still love it.

The magazines seem to be the weak link for Kahrs.

06-07-2011, 09:38 PM
Other people have reported the same problem with the 40's - I also had that issue, and Kaher sent me a new follower.

06-07-2011, 10:12 PM
I've also got a new PM40; shot about 400 rounds through it. It's my EDC. It's broken four followers - I have two flush fit mags; it's broken them twice in each. I called Kahr, they sent replacements and a couple of extras. But, I'm with you - what up with this? When I mentioned it to Kahr, the guy said that the new ones he's sending should solve the problem.
Honestly, why isn't Kahr addressing this and re-designing the mags? Could the recoil on the slide/barrel be coming back a little too forcefully and, on the last shot when the follower is at the top of the magazine, be hitting it and causing this?
As stated by another post, the gun still fires all 6 shots (one in the pipe, five in the mag), but this shouldn't be happening in such an expensive gun!
Kahr executives, do you read these sites? Any idea as to why this is happening?
Sometime back a fella on Glock Talk had issue with his .40 cal. Kahr breaking followers. I have the link, but it's no longer valid:(*:)
As I remember, Kahr told him they had a bad batch of followers and quickly replaced his broken ones. The trouble was that some these broke as well . He decided to troubleshoot the issue on his gun and came to the conclusion that the barrel ramp was breaking the followers. He removed a slight amount of material from the ramp and this solved the issue.

* I did find something where he explains this: http://glocktalk.com/forums/showpost.php?p=14309736&postcount=3
