View Full Version : PM9 or CM9 Which One

06-07-2011, 01:15 PM
New to Kahr, first post, have been carrying a Kimber Ultra in 9MM, looking for smaller and been thinking about the new Kimber Solo, also looking at others and like the feel or the PM9 and CM9. In my area, the PM9 is right at two hundred higher than the CM9. I was wondering if the PM is that much better than the CM, I understand the CM has MIM parts, and is made cheaper, etc. Which would you recommend if you could afford either. I like the fact that they are made in USA, or according to the label they are?? With the Solo being a new gun, just recently released, just wonder about recalls, etc. Nothing against, Kimber, I am still a big fan of them and have a few. Thanks for any info.

06-07-2011, 01:43 PM
NO NO NO, not really made cheaper at all. same stainless steel slide less some cosmetic stuff, exact same lower section as the PM9, the only MIM part on the cm9 is the slide stop lever and we have had more issues with the forged slide stop levers than ever on the MIM slide stop lever. All cw series kahrs, the cw9, cw40 and cw45 have the same slide stop lever and the same upper slide and we get no quality issues from them. The cm9 is just one super 9mm. It comes with the standard rifled barrel like all the cw series do and no one is complaining about accuracy or durability. they are all nickel plated. fear not your not buying a sub par 9mm in buyiing the cm9 over the pM9. 5 year warranty on either, and yes AMERICAN made and kahrs service is the fastest of any gun maker. To date we have many cm9 new owners out there and to date we have not had to see one going back to kahr either. This is not like the SOLO, as the cm9 is a spittin image in every detail of the PM9, so IMO this is not a beta gun or IMO even though it is, it is not a new release. It is like two idenrtical Ford 150's on the lot, only one has a radio and a locking glove box and full wheel covers...Motors, frame, tranny etc are all the same..

buy the damn cm9 if u can find one and just shoot it like u stole it

by theway welcome aboard, this is the best kahr forum around and we are here to help at all times. In the mean time visit thekahr techsection andhit on two great sticky's that willmake your kahr purchase a good one.

#1 kahr lube chart

#2 Propper prepping of ur new kahr.

06-07-2011, 01:49 PM
Either one will serve you very well. If the cosmetics, slightly more refined slide and one additional mag are important go with the PM.

The CM has a pinned front sight rather than a dovetail but Dawson makes some nice easily replaced front sights if that is an issue.

The polygonal barrel over the conventional rifling will go unnoticed. I'm sure no one would be able to tell the difference in an accuracy contest.

The CM certainly has a good track record so far, very very few issues of any kind.

Jocko pretty well said it but I know he likes it when people agree with him so I guess I wanted him to feel good today. Might say I do this as a public service.

Bill K
06-07-2011, 01:54 PM
Welcome to Kahrtalk!

I was able to get a PM9 a few months ago from GT Distributors at an outstanding price otherwise I'd today I'd probably lean towards the CM9.

I seem to remember someone posting that metal injected molded (MIM) parts had 90% of the strength of the same part being made from forged metal. I would not let the MIMed slide lock lever keep me from getting the CM9.

The big negative of getting the CM9 instead of the PM9 is that you wouldn't be allowed to hang with us elite PM9 owners. :)

Bill K.

06-07-2011, 02:05 PM
Welcome to Kahr Talk and you'll do well with either the PM or the CM :)

06-07-2011, 02:06 PM
nice thing about the pinned front sights is that 99% of theowners can install them with ease where as the dovetailed sights on kahrs normally reqire some type of a good sight pusher, especialy inthefront sight area.

to bill K, tha tis interesting to know abot the MIM part, as I have read other laces if an MIM part is made right it should be as strong as any forged part. Actualy on the slide stop levers the pin that goes through the barrel lug is steel on both the fooreged and MIM part so the slide stop lever (flat portion) is the only MIM part ofthe cm slide stop and there is no pressure in that area what so ever.

We might have to reconsider letrting these cm9 guys in with us PM9 guys as soon they will probably out number us, and then what????

06-07-2011, 02:12 PM
If you're going to want more than one magazine and want Night Sights, get a PM9 and get the features you want, especially if the DLC or Black is your desire.

Otherwise, buy a CM9, but get some extra magazines... from whomever has the best price AND lowest shipping AND NO tax. After all, savings was your goal, right?

I bought a used, like-new PM9 with all the features I wanted. That's certainly an option as well, but buyer beware... some sellers are getting rid of problems, though some are perceived... shooter unable to get comfortable with the Kahr double-action trigger.


joe d
06-07-2011, 02:52 PM
Welcome...I went for the CM9 for my first Kahr...Best pocket 9mm I own...(and I own a few)...

06-07-2011, 02:59 PM
Welcome. As Wyntrout said, the only real reason I see in getting the PM over the CM is if (like me) you simply prefer the all black finish of the DLC over a two-tone.

06-07-2011, 03:02 PM
I actually perfer the conventional rifling of the CM9 over the polygonal rifling of the PM9. It's not recommended to shoot lead in polygonal barrels, so if you reload, this is a real factor.

Joe L
06-07-2011, 03:54 PM
I am one of the lucky CM9 owners that also owns a PM40. Honestly, the CM9 is the best small 9mm out there, especially for the money. You can't beat the trigger, and the basic design has been available for many years and is well proven. I cannot tell the difference in accuracy at 15 yards between my CM9 and the PM9 I borrow occasionally for such comparisons.

06-07-2011, 03:57 PM
PM9 needs love to folks, so get that one.

06-07-2011, 04:05 PM
PM9 is one of the finest, but I vote for CM9 and spend the difference on a laser or a bunch of ammo. No need to spend more just because you can. Honestly how many CC guys and gals really are concerned with having the polygonal barrel, a machined slide lever?

06-07-2011, 04:39 PM
My local gunstore has both, the PM9 and the CM9, 679.00 and 469.00. Only other one I have found in my area was another PM9 at 659.00, but not worth the trip. Scimmia (http://kahrtalk.com/member.php?u=5864) I do reload, so maybe should be looking more at the CM9 over the PM9. I shoot mostly 124 grain. I do Thank You all for the great information I have received.

06-07-2011, 04:39 PM
good point MM..

06-07-2011, 05:09 PM
Actually that reloading scenario is a selling point for the CM too. If you want to shoot lead thats the one to get.

06-07-2011, 05:22 PM
Get the CM9.
I reload as well, and it is a plus to have standard rifling. Have no worries, it is very capable of great accuracy. I took this pic of my first time shooting my CM9 while sighting in my laser. Basically one ragged hole after I got it adjusted in.:)

I got mine at Buds they have been selling them @$419 shipped, if you can snag one, they go quick!

Ditto what everyone else said about the other slight differences, I actually prefer the slide bevel of the CM over the PM and the easy to change front sight as well,(Dawson N.S. will be going on mine)... Bottom line the CM9 is a bargain for the high quality you are getting.

06-07-2011, 08:29 PM
I just got the latest edition of GUN TESTS and they have an article on the CM9 -- they rated it as an "A". Here is a quote: "...now that we have tested the Kahr CM9, we see no pressing reason to buy the more costly PM9."

06-07-2011, 08:34 PM
I hate these threads.

Actually I have no regrets having bought a PM9, it's better than a CM9 so of course it costs a bit more. Whether or not you want the things that make it better is up to you, but denying it's got more attention to detail is kidding yourself.

06-07-2011, 09:40 PM
Actually, I agree, Thunder -- I am happy with my new CM9, and one of my friends has a PM9 that he just loves. He has more than 600 rounds thru it with zero failures. I already have one more FTF than he has total!

Joe L
06-08-2011, 06:31 PM
I hate these threads.

Actually I have no regrets having bought a PM9, it's better than a CM9 so of course it costs a bit more. Whether or not you want the things that make it better is up to you, but denying it's got more attention to detail is kidding yourself.

I don't think you can go wrong with either one. Since I already had a PM40, trying a CM9 was a no brainer to me. I wanted to actually see how good the CM9 was for the money. I am not disappointed at all. But I would have loved a PM9 also, even at more money for the details. Ford versus Lincoln. Both are excellent.


06-08-2011, 06:46 PM
I have 2 PM9's but from what I've heard they're no better than the CM9 in almost every detail that matters. You mentioned the Solo. That gun captured my attention so I checked out what people were saying. There were fewer people with Solo's that actually ran than there are people with P380's that don't. At least that's what I found. If I were to get another pocket 9 it would be the CM this time.

les strat
06-09-2011, 10:45 AM
Actually, I agree, Thunder -- I am happy with my new CM9, and one of my friends has a PM9 that he just loves. He has more than 600 rounds thru it with zero failures. I already have one more FTF than he has total!

You can chalk that up to the individual gun's break-in and not any difference in the PM vs CM.