View Full Version : Question for Jocko

06-09-2011, 11:30 AM
Hi Jocko,Could you please tell me if the Kahr P380 forum is still an active site? I tried registering and I recieved a box that said my E-Mail is spam & contact an Administrator,then I tried using another user name & they said they will send an activation E-Mail---That never happened either--What Gives with the site ?? Let me know..Thanks...Nelly(BTW my P380 is running like a Throbred since it's return from the Mother Ship!!):)

06-09-2011, 12:27 PM
O, this should be good.

06-09-2011, 05:48 PM
Dont understand ??? Help

06-09-2011, 05:50 PM
Hold tight nelly,someone will be here to help you soon.

06-09-2011, 06:25 PM
We'll have to wait for Jocko or someone on this one. I never been to the 380 forum so I don't have even a good guess for ya.

06-09-2011, 06:34 PM
I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!! I tried to register with several passwords and user names & it still rejects all of them!! The message keeps saying that the E-Mail address is Spam--I have been at that address for 10Yrs...This is like trying to access the CIA.SOMETHING WRONG OVER THERE.I just want to participate in what looks to be a neat forum for P380 owners.:der:

06-09-2011, 06:37 PM
Bawanna,Try to register and see what happens. www.p380forum.com (http://www.p380forum.com) Nelly :)

06-09-2011, 06:42 PM
kraigster414 (http://p380forum.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=9e58b05dfa34590bf83ebbea684d3b 30&action=profile;u=2), is one of the moderators, very decent fellow on the elsiepea forum.Try to pm him.

06-09-2011, 06:48 PM
Bawanna,Try to register and see what happens. www.p380forum.com (http://www.p380forum.com) Nelly :)

I may try later at home but I suspect they have a flag on anything related to the name Bawanna. I've said unpleasant things about them in the past, not the forum but the size/caliber and I'm sure I'll pay for my sins now and in the future. When you have to put on reading glasses to see your bullets something just isn't right but thats only me and my meaningless thoughts not meant to influence anyone especially you with a good race horse running 380. That's a very good thing and I'm happy for you.

I'll give it a go in a bit. Jocko is probably out exercising his wrist on that Harley throttle, he'll be back and probably know the answer but in lieu of your obvious distressed state, I'll do as you request soon as I get home.

Breath deeply, in with the good, out with the bad.

Incidently this is the coolest forum on the net and we talk 380's here all the time too. So if we get you into the 380 forum you got two places to hang out.

06-09-2011, 06:54 PM
Well my impatience rivaled yours Nelly. I went there and signed up. Other than having to change my password 4 times to meet criteria I'm now officially a member of the 380 forum.

Must be something on your end. I hope I can remember the password I made up.

06-09-2011, 06:57 PM
I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!!! I tried to register with several passwords and user names & it still rejects all of them!! The message keeps saying that the E-Mail address is Spam--I have been at that address for 10Yrs...This is like trying to access the CIA.SOMETHING WRONG OVER THERE.I just want to participate in what looks to be a neat forum for P380 owners.:der:

It's rejecting your email address? Not the length of your password? Did you copy the letters and answer the difficult questions. What color is Blue (hint-Blue) Who make the P380 Kahr? (hint-Kahr)

I got right thru. Obviously their guard must be down. I wasn't challenged at the gate.

06-09-2011, 09:28 PM
Nelly, I'm in over on the 380 site. Spoke to kraigster the mod and even made a post. He doesn't know what your issue is but they are alive an well.

Give it another try.

Zippo Guy
06-09-2011, 09:33 PM
It took me a couple of weeks of trying to get on until I was successful. It is a good site and I think worth the effort.

06-10-2011, 05:53 AM
I`ve tried 4 times since 3:00 this morning.They`ve taken my email and password OK but they haven`t sent me an activation email yet.Glad I got rid of my .380. It was a Bersa anyway.I ain`t gonna try no more.Nelly,my best advice is for you to hang around with us.We`re much more handsome anyhow.

06-10-2011, 06:03 PM
I`ve tried 4 times since 3:00 this morning.They`ve taken my email and password OK but they haven`t sent me an activation email yet.Glad I got rid of my .380. It was a Bersa anyway.I ain`t gonna try no more.Nelly,my best advice is for you to hang around with us.We`re much more handsome anyhow.
Sounds like Bawanna and nelly got in. It's like they know you don't have a .380. You sent the updated profile shot, right? I think the Twilight Zone is in control of their member reviews.
Handsome? :D Everyone knows the kahrtalk guys are a smokin' hot bunch.

06-10-2011, 06:53 PM
Mightymouse, I'm only half way in!!! I have been trying since Noon Eastern -they finally approved my username & password but haven't sent me that confirmation e-mail yet(it's only 7hrs)!!! Bawanna I read your very nice introductory comments - Please tell me how I can speak to Kraigster.Thanks all......Nelly:(

06-10-2011, 06:59 PM
Mightymouse, I'm only half way in!!! I have been trying since Noon Eastern -they finally approved my username & password but haven't sent me that confirmation e-mail yet(it's only 7hrs)!!! Bawanna I read your very nice introductory comments - Please tell me how I can speak to Kraigster.Thanks all......Nelly:(

I think they are just slow activating the new memberships over there. Dietrich said he was in limbo. I think the only reason I got in was another memeber here, can't remember who, but you know who you are and I thank you too, put the word of your difficulties out to him and he was waiting for me.

I'm still feeling my way around over there, I'm really not a forum surfer ya know? I sent him a message earlier with no response yet so if I get an answer I'll tell him to get activating.

It seems rather slow over there, not many new post in fact I think mine was the last in almost 24 hours but maybe I'm missing something.

06-10-2011, 07:30 PM
Well,it`s been over 16 hours now and still no activaton email.Evidently whoever is running things over there once worked for the IRS sending folks their tax refunds.Kind of got the attitude "You`ll get it when I`m damned good and ready for you to get it and not before."Not that I plan to activate the thing when and if I do ever get it.

06-10-2011, 07:45 PM
I never heard of that forum, but I went to the link provided and registered without difficulty.

06-12-2011, 10:40 AM
Well if my fellow moderator Bawanna can join the P380 forum, I should reciprocate and join Kahr Talk,:) I can see there is a lot of good info and good folks here.

In addition to to the P380 forum, there is also quite a bit of information of late at the Ruger LCP forum (elsiepeaforum.com) in their semi auto discussion room. I have posted quite a bit about my new CM9 as have Mighty Mouse, Jocko, Beardog and others.

I think all these forum complement each other - if you can't find it here, odds are you can find it there.

If anyone is continuing to have a problem registering at the the P380 forum, send me a PM and I will try and work it.

Best to all, Rich



06-12-2011, 10:46 AM
Well if my fellow moderator Bawanna can join the P380 forum, I should reciprocate and join Kahr Talk,:) I can see there is a lot of good info and good folks here.

In addition to to the P380 forum, there is also quite a bit of information of late at the Ruger LCP forum (elsiepeaforum.com) in their semi auto discussion room. I have posted quite a bit about my new CM9 as have Mighty Mouse, Jocko, Beardog and others.

I think all these forum complement each other - if you can't find it here, odds are you can find it there.

If anyone is continuing to have a problem registering at the the P380 forum, send me a PM and I will try and work it.

Best to all, Rich



Well if you can welcome me to the P380 forum I can most assuredly welcome you to the Kahr forum. I agree that these forums to indeed compliment each other. We've heard some here of your new CM. Quite a good track record with those so far.
I fear your 380 will feel very neglected if it isn't already but fondle it occasionally and it will be just fine.

06-12-2011, 12:05 PM
Kraigster,I have been waiting for almost 2 days for the activation E-Mail.The registration process needs to be looked at...I was repeatedly rejected for having a spam E-Mail address-(been at that address for over 10 yrs)I finally managed to get registered and have not recieved the activation e-mail.This doesn't seem to be an isolated incident,if you go thru some of the posts here you will see the frustration many of us are having trying to register for the site.It would be a shame as the sites do compliment each other.BTW my CM9 is running trouble free from day one with all kinds of ammo 115-124-& even 147 CCI aluminum cases.Please let me know what the problems are over there if you know.This is still the best forum I know of(it's the only one I participate in).Thanks..Nelly :)

06-12-2011, 02:35 PM
Two and a half days now and still nothin`.Reminds me of the time I asked Modine Gunch to make the naked pretzle with me and she said she`d think about it.It`s been a long wait.

06-12-2011, 03:11 PM
Nelly, Dietrich, Pm's sent. Nelly, if you registered over there as Nellyman, you should be good to go. Rich

PS: Funny, when I asked Modine, she jumped at the suggestion.

06-12-2011, 03:59 PM
welcome kriagster, this guy can bring alot to the table guys, known him to long. he is a square shooter to. personaly I prefer round holes but what ever.

06-12-2011, 04:01 PM
nelly, I have been out of town for 4 days. Kraigster will get u right. I am a member but I deon't post on it like I used to. i OWN A p380 AND LOVE IT

06-12-2011, 04:02 PM
nelly, I have been out of town for 4 days.(one of those Harley things!!!) Kraigster will get u right. I am a member but I don't post on it like I used to. i OWN A p380 AND LOVE IT but I just hardly shoot it so I guess I don't watch the P380 forum. Kraigster is the man to go to, He is fair and balanced and u will get on there...:behindsofa:

06-12-2011, 04:46 PM
welcome kriagster, this guy can bring alot to the table guys, known him to long. he is a square shooter to. personaly I prefer round holes but what ever.

Funny when your name came up in talking to kraigster he said something about holes too. Can't recall if he said round or square?

I trust the 4 day Harley excursion to Rockford was enjoyable and non eventful, IE: no icecream in the roadway, inattentive motorist in large vehicles, etc?

Is Mrs Jocko loving the new Street Glide? No doubt first long trip for her.

06-12-2011, 05:16 PM
yes she is and a car passed her and must have pissed her off and she caught up to them and gave them the high sign, not oince but twice. I think when they stop and start pounding the piss out of her, I will just ride right on by like I seen or heard nothing. other than colder than hell and lots of rain, we had a nice time. It's allwaysw good on a bike when ones wife is riding to. Her first long trip this year. Morgantown. W. VA ois next up for a 4 day mountain fest. Take care of my buddy kraigster, he is an ok guy and not a sh-t stirrer like ol jocko.. He took my stirring paddles away from me real fast over on the else pea forum, so I am like a denuted tom cat. not alot of antonony weiner left in me. I just bet his one month old pregnant wife is real proud of him. I can't imagerine their supper time conversations..

and to think he called Clinton FOR ADVICE!! and his wife went to Hillary FOR ADVICE!!!

06-12-2011, 05:47 PM
He got a one month old pregnant wife? Sounds like a gosh darn cradle robber to me. I've heard of age spread but dang.

06-12-2011, 09:20 PM
yes she is and a car passed her and must have pissed her off and she caught up to them and gave them the high sign, not oince but twice. I think when they stop and start pounding the piss out of her, I will just ride right on by like I seen or heard nothing. other than colder than hell and lots of rain, we had a nice time. It's allwaysw good on a bike when ones wife is riding to. Her first long trip this year. Morgantown. W. VA ois next up for a 4 day mountain fest.
Hey Jocko! Your weather report brings back lots of memories. :rolleyes:

If you want to ride with that lady, it sounds like you might want to invest in the Harley Davidson recoilless rifle option. :D


06-13-2011, 07:09 PM
Hey all,Kraigster is a man of action-he cut thru the Red tape & made the entrance to the p380 Forum happen.He told me that myself,mightymouse & Dietrich have been admitted.I feel like I just recieved my college entrance letter.Thanks again Kraigster for your help-it's good to have another venue to spout off at.

06-14-2011, 04:11 AM
Well if my fellow moderator Bawanna can join the P380 forum, I should reciprocate and join Kahr Talk,:) I can see there is a lot of good info and good folks here.

In addition to to the P380 forum, there is also quite a bit of information of late at the Ruger LCP forum (elsiepeaforum.com) in their semi auto discussion room. I have posted quite a bit about my new CM9 as have Mighty Mouse, Jocko, Beardog and others.

I think all these forum complement each other - if you can't find it here, odds are you can find it there.

If anyone is continuing to have a problem registering at the the P380 forum, send me a PM and I will try and work it.

Best to all, Rich



Is there a Sig P238 forum? After all, it's best of the lot. Great ergonomics, accuracy, great sights, handles recoil best, and uses 1911 manual of arms. Please don't suggest Sig Forum.