View Full Version : Another gun comparison request
06-09-2011, 07:12 PM
I've been lurking in this forum gaining the info necessary to make a wise compact pistol choice. At the top of my list are the CW9 and Ruger LC9. I'm sure they'll both carry very well, I like the look of both, the quality of the Kahr, and the safety features of the Ruger. My question to those of you who have experience with both: how do they compare in felt recoil? I'm not recoil sensitive, but don't want to get beat up too badly in a long session at the range. I've seen the praises of the CW9's reasonable recoil, (low bore axis) how does the LC9 compare?
06-09-2011, 09:38 PM
I have a CM9 and kel tec PF9-similar to the LC9 which is basically a copy. If you want a simpler gun ie: no safeties and ridiculous loaded chamber indicators, get a Kahr. The Kahr, compared to the PF9 is a much nicer gun. I like the CW series but switched to the new CM. It offers more versatility- pocket carry. The Cw is a bit too big for pocket carry. If you are not interested in that get the CW. The LC9 looks nice but after reading on the specs-weight especially, I would not own one. The safety is also unnecessary. Read some reviews-go to youtube and check out Hickok45 who does a comparison between the LC and the PM9
06-09-2011, 11:47 PM
Welcome aboard, Jim. Good luck to you in deciding. I concur with CS534, I'd also consider the CM9 at that price point. And here's to being able to legally carry in your state one of these days!! :music:
06-10-2011, 06:29 AM
I dont have a cw9 but I do have a cw40 and an lc9 .I would by the cw9 the quality of kahr's guns is better in my opinion. My lc9 is back at ruger right now for accuracy issues, it shot fine for the first 50 rnds but kept shooting lower and lower and lower by the time I put 400rnds through it I was hitting the target 6 to 8" lower than point of aim. The lc9's slide has alot more movement side to side than the cw plus the cw feels way better in my hand. I would go with the cw.
06-10-2011, 10:12 AM
I have shot both weapons I own a couple Kahrs and I own a couple Ruger semi autos. First of the LC9 is similar but in no way basically a copy of the Kel-Tec. It is so much a better weapon then anything Kel-Tec makes calling it a copy is in my opinion an unwarrented insult to the gun.
The CM9 is a very nice gun shots very nicely. It does have some recoil but then it is a short barreled 9mm hand gun. The LC9 has more jump to it but does not beat you up shooting it,nor does it bloody up your hand like the Kel-Tec will. I like teh CM9 better it is smaller then the LC9 both are tight nicely built quality weapons. Both are good deals for what you spend, if you can buy the CM9 I suggest you do.
06-10-2011, 12:21 PM
the LC9 and the LCP are blatant copies. They are definitely more refined and higher quality but they are basically copies of Kel Tec designs. And my hands are clean and bloodless
06-10-2011, 02:32 PM
I've examined numerous compact pistols from just about every manufacturer, and the CW9 just feels right! My LGS has one coming soon and they'll call when they receive it. I plan to run to the shop with $399 + tax and join the ranks of Kahr owners.
For 50+ years it's been second nature to "check the safety," "make the gun safe," "don't touch the safety 'till you want to shoot". I understand the concept of a striker fired long trigger pull and the CW9 has a nice one. It will take some getting used to, but I'll enjoy the practice.
MikeyKahr - Wisconsin will be #49. About time!!!
06-10-2011, 02:51 PM
the LC9 and the LCP are blatant copies. They are definitely more refined and higher quality but they are basically copies of Kel Tec designs. And my hands are clean and bloodless
Hey oldjimstallis good luck with your new weapon.
I too wittled my choice down to these two pistols! Went with the CW9. I believe it is a better quality piece (IMO). As for felt recoil, definitely less with CW9 especially with +p ammo. CW9 felt better in my grip also. The CW9 without question IMO!
Do Not confuse the CW9 and CM9 there is a size difference!
06-11-2011, 11:01 AM
Except for my Walther TPH, all of my autos take down by starting with the slide lock pin/lever. It's nice that they all have the same basic controls and features... full-sized ones.
I was in the gun store at the range last week and a young guy... mid 20's(?) was asking one of the employees how to take down a pistol. The guy didn't have a clue and looked at me. Thinking most take down alike, I held it and noticed a few differences one after the other... no slide lock/lever... no pins through from one side to the other...??? I didn't have a clue and of course, I didn't think to ask if he had a manual, or had looked at one.
I told him to go online with the Elsie bunch and get help there, then I found out it was a KelTec. I really don't know squat about those. :rolleyes: So much for thinking I can help ANYONE! :D
Bill K
06-11-2011, 01:26 PM
You mention carry so, IMHO, your choice should be decided by which gun would make the better carry gun not range gun. I don't believe the felt recoil between the two will make a dimes worth of difference. Maybe you ought to choose which gun on the basis of the manual of arms? The decision to have or not have a thumb safety on a SD carry gun is a very important decision you need to make.
Whatever your choice I hope it works out for you.
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