View Full Version : Has Kahr Given Up On CA?

06-13-2011, 05:43 PM
I was in my LGS today and thought I'd take at a CM9 and PM45. The manager tells me they don't have them because they aren't legal to sell in CA. I stammered about he had to be mistaken so he went to the CA list and sure enough the only Kahr 45's allowed are the P45's. The guy told me CA has followed (Mass?) in that new guns have to have the chambered warning and mag disconnects.

Now I'm glad I didn't buy the PM45 I wanted as it would have been stopped at the FFL. I can buy any of them on a face-to-face (FTF) purchase but that's it.

06-13-2011, 05:47 PM
great state, ain't it?????

The Mass complaint PM9 will pass in komifornia, as their P380 also does. I doubt if kahr is going to bust ass to make most of the8ir guns complaint for komifornia. I don't forsee the cm9 ever being made like the PM9 Mass complaint model.. I wonder why the P45 is OK ??? unlessit was granfathered in before some of their tighter regulations..

06-13-2011, 05:59 PM
Ross Perot used to say that big sucking sound was jobs going overseas. Now that all the jobs have gone, it must be CA Sucking!

BUT, Kahr makes a PM9 with the chamber flag and external safety (no mag disconnect) legal for MA. And the 380 has a mag disconnect, so I'm left wondering if they even applied for the list. CA is a large market but some just don't want to be hassled.

06-13-2011, 06:33 PM
u might be right, but for some reason I was told by a kahr person that the Mass PMJ9 will be ca. complaint but they have to go through the hoops. they could as easily put a mag disconnetc in the Mass PM9 to cover both bases

06-13-2011, 06:42 PM
There is a case kinda underway that challenges the constitutionality of the list. It's been on & off since 2009 but is evidently on again, however, the state has stonewalled the proceedings since inception and the plaintiff hasn't even gotten to present their case yet.

One thing I read is gun manufacturers have to pay an annual fee for each gun to be on the list, even if already on it. Kahr doesn't have any compact 45 on the list but Glock sure does. That's why I'm thinking Kahr is giving up on CA.

06-13-2011, 07:08 PM
komifornia is looking for money where ever they can find it. I would think there would be a nice market for something like the pM9 PM40 PM45..

06-13-2011, 07:34 PM
Do you check with Kahr on CA approved pistols?? They have a link to CA on the bottom of the page where they announce the CA version of the P380:



and there you can look up Kahr in the link on the left side: Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale (http://certguns.doj.ca.gov/)


06-13-2011, 08:16 PM
Grew up there from the age of 3.
Parents still there.
I'll visit, but that's it.
Hate having to disarm just to go. Just doesn't feel right.
Was there for two weeks a few years ago and narrowly
got out of being mugged by 3 guys.

While in Cali saw, fires, floods, earthquakes, riots and martial law.
I'll take Florida. I'm not going anywhere.

06-13-2011, 10:06 PM
Wynn, yeah I looked all that up. Here are the 45's on the current list including when they expire:

KP4543 / Stainless Steel, Polymer Pistol 3.5" .45 ACP 2/6/2012
KP4543N / Stainless Steel, Polymer Pistol 3.5" .45 ACP 2/6/2012
KP4544 / Stainless Steel, Polymer Pistol 3.5" .45 ACP 9/6/2011

They have a lot of 9's but not the CM.

06-13-2011, 10:43 PM
Well, they have that pretty P380 with the LCI. Next they'll want the microstamp and an LED loaded indicator... flashing!

I missed the particular guns you were interested in, but as big as the list was, I figured most were on it. I guess it takes a while for a new gun... if they are trying to get it on the list... the CM9, that is.

Sorry it sucks so much out there! It's pretty out there, but the Pols and other wackos really ruin it with all of the flaky BS.


06-13-2011, 10:47 PM
The CA testing takes a while and although it is supposed to be safety related (and the tests are) for some reason it takes a long time to get approval on a test UL could complete in less than a week. And I bet our CA politicians are stitting around wondering why all the jobs went to Texas?

06-13-2011, 11:11 PM
I would agree, but the PM45 has been out a while now. Should be there!

06-14-2011, 10:18 AM
I think it's more politics than anything. They don't want any guns so they'll do whatever they can to stem the flow.
It's like the cure for cancer and Suvs that get 75 miles to the gallon. They are there, it can happen, and it works but too many big corporations lose too much money if those things get out so the guvment gotta put the stop on that stuff with the FDA, and all kinds of groups with trick initials.

06-14-2011, 12:52 PM
I'd french kiss the 38 before I would move to CA.
just sayin'

06-14-2011, 01:19 PM
I don't want to leave Colorado anymore. Too many states are reminding me of Europe. Those rules sure sound like INFRINGEMENT to me.

06-14-2011, 04:03 PM
If Kahr doesn't like us, Ruger sure does. Take a look at all the Cal. guns at the Sturm Ruger site. That is why I own 8 rugers, 2 Kahrs. They support us, we support them.

06-14-2011, 05:37 PM
ruger makes alot more models than kahr ever dreamed of. two different companies. One is hugh, one is small by comparision. BOTH AMERICAN MADE, why not support them..

Tough Guy Levi
06-21-2011, 07:38 PM
Check out www.calguns.net for PM45. Seen several PPT (face to face sales) listed in site.

Tough Guy Levi
Orange, CA

06-21-2011, 08:20 PM
Grew up there from the age of 3.
Parents still there.
I'll visit, but that's it.
Hate having to disarm just to go. Just doesn't feel right.
Was there for two weeks a few years ago and narrowly
got out of being mugged by 3 guys.

While in Cali saw, fires, floods, earthquakes, riots and martial law.
I'll take Florida. I'm not going anywhere.

A kindred spirit. First moved to CA in 1963 at the age of 20. Loved it. Lived there on and off for well over 25 years. My son is a native and still lives in Goleta. My BS and advanced degrees are all from California institutions. I left there finally a few days after Christmas 1989 and have never looked back except with fond nostalgia for all the good days. Paradise ruined.

06-21-2011, 09:40 PM
Check out www.calguns.net (http://www.calguns.net) for PM45. Seen several PPT (face to face sales) listed in site.

Tough Guy Levi
Orange, CA

Uh, no, not really. The only PM45 I see is one that's been listed since October 2010 for $900 firm. The others have been sold or withdrawn.

Maybe I can get Obama to smuggle a PM45 to me.