View Full Version : Snake load in PM9

06-14-2011, 01:37 PM
Has anyone tried any of the 9mm shot loads (snake loads) in their PM9?

mr surveyor
06-14-2011, 06:42 PM
from past experience with shotshells in a variety of handguns, I can safely say you will have a single shot weapon that you will most likely have to clear to eject. Shotshells do not provide the pressures normally needed to cycle a semi-auto pistol.


06-14-2011, 06:47 PM
i think ur dead right. a single shot indeed but again what the heh, one shot for a snake is enough, probalby best to just leave the little critter to himself, he has to eat to u know.

mr surveyor
06-14-2011, 07:37 PM
the single shot thing with a semi is one of the reasons I carry a wheel gun as a daily tool. When I run survey lines through the boogerweed we generally have to treck back and forth through those trails several times, normally carrying a lot of (expensive) equipment. First time through is normally only carrying the brush cutting tools. If we cross mr. no-shoulders along the way, he gets dispatched either with a machete or a shot shell and layed belly up in the middle of the trail to be "visible". I absolutely refuse to leave any type of copperheadedcottonmouthedcoralwaterrattler free to roam the trails we will eventually be carrying $20,000 worth of equipment. I can assure you that they may leave you alone the first pass along the trail while you're chopping and crashing your way through, but the next trip or two while just walking along you may not be so lucky. I actually used .22 shotshells for several years, but switched to .38 about 5 years ago. Then with the onslaught of ferral hogs increasing in my work area decided .357 would be more approptiate. During snake season (about 9 months of the year around here) I carry 2 shot shells up front followed by 3 hot .357 mag jhp's. I figure if need be I can fire the shot shells fast enough to get to a more solid round in the odd event I piss off a mama (or papa) pig. Self defense ain't just about the urban two legged creatures.



06-14-2011, 08:35 PM
Many years ago I shot trap with one of the Remington R&D guys. Our State trap shoot is held at the Remington Gun Club in Lonoke, AR. so there were always tons of Remington people around. Joe told me that one of his projects was a .45 acp shotshell that would cycle 1911's. Not sure why it never came to market, but he said it was working.

Here's a nifty article about shotshells in pistol calibers. Many moons ago, I got the bug and rolled my own .44 magnum shotshells using the CCI shot capsules and larger shot than the factory load. They worked in a Smith 629. I've used CCI .22's out of a Ruger 10/22. It wouldn't cycle the bolt, but at least I had 20" of rifle between me and the snake. One shot would ball the snake up so you could finish it off with a golf club or shovel.


I've always been a bit of a hoarder and I just checked and was surpised to find the only size I don't have is 9mm. I know I had some at one time and I was going to try it out for you, but I can't find em. Maybe I used them up.


The brass cased .44's are my reloads. I just found about 40 of them. I guess I need to keep my eyes open for a Red Hawk .44 and shoot up the ammo I have laying around.

06-14-2011, 09:09 PM
I know I tried some in my K9 a long time ago. I don't remember how it cycled the slide, but I do remember that I couldn't eject an unfired one! I'll see how that cycles in my PM9.
You definitely need to test it enough to know what to expect... and ejecting unfired shot cartridges could give a jam at the wrong time.

I have CCI cartridges for .22LR, 9mm, and .45 ACP. I also have a 20-round box of Remington .45 ACP with crimped case fronts. I never tried any of that and it's CIRCA 1982 stuff... prior to my going to Germany in '83.

I used to roll my own for .38/.357 and so on, too, with the plastic shot containers.



06-14-2011, 09:20 PM
I had the "job" when in early teens to reduce the population of field mice that were eating our horse oats. Uncle handed me his 22 revolver and a few boxes of shot rounds and walked off. The first 20 or 30 were kinda fun, but sitting there all day loading and shooting got old. But since I was paid by the carcass I kept after it.

Another fun story, A close friend from the Air Force had a long time firend that grew up in the movie business. His mom worked in wordrobe and his dad was a gofer or grapler or something. Anyway he always hung out on set and made friends with several western actors who taught him to drive a 6 horse team and other cool stuff. He was even in a few TV series as a stagecoach driver.

Anyway, he was always wearing fancy cowboy outfits and practicing quick draw. He really was quite good. One time when I was visiting him with my buddy, he told about a fun thing he did just to show off. He took a couple boxes of bad light bulbs and went to a spot on a hill over looking the highway. He said he tossed a bulb in the aire then draw and shoot it, exploding the bulb. According to nim cars were stopped on the side of the road as he kept up his act. Of course he was using bird shot but to them he looked like the greatest thing since Anne Oakley.

My grandfather had a job like Surv's riding the power lines in the mountains on horseback. He carried a chopped .410 for snakes that insisted on sunning in the middle of the trail. Whenever one would get all feisty, he would shoot it be done with it. Never bring a rattle to a gun fight!

Okay, I through with my stories for now.

06-14-2011, 09:30 PM
I have a 10-round box of CCI 9mm Luger Shotshells. I chambered one in my PM9 and then took the magazine out and vigorously cycled the slide back, ejecting the live round OK.

I took some quick pictures of the box and compared the height with a few rounds. I'm not sure it will be be enough to read, though. Maybe the third try will be better.

And a picture of the N R base... Non Reloadable. I would have missed that if I hadn't read the info on the box, though i wouldn't think of reloading aluminum cases... I have seen Blazer and steel Wolf cases reloaded!


06-15-2011, 07:43 AM
I had some for 38/357 that I gave away. I kept the ones for 45, even took a snake with one. It sent the slide on that Llama back with gusto (remember I also like heavy springs) it just wouldn't feed the next one. When I used to work for Dallas, I carried a staggered load of snake/hardball, then when I got back into town the hollow points went back in. Every other round was one or the other, only used that set up once on a Rottweiler that came through a fence, not over/under or around but through it.

06-17-2011, 02:12 PM
Has anyone tried any of the 9mm shot loads (snake loads) in their PM9?

I wouldn't do that on a bet; not to my PM9 even feeding one round at a time. I watched my friend try it with his Glock .40S&W and he needed a gunsmith to help him get the gun unjammed. While trying to feed the second round the plastic case broke open and spread shot through the action. Trying not to destroy its reputation for reliability the Glock tried its best to cycle with all those shot pellets rolling around in its moving parts. The results were almost disastrous...Personally I thought it was funny.

06-17-2011, 03:29 PM
LOBO, u mean, uh, u mean a GLOCK refused to feed a shot load round. oh my, the world is coming to an end. And here I thought Glocks could actually float on water.!!!!

06-17-2011, 03:37 PM
LOBO, u mean, uh, u mean a GLOCK refused to feed a shot load round. oh my, the world is coming to an end. And here I thought Glocks could actually float on water.!!!!

You mean they can't!:eek: If you tell me there ain't no Santa now I'm gonna be one very unhappy camper.
I'm gonna go grab an officers Glock and throw it in the sink to test this.
Crap, who can you believe anymore?

06-17-2011, 04:48 PM
LOBO, u mean, uh, u mean a GLOCK refused to feed a shot load round. oh my, the world is coming to an end. And here I thought Glocks could actually float on water.!!!!

Jocko...I've got tell you it was pathetic. I couldn't stop laughing. Before my friend took it to an expert to get it fixed he first tried a rubber mallet on the slide....to help nudge it back to life. Apparently he believed all the marketing hype about how tough these guns were. As you can probably guess the rubber mallet didn't make things better. If you know anybody who needs a paper weight that looks remarkably like a Glock I have just the solution...LOL.

My friend and shooting partner had not read the disclaimer on the shot shell package about not using these in semi-autos.

06-17-2011, 05:50 PM
When on the ranch, I never left the house without a Smith 351pd .22 mag with CCI shot shells in my pocket [spring summer & fall] Winter carried a .38 Smith model 60. Now carry either PM9 or Smith M&P 340 .38. The .22 mag is the perfect snake gun in my opinion. My brother [still on ranch] carries Smith .22 mag with crimson trace grips and swears by it for snakes. 11 oz.

06-17-2011, 06:25 PM
Jocko...I've got tell you it was pathetic. I couldn't stop laughing. Before my friend took it to an expert to get it fixed he first tried a rubber mallet on the slide....to help nudge it back to life. Apparently he believed all the marketing hype about how tough these guns were. As you can probably guess the rubber mallet didn't make things better. If you know anybody who needs a paper weight that looks remarkably like a Glock I have just the solution...LOL.

My friend and shooting partner had not read the disclaimer on the shot shell package about not using these in semi-autos.

I will give you $2 for this Glock paperweight.:D

06-17-2011, 07:29 PM
Dang! I was checking out Cabela's ammo sale (got an email from them) and those shotshells are expensive! The 9mm and .45's were about $17 a box of 10!

I've grabbed the H&R 929, filled it with the CCI shotshells and gone into the attic investigating suspected rodent noises. Didn't get any shots and found that D-Con works better and is safer.

For snakes, though, I would want centerfire shotshells... the #12, or #11 shot is like salt and the .22's use about a pinch! I used #8 or 7 1/2 when I was loading my own shotshells.

You definitely need to fire a few to see what happens if you DO use a semi-auto, whether firing or unloading the shells. I remember having trouble with the K9. Unfired ones could not be ejected... too long and the port too tight on the K9, at least.
