View Full Version : PM9 Defense Ammo Question
06-15-2011, 11:20 AM
Hello everyone!:yo:
Longtime reader, new member, new Concealed Carry Licensee, and new PM9 owner. (1st gun!):D
Just wondering what your opinions are of 115gr ammunition.
I currently keep Hornady Critical Defense 115gr in my mags and have had no problems with it feeding/shooting. I've also put about 350 rounds of various cheap 115gr FMJ through my PM9 with only 1 FTF(bad primer?). I guess what I'm looking for are some opinions on whether 115gr would have enough stopping power in a defense situation or if I should look at a 124gr or even +P?
I also thought I heard that I want to stay away from the +P stuff for the small polymer frame pistols. But I'm sure that was mainly advice for the range, so I'm not frequently shooting it? But I also want to practice with similar ammo I'd be using for defense.
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Sorry so long winded.
06-15-2011, 11:36 AM
Welcome and happy new first gun to you. I still vividly recall my very first gun, was right up there in the excitement level with driving by myself for the first time.
All we can offer are opinions when it comes to your ammo question. It's an ongoing never ending discussion. Light bullets, heavy bullets, +P, standard, 9mm, 45.
So with that in mind heres my "Opinion Only". As long as your Hornadys feed and cycle perfectly with boring regularity your perfectly fine. I'm not a member of the +P camp in any way. If you want a +P 9 go buy a 40. Your kahr will handle +P. Your right, it's fine for carry, practice some at the range with it so you know what to expect and how it handles and call it good.
I'd be ok with the 124 gr stuff too, I'm not an advocate of the 147.
All this being said it's also all about confidence in your carry gun. If you feel better with +P and again it feeds and works well in your gun, then run with it.
Enjoy your new first gun. Hopefully first of many.
Don't get too disturbed when Jocko comes blasting in and tells ya to shoot the fokker like ya stole it. It's sound advice just sometimes disturbing.
06-15-2011, 12:01 PM
Thanks for your thoughts Bawanna. I value your advice and I've definitely seen Jocko's "shoot it like ya stole it" motto. Ha!
Thanks for the warm welcome.
06-15-2011, 12:14 PM
Thanks for your thoughts Bawanna. I value your advice and I've definitely seen Jocko's "shoot it like ya stole it" motto. Ha!
Thanks for the warm welcome.
Ya just gotta luv Jocko, whats not to luv. Not in any mano mano type way of course.
It just occurred to me that I've forgotten what his favorite carry load is, it might very well be the Hornady's you mention. It's filed to deeply in the memory banks to find.
Sounds like you've got quite a few rounds thru your gun and well past the break in with no troubles. That's a good thing.
06-15-2011, 12:37 PM
Hello everyone!:yo:
Longtime reader, new member, new Concealed Carry Licensee, and new PM9 owner. (1st gun!):D
Just wondering what your opinions are of 115gr ammunition.
I currently keep Hornady Critical Defense 115gr in my mags and have had no problems with it feeding/shooting. I've also put about 350 rounds of various cheap 115gr FMJ through my PM9 with only 1 FTF(bad primer?). I guess what I'm looking for are some opinions on whether 115gr would have enough stopping power in a defense situation or if I should look at a 124gr or even +P?
I also thought I heard that I want to stay away from the +P stuff for the small polymer frame pistols. But I'm sure that was mainly advice for the range, so I'm not frequently shooting it? But I also want to practice with similar ammo I'd be using for defense.
Any advice is greatly appreciated! Sorry so long winded.
ur comfortable with 115 grain andit feeds perfect then stay with it. I often carry corbon power ball in my PM9 and it is 100 grain. I have no quarrels that it will perform for me iff needed. All this defense ammo is good stuff,so I try not to push my brandson anyone, I shoot um all, I also carry `124 gold dot and 125 corbon hp. reliablility has to be #1,so I wouldsay u seem comforatable with 115 grain so just stick with it..
06-15-2011, 12:52 PM
Just to show you need to carry whatever you believe in, I carry Federal HST +P in 147gn in my PM9. It's heavy but penetrates very well and expands to .75" which is pretty serious. I believe in it so I carry it. Jocko has a different flavor as does Bawanna.
There isn't really a one single clearly best round. Folks get all worked up over it sometimes and you'll read thread wars over which is better. But as long as you believe in what you carry you can defend yourself which is what it's all about.
06-15-2011, 12:57 PM
I've been using the Hornady Critical Defense 115gr in my pm9 and have been very pleased with it. Very accurate and perfect feeding. Plus it's the same as my practice rounds (115 gr FMJ). It also slingshots perfectly without a single "nosedive". It's what I've been carrying. Again, whatever SD round you're confident with is the one to use.
06-15-2011, 01:14 PM
One of the LGS that I go to , they mainly caterer to LEO told me that they use (90+%) the 124gr Gold-Dot, he didn't specified the +p or the reg, but I asked the difference in fps of the two and it was approximately anywhere from 75 to 100 fps more but he also told me that the +p round, if you shoot "A LOT" of it it will wear out the barrel out, it's ok to shoot enough to get familiar with the round, so I guess if it's good for the LEO it's good for me, suffice to say I too have a mag full of CD mainly cause they are easy to shoot, But shot placement it's the most important, it doesn't matter what you shoot, that's my .02 cents worth.
ps: Wellcome to the house and listen to the master's like Bawanna, Jocko,...Dang they're too many to mention
06-15-2011, 01:25 PM
Hello to you and welcome.We`re glad you`re here and had the good sense to buy a PM9.Terrific handgun.I carry 124 gr.+P Golden Sabers or Gold Dots in my 9mm pistols because that`s what I like to carry and they work well.That being said let me assure you of something.A good brand name 115 gr hollowpoint bullet will take the taste out of someone`s mouth if your aim is true. You have chosen a fine round and a fine handgun.You`re in good shape.
06-15-2011, 01:34 PM
One of the LGS that I go to , they mainly caterer to LEO told me that they use (90+%) the 124gr Gold-Dot, he didn't specified the +p or the reg, but I asked the difference in fps of the two and it was approximately anywhere from 75 to 100 fps more but he also told me that the +p round, if you shoot "A LOT" of it it will wear out the barrel out, it's ok to shoot enough to get familiar with the round, so I guess if it's good for the LEO it's good for me, suffice to say I too have a mag full of CD mainly cause they are easy to shoot, But shot placement it's the most important, it doesn't matter what you shoot, that's my .02 cents worth.
ps: Wellcome to the house and listen to the master's like Bawanna, Jocko,...Dang they're too many to mention
mixed emotions on the +P round shooting out any barrel. not sure one would live long enough to see that happen. course by the same token I don;'t know if to many people who shoot +P for range fodder either..
06-15-2011, 01:37 PM
I would be far less concerned with the barrel than I would be other parts taking the wear and tear of the heavier recoil etc.
The barrel will take just about anything you send thru it, the rest has a line that if crossed would shorten the life span, although who knows exactly where that line might be.
06-15-2011, 05:58 PM
I'm sure everyone is tired of my recommendation of Speer Short Barrel.
So I'll just leave the link -
As for my personal opinion overall.
I think the best defensive bullets, in 9/357/40/45, any weight,
P+ or not, will do well for you.
It's more important to find out -
1) reliability
2) control ability
3) accuracy
Guns, and people who shoot them, tend to favor certain rounds.
I'm just saying...
06-15-2011, 06:12 PM
Wow, thanks for all the insight everyone. Plenty of opinions and quality info around these parts.
I'm thinking I'll stick with the Hornady CD 115gr for now. I haven't heard anything convincing me I need otherwise and it's treated me right at the range so far so if it ain't broke...
Thanks again.
06-20-2011, 08:16 AM
I just ran a 147 Gold Dot through a PM9 into 4-1 gallon milk jugs, expansion was a picture perfect mushroom which measured right about .600".
My 4" .45acp with 230 gr. XTP's, does the same thing, at .780".
I have a box of the 147 Federal HST's to try out for function, going to run some today if the rain quits.
Bill K
06-20-2011, 09:01 AM
Welcome to KahrTalk!
Only you can decide. Here is a site that might help you choose your 9mm SD ammo. Play with the selections. I think you'll find on the bottom end 80% one stops for 115 non +p and on the high end ~90% for hotter 9mm rounds. Yes, useful info in my opinion but so much more than just caliber and ammo choice will determine whether or not you win the day.
See Stopping Power (
Be safe,
Bill K.
06-21-2011, 10:19 AM
From .45 acp to 9mm. I am a huge fan of the Remington Golden Saber round. The jacket is made of cartridge brass and expands perfectly every time I have tested them.
06-22-2011, 08:24 AM
I have been a certified Gold Dot advocate since I started shooting, but have recently become a Hornady TAP fan. I still use Gold Dots in my Colt 1911 and Glock 17, but have switched to 124 gr TAP for my PM9, Colt Defender, and Glock 26. The reason is that the smaller weapons seem to be more controllable with TAP...a little less recoil and faster to get back on target. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
08-09-2011, 02:15 PM
Kinda like my Winchester Ranget SXT as well as my Winchester PDX 147 gr.
08-09-2011, 07:20 PM
I am hooked on the Cor-Bon DPX in 115gr , In my informal testing in wet paper and water jugs it has always expanded uniformly with almost no weight loss. Any of the rounds mentioned in the previous post will get the job done, Pick one that you like then shoot enough of them through your gun to be sure it runs well with them and you are good to go. Practice you're shooting regularly and learn to put the rounds on target as that is the most important aspect, even mor that what round your carrying.
08-09-2011, 07:36 PM
I now load mine with Winchester White Box 147gr JHP, it's the only ammo I can slingshot time and time again with my PM9.
08-09-2011, 07:52 PM
I am hooked on the Cor-Bon DPX in 115gr , In my informal testing in wet paper and water jugs it has always expanded uniformly with almost no weight loss. Any of the rounds mentioned in the previous post will get the job done, Pick one that you like then shoot enough of them through your gun to be sure it runs well with them and you are good to go. Practice you're shooting regularly and learn to put the rounds on target as that is the most important aspect, even mor that what round your carrying.
just ain't gonna beat dpx. It will do exactly like u stated. The Barnes all copper bullet guarantees you that full petal expansion and 100% bullet weight retention...
One might find rounds he likes just as much but IMO none better than DPX..:33:
If the Hornady CD works for you go with it. Bullet performance comes after reliability and shot placement. I’m a Gold Dot fan myself and haven’t been swayed to switch by any of the new loadings. My PM9 runs fine with 124+p and 147 grain GD’s and I can usually get 50 rounds for under $30.
Here are some results from an interesting YouTube channel.
Hornady CD 115 - .56 @ 12.5”
CorBon DPX 115+p - .75 @ 11+”
HST 147 - .70 @ 16”
Gold Dot 147 - .59 @ 17.5”
Gold Dot 124+p - .56 @ 18.5”
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