View Full Version : Weiner in or out?

06-16-2011, 08:58 AM
Sources say the Weiner will pull out today.What a relief!!

06-16-2011, 09:06 AM
+1 on that good buddy.

06-16-2011, 09:35 AM
Please explain your positions on this. I go back and forth on this. Nice choice of words Dietrich. LOL

06-16-2011, 09:37 AM
Sources say the Weiner will pull out today.What a relief!!


Yes, but was he "in time"? I think not.

I understand Bill Clinton is on his way to Washington to clean up this mess.

06-16-2011, 09:58 AM
He had it out...and wanted in... but is forced out. We hope he's out, stays out, but don't want to see it out. I think that makes more sense????

06-16-2011, 10:03 AM
His conduct is disgusting, congress must Hold Weiner accountable.

06-16-2011, 10:08 AM
New action figure doll.

Longitude Zero
06-16-2011, 10:40 AM
If he had any human decency, which he does not, he would have resigned long ago.

06-16-2011, 10:54 AM
If he had any human decency, which he does not, he would have resigned long ago.

Perhaps this would read better as

If he had any human decency, which he does not, he would have withdrawn long ago.

I just want him out along with 97% of his colleagues. Time to clean house.

06-16-2011, 11:18 AM
I supecct what we know is just the smoke and his resignation is being tendered to stop investigations which could discover the fire. Good ridance to this pig!

06-16-2011, 11:24 AM
ig is to good of a word for him. he is sick,sick , sick, we will never know allthe stroy behind his resignation but you know iut has to be something thatr wold have vbroght him down for sure had he stubborned up like the pri-k he really is.

His followers sound like Rev. Jim Jones type people, for they all were saying , he he broke no laws, well bottom line he probabl76 did, and I guess my questions would be tothose kool-aid people. If your minister was caught doing the same thing as weiner did, would you give him a free pass, for heh, after all , he ddn't break any laws. I tyhink not. bunch of hypocrites. I never like the man in the first place..

06-16-2011, 11:26 AM

Yes, but was he "in time"? I think not.

I understand Bill Clinton is on his way to Washington to clean up this mess.

cool and to think weiner called ol Billy boy for ADVFGICE and his wife went to Hillary for ADVICE. Wow!! course they are both experienced in this crap to.:israel:

06-16-2011, 12:00 PM
As goofy as his constituents seem, do they not believe they deserve better representation than Weiner? Didn't America deserve a moral president during the Clinton years? We get what we're willing to accept and it seems society had lowered its standards to the point anyone with good communication skills can get the golden ring, and golden parachute.

06-16-2011, 12:11 PM
Personally, I wish he had stayed. I hate to see a totally ineffective Dem replaced by one who may be effective. Plus he was a constant source of embarrassment to the Democrats.

06-16-2011, 12:31 PM
The guy sexted, so does a 15 year old. There are way worse, but media exposure rules the mind. Lets put them all out with next weeks trash.

I think Weiner ranks somewhere between the kings of sleaze — Arnold Schwarzenegger, who had a long-term affair and secret child under his wife's nose with the family's housekeeper, and John Edwards, who betrayed his dying wife with his New Age mistress — and the clueless Chris Lee, the married New York congressman who resigned earlier this year after a shirtless photo revealed he'd been pretending to be a divorced lobbyist while trolling Craigslist for women.
Consider Weiner's progenitors, culled from just the last few years:
• The fellows who frequented prostitutes, such as former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer, whose rendezvous with a $1,000-an-hour call girl led to his resignation, and Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, whose "very serious sin" involving a Capitol Hill call girl ring did not.
• The guys who had sex with their buddies' wives, such as former Nevada Sen. John Ensign, who stepped down in the midst of an ethics investigation into his affair with the wife of an aide, and California's own Gavin Newsom, who was elected lieutenant governor even after admitting that as mayor of San Francisco, he had an affair with his campaign manager's wife.
• The married men involved with men, such as former New Jersey Gov. James McGreevey, who held a news conference to announce that he was gay and had an adulterous affair with a man on his staff.
• The Marks, Foley and Sanford. Former Florida Rep. Mark Foley resigned after sending sexually explicit messages to teenage boys. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford stayed in office despite an adulterous love affair with his self-described "soul mate," a woman in Argentina.
What makes Weiner's scandal so compelling is not the magnitude of his offense, which pales in comparison with some of these guys' deeds. It's the titillation factor, and attendant high drama:
The outraged denials, and tearful admissions; the crude crotch shots and trashy transcripts. And our own public penchant for voyeurism.

06-16-2011, 12:40 PM
The Weiner has been pulled....:75:

06-16-2011, 12:40 PM
15 year old is not in congress, I would certainly think they should be held to a much higher standard than a 15 year old. Would u condone your minister doing this and then still going to chruch every sunday and listening to his false rhetoric???

The sad thing is that even though that pri-k resigned, he can be relelected by his fellow constituents, who over whellming feel he should stay in office. Makes no sense but that pervert will be back. Hell we impeached clinton and nothing happened. U don'thave to break any laws to be morally ostercized, and lets face it, more than likely had he remained arrogant the investigation would have uncovered some legal violations.

I personally would like to think that I hold my parish priest and my senator and congressman to a higher value than a 15 year old. He did the right thing FINALLY, but he tried his best to lie out of it and to basically hammer the reporter who discovered it, to the point of calling him a liar etc. to me it took alot of balls to a week ago to call a bunch of reporters one at a time into his office and let them tape the interview and to hear again and again his lies and saying I can guarantee u my account was hacked. I really have a hard time with condoing a damn liar who wold have buried anyone to prove his lies were truthful.

IMO it should not matter what his consittuents want or feel, Congress has to live with it, We all have to life with it, his crediability is totally shot, he would be a ver non effective member for his district if they put him back in. Hell let him run for Mayor of NY if he feels he wants to do so much for his fellow people..

06-16-2011, 02:37 PM
what upsets you guys more, the attempt to cover it up or the acts he was trying to cover up?

Who do we hold to a higher morality? Where does the list stop if at all? Do we hold an airline pilot to a higher morality since he or she is resposible for so many lives? How about a CCW holder? Cardiac surgeons? Do you think this type of behavior is new to the political world or are we more informed about it? Are Americans too fixated on sexual matters to begin with? Finally, what is the ammo brand of choice for our Kahrs?

06-16-2011, 02:44 PM
what upsets you guys more, the attempt to cover it up or the acts he was trying to cover up?

Who do we hold to a higher morality? Where does the list stop if at all? Do we hold an airline pilot to a higher morality since he or she is resposible for so many lives? How about a CCW holder? Cardiac surgeons? Do you think this type of behavior is new to the political world or are we more informed about it? Are Americans too fixated on sexual matters to begin with? Finally, what is the ammo brand of choice for our Kahrs?

Holy moly, did you type all that in one breath? The moral standards of our nation are going down the toilet. I would hold all those you mention to a higher standard. The media thrives on making people aware of anything they think is shocking. If running the Weiner off is only an example to the rest of the low life scum sucking politicians who I'm sure all have their little shady stories then it was an accomplishment.

I dig Gold Dots in my kahrs.

06-16-2011, 02:56 PM
for me, I can hold any person I choose to a higher morality. I expect my dogs to not pee on the carpet and when they do, they get their noses rubbed in it. Weiner is a pri-ck in my eyes but trust me, I am not singling him out only but at this time of the game he has center stage. It doesn't have to be illegal TO BE wrong. If his constituents want to reelect him mayor of NY, fine, let um do it. How do we separate a person of low or no morals from a person who is doing a good job for his consitutents in his district. Can't we have good politicians who can do both.

Charlies Rangle was no better, maybe morally better but his ethics was to defraud. We seem to give some people passes for different mid deeds. I think when one takes a photo of himself grabbing his crotch or standing stark naked and sends it on the internet to who ever, that person has a serious mental problem... Is he sorry for what he done,yup HE GOT CAUGHT that is the difference. Yup lie, lie lie until u can't lie anymore than finally mea culpa yourself and tell us all how truoly sorry u are and things will now be OK...B. S.

My PM9 loves gold dots and any corbon round.

06-16-2011, 03:00 PM
The Weiner has been pulled....:75:

will never eat a ball park frank , again..

06-16-2011, 03:01 PM
Or the little porkys you cook in barbecue sauce.

06-16-2011, 03:44 PM
Everyone lost on this-- the people he served to the government and his family. Now the taxpayers have to pay for a special election. What will that cost? No happy ending all the way around.

BTW he is in rehab. Rehab for what? Being an idiot? Didnt know we have those type of facilities out there.

I'll check the price on gold dots in .40 cal

06-16-2011, 03:49 PM
will never eat a ball park frank , again..

I remember when Mia Farrow married Frank Sinatra who was old enough to be her dad.There was a joke...let me see if I can remember it.Oh yeah,here it is.

Did you hear that Mia Farrow got Ptomaine poisoning?
She got it from eating a fifty year old frank.

06-16-2011, 03:50 PM
Gold Dots work great in 40. All I run in my K40. If your close by I'll give ya some. Hardly carry it anymore.

06-16-2011, 03:56 PM
Everyone lost on this-- the people he served to the government and his family. Now the taxpayers have to pay for a special election. What will that cost? No happy ending all the way around.

BTW he is in rehab. Rehab for what? Being an idiot? Didnt know we have those type of facilities out there.

I'll check the price on gold dots in .40 cal
Yup, and tax payers are paying for the rehab too I'll bet.

06-16-2011, 03:59 PM
Plus he'll no doubt still receive his full pay retirement for life. I try not to think about this stuff too much, too depressing.

06-16-2011, 04:10 PM
:86:Good thing the Dems were able to get Weiner to pull out....it could of got real sticky for all that are close to him.....well at least he had the right name for the situation he was IN....TYPICAL LOSER that was only in it for himself and not the voters he represented. Now if we could get a few more of them Yanked out of office our country might start recovering.

06-16-2011, 04:10 PM
He's now considering a run for president in 2012 with Attorney General Eric
Holder.......The Weiner Holder ticket.

06-16-2011, 04:12 PM
He's now considering a run for president in 2012 with Attorney General Eric
Holder.......The Weiner Holder ticket.

They will spring ahead of their rivals.....:eek:

06-16-2011, 04:20 PM
I'm rather particular about my wieners and am happy that this one is out. He gets no points from me for cheating on his wife even if she is a Muslim!

My PM9 likes 124 gr. Hornady Tap.

06-16-2011, 04:24 PM
Everyone lost on this-- the people he served to the government and his family. Now the taxpayers have to pay for a special election. What will that cost? No happy ending all the way around.

BTW he is in rehab. Rehab for what? Being an idiot? Didnt know we have those type of facilities out there.

I'll check the price on gold dots in .40 cal

ur right and more than likely he willget a nice retirement benefit out of this. Rahba, my fokking ass.:boink:

06-16-2011, 04:31 PM
I'm rather particular about my wieners and am happy that this one is out. He gets no points from me for cheating on his wife even if she is a Muslim!

My PM9 likes 124 gr. Hornady Tap.

She`s a muslim? Oh this just keeps getting more and more outrageous.

06-16-2011, 04:39 PM
Just saw that he is today, after less than a year of "service."

And he gets a $54K per year pension when he hits age of 62.


06-16-2011, 06:26 PM
About Time! Good! Just a Perv that got caught. Liberals Front Man, loud mouth mean spirited SCHMUCK! ...one of Dems Attack dogs goes down! cry me a river....

06-16-2011, 06:43 PM
15 year old is not in congress, I would certainly think they should be held to a much higher standard than a 15 year old. Would u condone your minister doing this and then still going to chruch every sunday and listening to his false rhetoric???

I'm not excusing him, just saying there are worse moral crimes committed by politicians (and ministers, priests) than sexting. IMO Sending pictures, text, then lying about it is one thing. Carrying out the act, adultery, prostitutes, having children behind your beloved's back is worse. I want him gone and I still say they all deserve the boot.

06-16-2011, 08:14 PM
I hold people in positions of influence and authority to a much higher standard than the rest of us schleps. Bill Clinton was the perfect example of an utterly immoral, evil pervert who used his high position and influence to take advantage of an impressionable kid who was barely legal. I can hardly imagine more reprehensible behavior from a public official.

06-16-2011, 08:16 PM
I do not hold people to extreme high standards in all aspects of their lives. People have faults and weaknesses and as one becomes more powerful and influencial, these imperfections can be magnified. His pictures and texting were stupid and I almost let that be. IOW let the people he represents and the process work it out. However, when he lied about it to everyone and blamed others of wrong doing, THAT was more serious to me than the actual stuff he did. I think the American people are a very forgiving and fair folk. When he bold faced lied to us, all bets are off and good luck. I hope many families use this to spur a dinner conversation about honesty is the best policy and if you know you did something wrong, it is better to fess up than to try to cover up.

Always thought my favorite Magtech ammo was USA made. I was educated today after giving my family grief about buying me Lellier and Bellot instead.