View Full Version : Baseplate adapters

06-16-2011, 02:22 PM
While following Joe L's thread on modifying his mags to drop free on his PM9 and noting the .40 baseplate modifications he made, I took a look at the Pierce Grips website and found this item (with a pinky-rest) for Kahr 9s and the .380:


I had not known of this product and thought others may have missed it as well.

06-16-2011, 02:35 PM
Very cool thanks for posting, I may have to get me a few for my k40

06-16-2011, 02:39 PM
If that one on top is a MK9 I'll kiss a pig on the court house steps and give you 30 minutes to draw a crowd. Looks like a Colt Defender to me.

Some have taken that plate and modified it, removed material and come up with a nice mod. Don't recall who it was at the moment.

To me the downfall is that while those are comfy and give you more grip they do add bulk and size which may or may not matter depending on how you carry it.

06-16-2011, 02:40 PM
If you click on the hot link, you'll see that the baseplate fits the Colt as well......and I e-mailed Pierce to ask if they'd make ones without the pinky-rest. We'll see...

06-16-2011, 02:47 PM
If you click on the hot link, you'll see that the baseplate fits the Colt as well......and I e-mailed Pierce to ask if they'd make ones without the pinky-rest. We'll see...

So I was right!:eek: It really is a Colt. Dang this don't happen to me very often. I'm feeling slightly faint. Pretty cool that it will fit both.
I think I'll go lay down now.

Joe L
06-17-2011, 06:07 AM
CPO15--Those look like a good piece and will work fine for a lot of people. I decided to try the flat but thicker than stock plastic base plate just because I wanted to minimize the increase in length for carry and make the gun feel the same with both the carry and secondary magazines. At the time I was thinking pocket holster so the longer ones weren't an option. But, if the longer extensions aren't a problem for carry, this is a good way to go. At least we have options, which is good.

06-17-2011, 11:59 AM
[QUOTE][To me the downfall is that while those are comfy and give you more grip they do add bulk and size which may or may not matter depending on how you carry it./QUOTE]
I agree. As a matter of routine, I have the PM40 6 round extended mags for holster carry and for IDPA; and the 5 round flush mag for IWB or pocket carry obviously because of smaller size. The Pierce extensions shown in this thread are the same mag grip extension that is on my wife's S&W Bodyguard380. The Bodyguard380 only comes with one mag but with 2 baseplates: a flush baseplate and the extended baseplate (looks like a Pierce). My wife likes the extended baseplate because it is comfy in the hand. It's a very nice grip extension, but when I carry it, it does stick out in a "sharp pointed" fashion and seems to display a bit more than my PM40 flush plate....depending what I am wearing. I feel it's more concealed with the PM40 than the Bodyguard, just because of the baseplate differences. I can see what Bawanna is saying and agree. To add, alot depends on the looseness of the garments. I often wear a tighter shirt outside the pant and when carry IWB, an extended baseplate does tend to show more. Nice to shoot with though. Some guys routinely conceal carry 1911's without a problem...making so much of this carry stuff is an individual thing. From person to person, there seems to be a difference how comfortable the gun feels when concealed. You know what I mean? Options and diversity is good. Anyways...Bla Bla Bla...haha.

06-17-2011, 12:22 PM
Yes, I have tried the pearce grips on the PM9's 6 rd mag and did not like them at all. They are too long for pocket carry, and I got blisters.

I went with a Kahr base plate extension which is the "happy median" of grip extensions...not too long or too short...just right. You can see it up close in my video here. The mags are shown towards the last half of the video. It's on the 6rd mag.


11-22-2011, 08:14 PM
I also don't care for the Pearce extensions for carry. As you can see below the extension protrudes pretty far from the mag well.


Here you can see how the extension extends even beyond my pocket holster.


One thing I don't like is that the extensions slip on and off too easily, they do not click in place. Here you can see how the button does not even hold the extension in place. I've actually accidentally popped the extension off.


Below is how I carry. My spare mag in weak side pocket does have the extension in the event I need a reload. This also allows me to use the extended version at the range.


In the end I like them but definitely would not use them for carry.