View Full Version : Thanks GB6491 - PM9 feed issue fixed

06-18-2011, 08:43 PM
Hi all,

Been lurking for awhile, just searching the archives to learn stuff before I start asking questions.

I got a new PM9 about a month ago to put on my CCW, but was kinda disappointed when it would not feed consistently during break-in. I would get the dreaded nosedive about once every 3rd magazine on both the 6-round and 7-round mags.

After reading through the archives, I sent a pm to GB6491 and asked about sanding down the mag followers. He was super helpful and responded right away. I followed the advice and took the PM9 back to the range today. I'm soooooo happy to report that I went through 300 rounds, alternating between the 6-rounder and 7-rounder.

6-rounder - ZERO malfunctions, zero ziltch nada
7-rounder - TWO failures to feed, aka: nosedives...but still better than before.

From what I've read, the 7-rounders aren't all that reliable to begin with, so I'll try sanding it down some more, but probably just carry the 6-rounder and purchase a new 6-rounder (which I'll field test as well).

Anyway, I am so relieved that the PM9 is reliable now.
Thanks all!!!!!

And now, the obligatory porn:

06-19-2011, 01:06 AM
Oh good, I'm not the only one who thinks GB6491 is an incredible asset to the members of this forum and a pretty cool dude.

06-19-2011, 05:13 AM
yes indeed he is an amazing person and so so great with a camera to. I really think most of the nose dives are directly related to the follower getting caught in the mag release button. We can't help a person if we don't read of their issues but i HAVE DROPPED MANY A pm ABOUT THESE ISSUES THERE HAVING AND SEND THEM TO gb STICKY AND ALL AND i MEAN ALL HAVE REPORTED BACK TO ME THAT IT TOOK CARE OF IT...

06-20-2011, 02:19 PM
Gee, thanks for accolades fellas:) I'm sure there are others on here that deserve them more, but the sentiment is greatly appreciated. I'm happy to have helped out some.

06-20-2011, 05:07 PM
Follow Jocko-wan-Kenobee's narrative and It'll fix the mag catch problem every time !!!!!

From Jocko

"take the magazine and load it and then slowly pop each round out by hand until you see that follower come into view with that slot in the magazine. If u have a little scribe, or pin head, just outline that follower.

MNow take the floor plate off themagazine and pull the spring and follower out. look at ur mark u made, now with a fine file or some mdeium gri sand paper just file/sand down in that scrobed area and retest in thegun until it slides past that magazine button.

a good way to put thatmmag spring in to kso it doesn'tburtr anyone is to push it in the magaze as far as u can by hand and then in that last hole jusrt slide a nail througfh it and it will keep that spring in without any tension, then what is hanging out, just gentley push it in and put the floor plate back on.

ONow to seeif u sanded enought off, with the floor plate off the maazine and no spring in there either, after sanding/filing, just drop the follower in the magazine well that is now in thegun and see if it just slides right past that button, If so you have went far enoough. Why they do this is odd and smetimes like yhours it shows up after rounds are shot therogh the gun. I attribute that to maybe the mag catch now wearing in some from being so new and it is hitting that follower. I wold not mess with filing the mag catch but only the follower. U can't realy hurt anything by messing with the follower for the worstu can do is ruin the follower and u just buy another one, the best u can do is fix this little issue yourseof.

good luck, take ur time."