View Full Version : Ever tired a Heavier Recoil Spring in CW9?

12-17-2009, 07:33 PM
I put a heavier recoil spring in my G23 so the thought came to mind for my cw9. Could not find one but ran across a blog post on G&A where a guy bought a Wolff 23 pounder for a k9 and put it in his CW9 without a hitch.

Anyone ever tired this?

Here's his post:

Kahr CW9 23 lb. Spring Range Report | Guns & Ammo Forums (http://forums.gunsandammomag.com/forum/general-shooting-information/kahr-cw9-23-lb-spring-range-report)


12-17-2009, 08:44 PM
RiskPro, I don't know why you would want to tinker with something that's tested and works, but if you test it and you're satisfied with it... willing to bet your life on it, go for it.
I wonder if someone like Cartman got a hold of the Para P12 I had. I was at a gun show... before Kahr had all these neat compact guns... looking for a compact .45 to carry while walking my moose-sized min-pin at night. My S&W 645 is way too big and heavy, even with a belt on my shorts (Florida) -- 43 ounces or so, loaded. I have a night-sighted K9 and wanted something with more capacity and bigger bullets. The only thing that I could find was a used Black Para Ordnance P-12 with night sights. So I bought that. It was a much easier carry and I really liked the 12+1 capacity. I stopped carrying a spare magazine because if I needed more ammo, I must be in a war. I did buy Wolff springs for the magazines -- stout -- I thought the factory baseplates were going to blow. They did tend to back off some. Anyhow, that thing had the stiffest recoil spring and it was a real chore to pull the slide back... really! I definitely carried that cocked and locked! That was one reason that I got rid of it after my dog departed this world. That and I needed a new stereo with more HDMI ports -- really into HDTV.
I had considered getting a lighter spring, but didn't want to screw it up. It sure was a bear to rack and to clean. I couldn't begin to guess what the spring weight might have been, but I feel like it wasn't stock. My 645 is real easy to rack. I had to hold the P-12 with my weak hand to rack the slide with my strong hand... and it was still hard!
From Cartman's range report it seemed like it worked for him... getting back to your question. So you can test it and see if it suits you.:53:

12-17-2009, 09:25 PM
I guess it's a sickness that I always take everything apart and have to mod-it in some for or fashion.

But you're right about the implications and potential for setting myself up for disaster. I know the heavier Glock spring has been tried and tested but not sure about the Kahr. I may just order the spring and give a range report on it.

BTW, I have a Para 7.45 LDA that I sold last year....why....why...did I do that? :crazy: It was a safe queen but, I miss it. However, one reason I like the cw9 is because it is narrow as well. Nonetheless, I wld like another 7.45 or the LDA Carry 9.

12-17-2009, 09:41 PM
Well, it won't hurt to do that. You may find that you like it. I love the .45ACP, and the K9 and the P12 were departures from my preferred DA/SA stainless autos. I don't like rust and I did go over the side of my ex21-ft boat while tinkering with the depth finder transducer -- pops out of detent in rough water. I thought that I had a toe-hold on the outboard, but next thing I knew, I was head first into the saltwater over near St. Augustine. My wife was at the helm, engine off, thank goodness. She didn't even know that I had fallen overboard. I got out of the water so fast that my wallet wasn't completely soaked, but my van's remote and my TPH were. I took them both apart and spread out the contents of my wallet. Nothing was hurt and the remote even kept working! Stainless is nice down here, but you still have to take care of it.
Sweat is a problem for me, too. I mink-oiled the back of that Minituck, hoping that will help.
Well, my wife just got off and After her unwind-wine, we'll watch a little recorded TV before calling it a night. Nice talking with you. Take care.

12-18-2009, 04:19 AM
Anyone ever tired this?

Kahr tried it. The original K9 came with a heavier spring and was +P+ approved. There is now a lighter standard spring and only +P is approved. The once offered "Lady Kahr" has an even lighter spring, but was not +P approved (I think that's correct).

If I were going to shoot a steady diet of +P, I'd upgrade the spring.