View Full Version : Need photo of P40 Barrel

06-23-2011, 10:18 PM
I have a P40 that I think has a barrel problem. It is jamming when simply trying to manually rack to unload a magazine. The bullet of the round gets jammed against an apparent divet on the barrel and the casing is jammed against the slide. It is then very difficult to release the round and free it up.
I have made up a webpage to try to find a solution to my problems and it has a picture of the barrel.
I would appreciate someone else who has a P40 taking the time to look at the images I put up on the webpage and compare them with their P40 barrel.
It looks like a divet on the upper part of the barrel. I'm not sure of the actual name of the barrel part but appears to be an ejection guide of some sort.

Please go to http://michaelsspot.com/kahrp40problems.html and take a look at the photo of the barrel.. Click on it to enlarge it and then click on it again to enlarge it even more.

Any help I can get is very much appreciated.

06-23-2011, 10:59 PM
I just checked my barrel and it is exactly like yours. The gun is filthy so I did not take a pic. Exactly

06-23-2011, 11:04 PM
the metal piece on the mag probably fell out when it broke. Do you have this problem with both mags with the first round?

There is a great thread out here that i think addresses your problem. It requires filing a flat on the bottom of the breach face. The rnd is getting tipped up because the bottom of the case is not clearing the bottom edge of the breach face, then the slide comes forward and wedges the rnd as you described.

Read this and see if it helps you at all. I dont think it is your barrel.

Are you slingshotting the first round? Dont mean to offend you with this question.

06-24-2011, 12:54 PM
Welcome to the forums.:)

I believe the difficulty you sometimes have when manually ejecting rounds is because the bullet has been forced into the barrel's rifling. Do you have this issue with all type of ammunition? If not, I'd be willing to bet that the ammo that ejects without issue has a shorter overall length or more sharply angled bullet shape.

In regards to the broken followers: give the following link a read, with special consideration to posts made by Carver 60.


06-24-2011, 07:32 PM
Forget what I said, I am dangerous. Think of my reply as a bump. Greg knows his sheet