View Full Version : Guys What is your take on the climate change deal situation

12-18-2009, 07:30 AM
I admire this guy for taking matters in to his one hands and wasting no time. Just wanted to find out general opinion :) what do you guys think.Copenhagen, Denmark - Delegates at the U.N. Climate Change Conference are "running short on time" to reach agreement on a deal, U.S. President Barack Obama told them Friday."There is no time to waste," he said. "Now I believe it's the time for the nations and the people of the world to come behind a common purpose. We are ready to get this done today, but there has to be movement on all sides."

12-18-2009, 08:01 AM
Did we & the allies not liberate Denmark et al from the Germans?

I think the leaders at this summit should gather in a large circle, hold hands, and sing kumbaya.

12-18-2009, 10:20 AM
Whatever Obama and the Europeans come up with,you can bet it will be mostly at our expense.Billions,trillions he don`t care,just kiss their behinds and hand over the cash.That`s all he wants to do.

12-18-2009, 10:27 AM
While the nation suffers from the financial melt down, recession, trade deficits, IOU, history unemployment; a handful of people decided to send our hard earn tax money to the hands of the corrupted people in the 3rd world.

Crooks received bailed out money, bigger crooks like the "crook of the year" can "lawfully" refuse to disclose where OUR money went to ...

I thought I'm reading a novel called "Tyranny by minority in Capital Hill".... what have been happening in the past few years is pure fvcking rediculous. Even more ridiculous to see someone who has NEVER workes before preaching a group of CEOs... although many of them are no better than other crooks in the streets ... amazing to see them on their knees in front of someone who has ZIPPO workig experience.

12-18-2009, 11:42 AM
Ever since the fall of the USSR, the environmental movement has been hijacked by the Communists and socialists and other anti-capitalists, who no longer had a home. The term global warming was changed to climate change when it became obvious that the earth had not warmed since 1998. The whole movement is a fraud. Look at the flags being waved by the protesters - hammer & sickle, Che Guevara, etc. In my opinion, Obama is a socialist and a Marxist, and fits right in with the rest of the crowd.

12-18-2009, 12:53 PM
+1 on that O'Dell...Another phony stuffed suit is Al Gore!!! He has made millions of dollars off of the Global Warming myth which he invented along with the internet......(yea right) He flys his private jet all over the world so he can put his big fat carbon footprint anywhere a group of nitwits gather to listen to his crap......This whole thing is nothing but a way washington and big government can gain more control over the citizens and free enterprise...They want to be able to say what cars we can buy, what products industry can make and what we are allowed to buy and then TAX TAX TAX everything they can think of!!!! Dont think for a second that guns and ammo isn't on their agenda too, they are going to say its a source of air and water pollution by allowing lead contamination into the enviornment and may cause cancer or what ever else they can dream up!!! I think what people really need to be concerned with is the REAL global warming thats going to kill us all, Nukes in the wrong hands!!! Its not a question of if but when that little pigmy nut case in N Korea, or the Bogwon towelhead in Iran or Pakastan or whatever 4th world leader you want to mention does something really stupid and kicks off the whole shebang and once it starts it won't end.......KABOOM!!!!! Can you say oh s#*t.... Just one lone man's humble opinion....Have a nice day:)

12-18-2009, 01:29 PM
Getsome, you pretty much nailed it! I think that the gun and ammo shortage are kinda linked to all of that, too. Invest in gold... ? How about guns, ammo, food, and a shelter to defend from the have-nots or didn't-plan-ahead crowd that wants to share your stuff? I had a little rant yesterday on the Right To keep and bear arms thread, post, or whatever. I'm not a survivalist or a conspiracy theorist, but all three branches of our government are WAY LEFT of center (the Judicial is almost there) and they are doing their best to destroy capitalism and re-create our government using Marxist principles. SOME people knew that before the last election, but there were a lot of people looking for change.
Well, if things go as planned by prezbo and cohorts, we'll have change that they never thought of. Wait until you have to stand in line all day for EACH item you need, IF there is any. Too many people don't remember what the Iron Curtain was and how dismal life was in the Soviet controlled states.
I grew up with that and pulled ground alert with nuclear-loaded B-52s ready to avenge any attacks on our nation. In November 1985, my wife-to-be and I (both in uniform) went to West Berlin through East Germany in my own car and drove and walked around in East Berlin, just wondering what those poor people were thinking. The "environmental movement" is just one of the ploys being used by Marxists and Socialists to undermine our nation, after the Communist Party fell out of favor in the late 50's and early 60's. A lot of those big "Peace Movement" protests and such are sponsored by what's left of the old Communist Party, and is directly traceable to them. The "useful idiots" who throng to activities like this are simpletons being used to weaken our country. Now we have a group in control of our government with the same agenda. Woe is us. It doesn't seem like it's going to get any better and we can only hope that enough politicians wake up to the danger and don't invite the UN to become our world government. IMHO.:eek:

12-18-2009, 01:58 PM
While the nation suffers from the financial melt down, recession, trade deficits, IOU, history unemployment; a handful of people decided to send our hard earn tax money to the hands of the corrupted people in the 3rd world.

Crooks received bailed out money, bigger crooks like the "crook of the year" can "lawfully" refuse to disclose where OUR money went to ...

I thought I'm reading a novel called "Tyranny by minority in Capital Hill".... what have been happening in the past few years is pure fvcking rediculous. Even more ridiculous to see someone who has NEVER workes before preaching a group of CEOs... although many of them are no better than other crooks in the streets ... amazing to see them on their knees in front of someone who has ZIPPO workig experience.

Your comment reminds me of something I read last month, I'm going to paraphrase, but it seems a group of Obama representatives were visiting the engineering dept. of GM, demanding the type of vehicles that the administration wanted built. They specified a LNG and an electric car with a certain ranges. The engineers told them that the LNG tank or the batteries would be larger than the car to get that range. They said it violated physical laws. One of the Obama people said "Who passed those stupid laws. We control congress and we'll get the laws repealed".

I don't know if it really happened, but it wouldn't surprise me. These are the same people who want to manage our health care.

Other than the military, I can only name one time in my lifetime where the government did a decent job. That was the "The Dwight David Eisenhower Interstate Highway System".

12-20-2009, 04:07 PM
It all a bunch of bull.

12-20-2009, 05:08 PM
Here's a search for a guy you could really listen to -- Lord Monckton -- lord moncton - Google Search (http://www.google.com/search?q=lord+moncton&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) I would love to watch this guy debate that pompous gas bag Al Gore, who has made tens and (I hear hundreds) of millions of dollars AND a Nobel Peace Prize (Gee, those really mean a lot these days) with his "The sky is falling" hysteria. His big "documentary" supposedly used Hollywood created scenes of icebergs calving off glaciers, etc. He had one science class somewhat related to climate in his entire educational background. From that tiny seed sprang this mighty know-it-all expert!!
Monckton said that if ALL human pollution were stopped... that's ALL... well, except for breathing out noxious CO2 and methane products from all animal posteriors, it would take about 40 years for the temperature to drop ONE degree... because MAN is only responsible for about 3% of ALL of the greenhouse gases. Most of the heat rise is from the SUN's heat which keeps a lot of WATER VAPOR in the atmosphere and that's the major cause of this "global warming"!! What chance do you think there is of stopping all of mankind from some kind of pollution, other than bodily emissions??!:confused:
If we unilaterally try to stop our bit of pollution, it will be like the little Dutch boy with his finger in a leak in the Hoover Dam. We'll destroy our way of life and whatever was going on will continue to do so without us!
There I went again!:p
I get so easily distracting and just go on... and on.:banplease:
I've been doing this all day. I haven't done much else...:D
I want my P380 to get here and give me something else to do!! Fall ends at 12:45 PM EST tomorrow! :33:

12-20-2009, 05:38 PM
Global Warming is BULL***t plain and simple